geezer2005's picture
  • 3

Lurker saying hi!


Hi all. 57 next month, started TRT couple of months ago, has changed my life around.

Suffered from Depression since 10 years ago. The doctor kept plying me with pills, although I told him, they were not working. I came of them cold turkey after 8 years, and ending up 19 stone!

I asked for my T levels to be checked which they did. Called me to say "All is normal" and when I asked what my levels were, they couldn't tell me!

Fast forward.......on TRT and now a new man.

trash300's picture

Hello and welcome!

Jackie Tony's picture

Hearty welcome

Halsey's picture

Welcome back to feeling good.

SegaKid87's picture

Welcome, nice to hear your on the rite path now. Wishing you well on your journey.

geezer2005's picture

I would be having dark thoughts daily, and all they would say is that I can talk to a counsellor!
Since TRT, I dont have any. In my eyes, I lost 8-10 years of my life because of the doctor!!