Nitti's picture
  • 1.2k

+ 2 How many fighters do we have around here?


I know from living that lifestyle for so long that a lot of fighters in MMA and Boxing are looking to AAS for that extra edge in their training. The benefits of muscle recovery are too tempting to pass up for the serious fighters! Who of you are fighters and what do you run? If you're licensed how do you cycle during training without being detected? I know that in my state they don't test randomly. You get it before and after your fight. I was never medically cleared to be licensed so I had an easier time, but I'm interested in your stories or takes on it.

enricooo's picture

Just boxing and raning. only use peptides

BlindMan's picture

Boxing and running is my life))

whits's picture

I fought Pro Thai and kick boxing for 10yrs but wasn't on anything then, Then started whilst fighting at NSAC level MMA I found it helped massively whilst on the ground but certainly felt tighter and gassed quicker on the feet if I was doing sudden bursts, it made me more 1 paced but I was fighting in a higher weight class than when I fought Thai.

Zydex Pharma's picture

Been training for a 2years plus. just MMA in general. I do find the RECOVERY process is much better when im on cycle. especially when doing proper stretching before and after words. i can say it has changed my work rate from 10 to 20 !!!

cthangorilla's picture

I've done a bit of amateur wrestling and judo. Never any professional fights but have wrestled with a state champ wrestler. I do pro wrestling however.

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sic26's picture

I know while ago you said doing more weights are u doing deads and if so do they slow down foot work or make u get cramps

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clancy wiggum's picture

i t is depend which league do you play ,i ve never had to pass the test

sic26's picture

Head that from a guy other day he did nit admit he was on but he was talking out loud saying that u font know what these guy are taking mind u he was big built not saying he was on but ??

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jsoc_rock's picture

Oriental martial arts Aikido, Tai Chi since I was young, recently MMA for 8 years training only. I may fight when health gets better. With the private military training I've had done a lot of hand to hand combat as well. Started Meet Kune Do last month with a friend and love it!

MonkeyDoinSpORTS's picture

i do thaiboxing, bjj gi, no gi, wrestling, mma. i do 2 classes a day and run 3 times a day plus 4 times a week weight lifting. im on amino, whey and creatin. im lookin forward to do a test e only cycle what r your guys thinkin about!

is it a good choice ?
and what can i expect ?

im just semi pro and never been tested.

Heavyweight's picture

Boxing. Just turned Semi-Pro :-)
Im into my peptides rather than roids, but do like the odd bit of Halo

kyle73's picture

I've been doing martial arts on and off for twenty years. 4 years of Kung fu, 4 years of Jiu Jitsu, and 4 years of mma. Im currently training in kick boxing, boxing, and submission wrestling 2-3 x a week. It's great for core strength and cardio. Wrestling and kick boxing are both good for cardio. I kick box better at 195. I wrestle well at 230. I am trying to split the difference and get to 210. I'm at 222 right know. I love the feeling of being able to wrestle and kick box for 3 or more 5 minute rounds without gassing out. I hate the feeling I get when I go back to mma after a lay off and get owned because I think my weight training and running/biking routine kept me in fighting shape. This has happened to me more then once. Talk about rude awakening.

UgtaBkdNme's picture

I squished a spider once big fucker too. I used a boot though so it probably doesn't count...

Nitti's picture

You enjoy pests? Like the disgusting bugs that invade our homes? Especially in the summer. The flies, gnats , roaches or whatever other crazy bugs you have in your region. Spiders are our natural defense against these pests. They are excellent to keep around. I am by no means a dirt ball but I don't mind a small spider web in a window sill. I leave them alone and let them do their thing. Assassinate the critters I hate. You killed a spider yo,.... You're upsetting the natural order of things. Destroying the Eco system. You hate nature. Omg want to kill Mother Nature. Tisk tisk

UgtaBkdNme's picture

You must have missed the "big fucker" part. He would have killed me in my sleep I could see it in his eyes. Smile

Rubin Carter's picture

Thai and Kickboxing fighter here.

In my country no testing is done, it's just too expensive.

I am over 30 and I only run HGH and some Test ocasionally.

Have also tried Halotestin and Anavar.

darthmadara's picture

so, has anybody answered the question that you pose??? If you're licensed how do you cycle during training without being detected?

HydeMind's picture

I just started training MMA, greco-wrestling and boxing. I'm finishing a tren and test cycle right now so I've been running out of air in training. But I love it. I've been hitting two classes a day.

Rubin Carter's picture

I can't even imagine what it would be like to have a fight or even train while on tren...

Grasping for air...djizus...

ch4el5onnen's picture

Avid mma fighter and BJJ practitioner. Almost 8 years now. Been on eroids for a couple years but I just usually lay low. It's good to see a lot more fighters on here than when I first joined. I've ran a lot of cycles and researched hours. I'm in the medical field as well. Probably the most important lesson I have learned in regards to aas and competition is steroids will not make you better, a champion, or give you super powers. If ran wrong it will actually hurt your performance more than help it. It's good for a lot of things if used right. The icing on the cake so to speak. It's good to see a forum for fighters. Our gear has to be ran a little different than bodybuilding. Take care guys and happy trainings my friends!

sic26's picture

You sound like a animal bro lol where can I get some gum drops lol

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sic26's picture

Well I'm not rich lol but I can stash some bread for a rainy DAT lol but I would just use at certain times plus I read its hard on like liver so i would be mindful think you could not pm me some info on SRC and any other info think i need would really appreciate it bro

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sic26's picture


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sic26's picture


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sic26's picture

To be honest I'm just finding out u were a fighter from from eroid brother I had no idea now I found this post I'm training myself cause I'm a broke ass lol can't afford classes but it has not stop me just couple years ago at my long lost father's job in Manhattan lol bumped in to a guy that told me to keep training do give up on my dream cause my father who is a fucking hater always says when ever I see u are getting older not younger u sure u want to do this why didn't u start already I always tell him something I have responsibility I love my son love my fuckin family I'm not gonna just bounce and not be there. Point is I have a lot of passion anger motivation all wrapped in to one i hate him but maybe he is my motivation do to fight in if there is a chance that I fail I will open a buissness for nutritional products exercise etc whatever bcuz I live it I light up talking bout it get hard no homo everything I'm going to win no matter what. Nitti sorry for ranting on your post an sometimes I type to fast an leave out words but I felt like pouring my heart out

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Jonny Jitsu's picture

I'm with ya bro. Mostly bjj with a few years of Muay Thai. Never had an MMA fight but I've competed at naga a couple times.

Nitti's picture

By "fighter" I meant as a sport. An athlete. Lol. But I hear ya!

raul_123's picture

I have travelled to Thailand to train in Bangkok for 3 years back in 2007 met a well known kickboxer Anuwat Kaewsamrit who trained along side me, i have trained Karate since the age of 7 then moved to Thai / authentic westernised kickboxing for the rest of my life since
I am now leaning in towards MMA and currently living in Manchester, UK
.... Unfortunately never had the chance to have a pro fight

Nitti's picture

Awesome! Welcome. We are the minority here. I need you guys to be more active in the forum and show the diversity of aas users. This site is full of bodybuilders who forget this isn't a bodybuilding site.

sic26's picture

Glad u said that do mind giving me some AAs u used to give u edge in pm if ur not busy

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TheSlapYouNeed's picture

Well there are several very good gyms in Manchester who can help you - very good strong grappling and wrestling styles there....which you'll definitely need if you've been exclusively training Thai.

themantisboxer's picture

I'm a national champion full-contact fighter. Haven't used gear yet, but my first cycle is on the way. Basic starter of just D-bol and nolvadex for a 7 wk cycle. I fight in full-contact Shaolin Kung Fu tournaments nationally and internationally. Also train in MMA, but haven't had any cage fights yet. None of the places I've been to had any type of testing so far, although I don't plan to gear up any time before a fight.

Nitti's picture

The mantis boxer! Nice! Welcome aboard

tatsumaki's picture

I'm a kickboxer and karate fighter also, we're not being tested in here but I'm not a pro anyways.
Only big tournaments with big prizes have testing involved

banner123's picture

what AAs would actually help you in the mma world with conditioning and not hurt your cardio ?

Nitti's picture

Depends on what you use. Increased rbc = increase in o2! You do the math

sic26's picture

Well I can count money buy hate math class do you mine still giving me some tips please sensei lol in pm would be appreciated

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banner123's picture

and whats going on with the pictures its not letting me uploiad anything