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Possible New Info Regarding HGH Boiling Test!!


While browsing the web looking for a new source of real GH, I stumbled across this post on another forum regarding the legitimacy of the HGH boiling test. Might be bollocks, but worth a read at least!

"a doctor told me today that this test is flawed in both directions...doc told me if it stays clear it could still be real because their are so many variables like water temp (if it's too hot it could damage all the aminos in the growth...which would make it turn cloudy for a split second then go clear) the non pharma grade stuff has less quality control and is dumbed down compared to the pharma grade so some of the ingredients that remain in the generic stuff that the pharma grade gets taken out can also have the growth stay clear...also the shake test he said is flawed too because shaking it too hard or not hard enough can have different results...i tested my buddy's stuff last night and it stayed clear the whole time...but his bloodwork says his IGF is 597 and he's taking 5 ius 5 days on 2 days off, also he's in his late 40's....i'm relatively new to this site and i'm not standing behind this doctor or the originator of this thread just trying to get to the bottom of this because every gh brand i've tested using this method over the past week has been clear. so basically to sum it up this doc thinks if it's cloudy you have high quality gh in which most impurities have been removed...(or its a good fake) and if it stays clear you have low quality gh (or peptide, igf , hcg etc.)"

turnovermix's picture

Yes he's absolutely correct. HGH is 191aa Chain of Amino acids that need to be constructed in a 1 way only manner.
Again I'm sick to death of hearing the Bullshit
About Pharmaceutical Grade GH and not.
I have personally tested MY blood 1st with. My rip off script for 36iu Gentropin pen, x 3 cartridges, Ok, GH up & well then after spending a few thousand on fake SHIT, I hit the Only Chinese Manufacturer able to make 191aa HGH - this is because they took over the Gen Sci Jinatropin Factory /the only factory in China able to finish off the product from 192aa /WICH is catabolic - to 191aa. Now there's no half right 191aa HGH. It either is or not. I then spent the same amount of time and dose of the Gen Sci Jinatropin 100iu Box x 10 3.7mg Vials and had the blood test again.
Was slightly Higher - But mentality I felt alot more peaceful and relaxing on the Chinese.
Understand this factory makes all the best brands, kingtropin, Hugetropin, and many more
The problem is that the dud sellers copy all the packaging, So unless You know Your maker direct. Forget it. Some one thought it was that good they brought enough to look after alot of People without the worries of customs and WAITING, delivery Australia wide over night express postage tracking number. Pm me. 450.00 100iu.

flex25j's picture

Can someone here tell me exactly how to do this boil test I can't seem to find it. I have a general idea but want to know for sure. I want to test this jins from a new source and post results.

1sttimer's picture

Place vial or part vial of reconstituted HGH in boiling water for 2 mins. Should turn cloudy and remain cloudy 24 hrs after.

flex25j's picture

thanks. I think I am going to order some hyge too. Is yours

1sttimer's picture

Yeh thats the stuff I am running.

1sttimer's picture

Good vac and mix nice and slow. Not realy fealing any sides but again only running 2 iu per day.

flex25j's picture

So how is it going so far? Do you notice a difference from the cheap stuff?

1sttimer's picture

Too early to say buddy as I am only on 2iu per day. Wont realy know till I get my
IGF-1 checked

Tor's picture

Why IGF? Why not the HGH blood serum test? I did it and showed none HGH after 8 IU hygetropin 3 hours before the blood draw. I was using it for 3 months, and at the end felt like I wasted a lot of valuable time thinking I was using a good product. I did the test because I couldn't see my injuries healing any better, and no change in the recovery time either.

1sttimer's picture

I think I have just found someone who will Do HGH serum test at reasonable price. Will look into it some more and let you know how it goes.

flex25j's picture

did you have the same kits as him with the scratch off sticker and did your numbers match up?

1sttimer's picture

So today I received my replacement batch of Taitropin from EHP. As before I carried out the boil test just like I had done with their Kigs and their previous batch of Tai. All 3 remained CRYSTAL CLEAR! So then I sacrificed my recently arrived Hyges that was supplied by Frankie I carried out the same procedure. The Hyges from Frankie is clearly clouded (Vial on left) Kigs is clear (vial on right). Please see the link for the photo. Now you can read into hat what you will but my money (in more ways than one) is on is on Frankie’s Hyges being the genuine article. I can also tell you thatmy IGF-1 reading on 3iu of EHPs HGH was 167ng/ml. Normal range 94-252 for someone of my age.

1sttimer's picture

The clouding is quite subtle. Best to hold up some printed material behind your vial. Try comparing it with a vial that has not been boiled will also help your comparison. Here is the link. What brand HGH are you testing?

1sttimer's picture

Doesn't sound too promising bro. Had that same shit with kigs and tais. Both were bunk

1sttimer's picture

Cool. It is important to maintain boiling point for the full 2 minutes to ensure the contents of the vial reach the required temp. Keep hold of the vial and check it again in 24 hours. The solution should remain cloudy. If it returns to clear it's probably bunk. Also the clouding can be caused by the addition of albumin, a trick that some fakers employ. If all goes well it's probably worh investing in a GH serum test to confirm. Good luck

1sttimer's picture

Yeh that was painful LOL

1sttimer's picture

I have read that once HGH denatures (turns cloudy)though boiling it can not
re-nature (be-come clear) again. Again this is just stuff that I am reading and is not supposed to be a definitive answer (or smart arse). Like yourself I would like to get to the bottom of it. At the end of it all who wants poor quality HGH,peptides, HCG etc? I guess we are all after a decent product at an affordable price when it comes down to it.

1sttimer's picture

I'm not sure on the cost of producing GH but I pretty much agree with your sentiments overall. I am about to try some Hyges which again was fairly expensive ($300 100IU). Whether that is a wise decision I have yet to find out but it comes from a good source under recommendation so only time will tell. Sick of trying to sort out the information from the disinformation on the web. I am also of the conclusion to pay more for the real stuff then pay peanuts for underdosed shite.

TheSkunk's picture

Way too many Hyges out there. I just got serum of 0 on 200iu (25x8) kits, pinwheel top, oval scratch off auth sticker (does not check out on site). Vacuum, etc. Looks real pretty. No 191aa in there.

1sttimer's picture

Received my hyges today. Anti counterfeit number checks out OK on website

Colossus_fit's picture

these hgh shit ...I don't really know what to do and what to say

TheSkunk's picture

There is a major shakeup going on in China right now guys and when the dust settles it will be clear whats good and whats crap. I can tell you right now if you can get rips they are on par with pharma and elitropin is good gh too, and new release supposed to be on par with rips.

Colossus_fit's picture

Yes, I've heard good things about rips, but I don't know where to find a good source to buy it.... I 've just bought 3 boxes of tai and it seems real shit...