tread-m's picture
  • GURU
  • 0



This might be my favorite because it's a recomp and its the quickest way to actually look bigger and better and maybe lose weight! Goal here is pretty simple, get bigger in the right places and smaller in the wrong places, that's recomp...moving around weight essentially. 2 inches wider at the shoulders, popped the lats and dropped 2 belt sizes with bigger legs, you have a nice chance of placing.

While it will not be a rule, you will do yourself a big favor to use the same background and lighting in before and after poses. Judges can dock you points if its hard to get good read on the differences.

DO NOT PM ME asking for special considerations as to entry times close deadlines etc. We all have problems and the rules are very simple with plenty of warning. You make the cut or you don't we're all grown ups! Pic requests are specific and simple, get them right or you don't play.

All contestants will be judged by a judges panel and all prizes will be coordinated and awarded by an outside panel no affiliated with Eroids or Eroids members including staff, managment or owner. Distribution is then the sole responsibility of the source sponsor directly to participant.



1st place-The Funky Monkey

2nd place-Angus

3rd place-Joey The Pump

4th place-ExtremelyAnabolic

5th place-Shirlsguy

EBC Rules: 

Donations are closed, till next time!

Thank you for your generosity.

    2 x Bionic Pharma TestE250
    2 x Bionic Pharma TestP100
    2 x Bionic Pharma Sus250
    1 x Bionic Pharma TrenA100
    1 x Bionic Pharma Equ250
    1 x Bionic Pharma Dec250
    1 x vial of any Bionic Pharmaceuticals stock

    $700 USD store credit to the winner

    10 x bayer primo 1ml amps
    5 x fuerza test prop 10ml vials
    5 x fuerza test enanth 10ml vials
    2 x clomid
    2 x tamox

    5 x testosterone cypionate 250mg 10ml
    5 x trenbolone acetate 10ml

    2 x Sarcoplex Dianabol
    2 x Endurexx Anadrol
    2 x Sarcoplex Turanabol
    2 x Sarcoplex Nolvadex
    2 x Endurexx Clomid

    300 Pills of Anavar 10mg
    300 Pills of Turinabol 10mg
    300 Pills of Dianabol 10mg
    300 Pills of WInstrol 10mg
    100 Pills of Salbutamol 4mg

    1 x 55ml Deca 250
    1 x 55ml Test Prop 100
    1 x 55ml Test Enan 250
    1 x 35ml Test Prop 200
    1 x 35ml Tren Ace 100
    1 x 35ml Sustanon 250
    1 x Anadrol
    2 x Dianabol
    2 x Turinabol
    2 x Nolva
    2 x Clomid

    $500 USD store credit (excluding HGH)

    10 x roid plus deca 500

    5 x Methenolone Enanthate 100mg/ml 10ml
    5 x WINSTROL 20mg x 50 Tablets

    3 x 10ml of anything for the price of 1 x 10ml for the top 5

    $600 USD store credit to the winner

    4 x signature test e 250
    4 x signature test prop 100
    4 x signature deca 250
    2 x signature tren e 200
    2 x signature dbol 10mg x 100

    1st place: $1000 store credit
    2nd place: $800 store credit
    3rd place: $600 store credit
    4th place: $500 store credit
    5th place: $500 store credit

    1 x 30ml test prop 150
    1 x 30ml test e 400
    1 x 50mg/50 count anavar tabs
    1 x 50mg/50 count dianabol tabs

    3 x Primal Pharmaceutical Malaysia - Drostanolone Propionate Inj., USP
    3 x Primal Pharmaceutical Malaysia - Boldenone Undecylenate Inj., USP
    3 x Primal Pharmaceutical Malaysia - Trenbolone Enanthate Inj., USP
    3 x Primal Pharmaceutical Malaysia - Testosterone Propionate Inj., USP
    3 x Primal Pharmaceutical Malaysia - Testosterone Enanthate Inj., USP
    1st place 25% lifetime discount
    2nd place 20% lifetime discount
    3rd place15% lifetime discount
    4th & 5h place10% lifetime discount

    1st place 10 x 10ml Primal Testosterone Enanthate USP
    2nd place 5 x 10ml Primal Testosterone Enanthate USP
    3rd place 3 x 10ml Primal Testosterone Enanthate USP
    4th place 10% lifetime discount on all orders
    5th place 10% one time discount

    2 x 5 ml vials of Eurochem Enanject
    2 x 5ml vials of Eurochem Boldoject
    2 x 5 ml vials of Eurochem Stanoject
    2 x 5 ml vials of Eurochem Trenaject
    100 tablets of Eurochem Oxanol 10 mg.

    3 x anadrol
    5 x test e
    5 x deca

    £400 store credit

    1st - 5 x Signature Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Enanthate 600mg/ml
    2nd - 5 x Signature Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Blend 450mg/ml
    3rd - 5 x Signature Pharmaceuticals Testosterone Propionate 100mg/ml
    4th - 15% Lifetime Discount on Any Sized Order
    5th - 15% One Time Discount

EBC Donors: 

Let's start off with rule number one, if you're weak get out! I promise you I'm hearing chatter and some folks bout to brang it!

I need 6 poses from you legs included and 1 additional USA Today shot....clear pics!

  1. Side tricep
  2. Rear lat spread plant choice calf
  3. Front double bi
  4. Hands on Hips Most Muscular plant choice Quad
  5. Pose of choice must be the same pose before and after pics
  6. Pose of choice must be the same pose before and after pics
  7. One pose with contestant visible and a copy of a current USA Today
  8. Deadline for opening pics will be 11.59 PM CST 2-15-2013
  9. Deadline for closing pics will be 11.59 PM CST 5-10-2013
  10. No photo doctoring of any sort including brushing

Do yourself a favor, put the same effort into before poses as you do after pics or the judges will punish you! Lol

Gorillafit's picture

That's what I wanna hear! But when you win this you won't be allowed to play in the next one! LOL ;-P

Gorillafit's picture

That's what I been saying. If you lose you can be in every contest but if you win you have to sit the next one out! They did let me do the last 2 in a row though, so I should be grateful!

Gorillafit's picture

Damn, cut a cast off huh. That's got me beat. I just work around screwed up tendons and shit. It's not easy making that decision to take the time off especially when your making progress but you know its best. Good Luck Bro!

gensolomon's picture

question;, how long is it from the moment they announce the next contest until the deal line to submit pics approcimately

GRIMEY's picture

those details will likely be included when they release the details for the next EBC

Owes a Review × 2
gensolomon's picture

ya I know that but by that time it may be to late to get everything you need in time. I will need according to what the contest consist of and if I don't know what type of contest it will be until the last minute and only have 7 days then that kind of sucks.

GRIMEY's picture

start hoarding gear now!

Owes a Review × 2
levelup's picture

show something! always stay stocked right!? i must admit that i underestimated how much gear i could blow thru tho

levelup's picture

Without a doubt!

GRIMEY's picture

haha, yeah mine is becoming a little unnecessary but its better to have too much than not enough right.

Owes a Review × 2
gensolomon's picture

Ya I guess your right

Gorillafit's picture

You never know when a zombie apocalypse could happen! LOL ;-P

Gorillafit's picture

Usually a week to 10 days.

ka24et's picture

Friday is the end of the world. lol

GRIMEY's picture

hah, I like the confidence Shirls, back on track and under the stack?

Owes a Review × 2
levelup's picture

The day has arrived

Gorillafit's picture

5PM cst is the judges deadline to turn in their votes then they'll have to compile the info,

If all goes well we will have our top 10 by the weekend sometime.

levelup's picture

F me, well thanks for raining on my parade

Gorillafit's picture

Nothing worse than an empty mailbox! LOL ;-P
Who knows, maybe they will be done early, and have the prize distribution laid out, along with posting the next competition, complete with site availability for those who wanna get an early start?

levelup's picture

We will see. It is what it is...I'm too tired and hurt too much to worry about it

levelup's picture

Lol I tried that...wife too me to stop acting like a little bitch

GRIMEY's picture

hahah, only 4 oclock here, one more hour!

Owes a Review × 2
RaginCajun84's picture

Hell yeah it is lol I been living on this damn page!

ka24et's picture

This was a waste of time. ill check again in 5min

eire77's picture

Today the day ? Or will it be before wknd over ?

MASSIVE48's picture


I wanna know when is the next damn EBC already! Lol

Gorillafit's picture

I started mine today. Every,Body,Cutting! About to "CUT" The lawns now for some cardio! LOL ;-P

MASSIVE48's picture

Haha..thats the way to do it brother..KILL IT!

HydeMind's picture

Haha I just finished cutting mine. Now sitting in a icebath then off to the gym!

Gorillafit's picture

Done the front and side, showered, now a shake, next Gym and LEGS!!!
Quick pic of starting condition. Way better than when i started the last EBC! Lil at a time.

XvBeast's picture

A month from now I think

MASSIVE48's picture

Nice, any clue on whats the goal going to be?

MASSIVE48's picture

Lol...Well if thats the case..then the goal is to come in at #1.... ITS ON. =)

Gorillafit's picture

1 month?! I'll already be shredded by then! I lost 2 lbs just mowing the front lawn today! LOL ;-P

iheartyou's picture