Kyletuck4614's picture
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Cycle advice


planing my next cycle for March or April I typically do 1 to 2 cycles a year tops. I just finished a test 450mg NPP 500mg a week cycle 3 weeks ago so I'm taking at least a 3 to 4 month break before I start my next cycle. I have done a number of cycles over the last 6 or so years so I have decent amount of experience but always trying to learn and get advice from people more experienced then me. I have used EQ but This will be my first time using DHB.
Current maintenance calories 3600cal macros 35%p 45%c 20%f proposed cycles cals 4000-4500Cals macros 30%p 25%f 45%c
Gym time is between 1 and 1 1/2 hours 5-6 days a week various rep and weight ranges (powerbuilding type approach)
Goals- gain as much lean muscles as possible with little fat accumulation.
Cycle idea Test E 400 mgs a week equipoise 540mgs a week DHB 400mgs a week split between mon-wed-fri for 16 weeks
any advice on cycle length, dose, diet or anything else is appreciated.

Makwa's picture

The leaner you are the more muscle you will gain. The fatter you are the more fat you will gain relative to muscle. Shouldn't be cycling until you hit 10-12%. Easy to do with diet alone. Cycle dosages are fine, but results will be substandard if bodyfat to high when starting cycle.

Kyletuck4614's picture

Ok I just read your post on the subject my plan was to drop to 15% anyway. I'll shoot for 12% instead. 4 months should be enough time to achieve it. Any suggestions on body fat calculations like the most accurate ones 20% is really just a my guess.

anton_dev's picture

I'm not sure where you are, but where I am, we have mobile dexa scans. In research surrounding body composition, dexa scans are used frequently to determine body composition. Whenever I cut or bulk, I do a dexa scan before and after to confirm that my strategies are producing results. Unfortunately the scans will never be as cheap as spending 10 bucks on calipers.

Makwa's picture

Jackson-Pollock 3 point caliper test. You can do it yourself. $10 caliper and then plug the values into an online calculator

Kyletuck4614's picture

Should I go with digital caliper or standard caliper or does it not matter?

Makwa's picture

I just use a standard caliper. That all do the same thing so just get whatever makes your pickle drip Lol

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