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LIttle Brother and AAS


Geez.. If life couldn't get more crazy.. I stop off at my parents house last night and my mom mentions to me that my little 15 year old (5'6" 100lbs.) brother has been talking about steroids. Holy Hell!! I asked him what all this talk of steroids is about (he is a little smart ass) he says, I just wanna get fat. I literally laughed out loud. I knew he was giving me shit... little F*%^@# I didn't have time to talk with him about it last night... but I can't wait to have this talk with him. Smile

I will keep you all posted.. In the mean time.. what would you suggest to help him bulk up naturally?

He knows better than to do somethig I tell him not to. He looks up to me like I am him mom.

Did any of you have trouble at this age.. wanting to be bigger because you were the smallest one out of all your friends? What did you do? What advice would you give the younger you?

malikiie's picture

personally i think fear works ALMOST as good as pain for motivating youth in the right direction.

show him this video that will do the trick

also i can relate i did all i could to fix it naturally i recommend wrestling at the high school
level the training still seems to be pretty harsh i still have stretch marks on my legs from all the
leg work we would do. i did that for 2 years and only managed to place 4th in regions but it bulked
me up enough and gave me the stamina to actually do well in other sports hockey football ect

think when i was 15 i was 120 and 5'6 after wrestling i was around 135-140 and that is with all the
cutting ect so lean gains and less fat

now that i think back to it i worked so hard for that 20 pounds of mass i almost want to say it was not worth it but still AAS at that age and i would have been pretty messed up now if i could turn back time the only thing i would do differently would be to spend my money on HGH instead of driving girls around like a taxi and spending money on girls then i could be a 7 foot tall giant ahh if only

Coconut's picture

Something is not right about that video but I can't put my finger on it

malikiie's picture

ahhh tren

Greg's picture

"Did any of you have trouble at this age.. wanting to be bigger because you were the smallest one out of all your friends? What did you do?"

I went to the back of my comic books and ordered that book from Charles Atlas!

Nitti's picture

Did anyone have trouble at this age..wanting to get bigger because you were the smallest one of all your friends?

YES! But I used what I had to feel better about myself. Being so lean and with freakishly long limbs - I focused all my energy into sports. Primarily boxing. I loved it so much and got really good ,really fast that I didn't give a shit about being big anymore. I had all the confidence in the world after that. My friends that towered over me and were twice my size all looked up to me and came to me for help when they had drama. It felt good. But the real problem here is confidence. Not being big. Truth is it will be a terrible uphill battle for him. It was for me. It's so hard to put on any weight at all let alone muscle with that frame and genetics. Once he hits his peak, he will grow. But for now, he needs to build confidence. We are all good at something. He has to find somethin he loves and coils excel at! It will make him feel better than all the Muscle in the world could. Maybe mma or boxing? But he's got you as a big sister. I think he's gonna be fine. He's a good lookin kid too. Looks like you. ;-)

crayon's picture

I recommend him getting bloods maybe theres something wrong with his test that hes that small at that age. I was in the exact same shoes, turned out my test was at the floor bottom so had test injections by doctor.

dandog's picture

Very small people?? :( I'm 5'6 :(

dandog's picture

Smile was just joshing ya Smile I think just speaking to him will be enough. PLUS, get him enrolled in some martial arts. Some of the best MMA fighters out there are lean and mean wrecking machines.

dandog's picture

So you're about my age, I'm 18 ;)

crayon's picture

Its always the smaller guy who aspires to be the biggest because you know what its like to be at the bottom of that pit, so you try and run away from it and aspire to get huge! Thats my experience anyway, and from what iv seen. Especially at this age its very easy to get tempted, just watch him and kick his ass if it looks suspicious like hes using Smile

Engineereddisaster's picture

I just sent him a pack of Dbol. Hope that helps. Smile

Nitti's picture

Good shit! I could use em! Thanks bro

j223's picture


dandog's picture


Darktide's picture

I ran into this all the tome with young men in the Navy trying to put on more muscle. Of course they were not 15 but the psychological aspects are all the same. Tread obviously has you covered as far as all things training and nutrition as I am sure Nitti does as well.

I am sure he probably looks up to Nitti. Fighter muscles etc, so he interprets if he can get the outside to where he wants it the inside confidence will come as well. That is always the main motivation is greater confidence to project strength and not weakness.

So my .02 would be that Nitti takes your brother under his wing then he will have a focal point and guide other than the obsession to do things the quick and possibly unsafe way. It is always good seeing siblings care so much for each other!

Nitti's picture

Gospel! He lays it down like paint

swole47's picture

If it helps you could tell him doing AAS will stunt his growth (cartilage between long bones will turn into bone due to higher estrogen levels).

If he wants to bulk the most important thing is that he counts his calories. Every single one. If he's getting 5-6000 calories per day he will gain weight. I would say at his age it doesn't really even matter how he does it. I know when I was that age I was hardly more than 100 pounds, and I wrestled and played football, and I had the metabolism of a cheetah. Whether he eats 7 different 850 calorie meals or 1 6000 calorie meal I guarantee he will put on weight. Still I would recommend the 7 meals but hey, there's a million different ways to get the body of your dreams.

Nitti's picture

7k cals. That is a TON of food. If he eats that much he'll gain weight. But I doubt he'd eat that much. You know how much I eat and I'm barely getting 5k

Nitti's picture

GS's recipe is purty friggen good! You should send him a request (SexyMexy). He's a guru in the kitchen.

swole47's picture

If he's gonna eat 7k calories ed he's gonna grow like a mofo. I guarantee it. I don't care what anybody says about having an ecto's metabolism, he's gonna get big real fast lol

You and Nitti will guide him well, best of luck to the kid ;)

TED's picture

you would guess right and its gonna start being trt at 22....cause you know in high school its highly likely you know nothing about needing a PCT for recovery

TED's picture

yea i know my team was phs...well now from being here i know it wasn't just a ph because we were taking superdrol and other kids popped dbol. I'm a trt candidate at 22 and if i can stop one person from making the same mistake as me then I'm happy

Engineereddisaster's picture

Damn you NEDRA! (Yes, Mrs Nitti's real name)
I told you that in confidence. (Yes this is the said little bro!)
You bring this shit to the forums and post my pic!!!! I'm telling mom! By the way, How do you think Dad is going to react when he finds out that your 17 year old ass is dating old man Nitti down the street? That's right. You break a confidence and I'll break one too.

Peace out.

Engineereddisaster's picture

Actually No INCESTO would be a little more appropriate.

TED's picture

Had the same problem In high school and started right at 15. Taking prohormones along with the rest of the football team because we could get them easily and how could it be bad for you? Just a pill right? Wrong. Wish I could go back and have someone beat some diet knowledge into me so I wouldn't have done all that shit. But yea just watch it's not just real roids you need to watch him for it's the PHs you can buy at a supplement store

TED's picture

Get him to start his day with GSG9's kitchen sink Wakeup shake. Has like 1100 calories and he's textbook ecto and just needs to slam calories. That's what I never understood at his age and it's not like I'm old I'm still young but I never got the diet until the last two years so it's good to beat it into him now

TED's picture


Neo-istheone's picture

at 15 does he have any interest in sports or does he just play video games all day like a lot of kids do these days.. anybody has the ability to get strong with some dedication to activity whatever that may be...