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Well here I was sitting around for five hours this afternoon/evening deep in philosophical thoughts and mind meanderings because of a power outage due to an exceptionally nasty thunderstorm. There are some potentially positive facets of acutally not having electricity when it comes down to it. Oh, don't get me wrong, it definitely had it's rough moments though as it sucks not having AC in 90+ heat and humidity. I like to think that sometimes the heat is good for the brain, like maybe it encouraged my mind to wander into vast unexplored territory of thought where it hasn't been for awhile, ya know comparable to maybe what native americans grandeured up in sweat lodges. Well, maybe I carried that a lil' too far with the analogy. I guess I pretty much reverted back to the methods of coping I employed while being locked in that closet(prison) for some years. Anyone ever been to the hole knows what I am talking about. Not the point of this though.

So here it goes today, I had nothing really to do except work a couple hours this morning, get some needed cardio in and take a swim on this blasted hot steamy summer day. Things can get pretty interesting when you sit around looking for ways to occupy your time without the advancements of technology to distract you. Things can either get downright profound or quite amusing. Unfortunately, most of the time we don't get enough time to sit down and recollect and brainstorm about our lives and what we are doing and what we want to do with it, and/or maybe where we would like to be eventually/ultimately. And you could apply this to whatever you want, like jobs/careers/OR how we make our money to "live" in this world; our family and friends alive or lost; our goals and what we need to improve on, whether it's fitness related or what to adjust on our characters(moral or the others) in general...and so much more, too much more here to list. Due to the day in/day out hustle and bustle bullshit that is called our life, when do you actually get a chance to sit down and remove yourself for a few quiet hours?...I would hazard a guess into almost never, I know that's my case lately :( Time like this, I see is quite precious as it can give the soul a minor cleanse. In some extreme cases, it might be a major cleanser...as a lil' herbal and hallucinogenic aid is always good for that! Maybe I partaked today, maybe not Blum 3

Then again, maybe it's just a time to think about the world in the most absurd and off the wall circumstances, as today I began thinking of the state of the world itself, where the health of us and our planet is heading, and what we take for granted as human beings. For example, just like for those five hours, but what if there wasn't electricity at all anymore and here we were finally on our path to the Mad Max post-apocalyptic society. You know, where anarchy is domain as it will obviously be a very savage and unforgiving place where there are no rules for the sake of your very own survival. I like to think sometimes this is what I am doing, preparing for the war of life to come that the future is destined to bring us. In all things considered, maybe that's thee BEST reason I can conclude for dabbling in the art of performance enhancers and growth optimizers. As it has been said before, when the shit goes down, you better be ready, and I will be fully prepared and ready to engage, locked and loaded, because eventually this world will become bossed by the physically superior alphas just like in nature. Now who wouldn't want to be one of the alpha lions, tigers, or bears?!?!

So can someone tell me if I lost my mind or do any of you think like this also? Now let's run some gear and hone up our superiorities for the end is near!!! BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!....

P.S.-Maybe a slight slice of insanity today!!! LOL....

fast48's picture

I get out to either the coast or woods to clear the mind like that and it sure revives me. High five! Always prep hard for tomorrow as theres no guarantees.

DBG's picture

I used to be better at making a time to clear the mind. I can almost guarantee you though the majority population doesn't really do anything like this at all. It's a real shame, as the feeling you get from staying grounded is what keeps me sane.

fast48's picture

Working out keeps my type a aggro down. But if i can't get out where it's peaceful....just too much BS going on in tbe world. I get the biggest cigar and a tall beer and just sit back by a good stream. Or ocean and just watch life and meditate.