TheRealOne's picture
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Serostim 126 iu kit


I've been using sero's off and on for about 2 years now. It's hands down the best GH I've ever used (the carpel tunnel sucks though). I really have to say, that as bro-science would have it- it does need to be run at least 4-6 months to start seeing the overall affects. But it changes the body- period.

The private source I use has recently gone up to $600/kit due to "his source" being charged a higher copay on the medication. I don't want to stop running this- lol, but it's getting expensive. Anyone believe this price is fair? I used ##### (GH source that has gone MIA) in the past, and the UG stuff just wasn't as good- and paying $200-300 for UG and comes back with shit serum levels isn't worth my money. May be a no brainer... but thougth I'd check in with you bro's.

Dig93's picture

600 bucks is a great price I haven't seen them less than 500 once

The Driver's picture

Where are all the stupid people coming from?

Dig93's picture

I've only heard and seen people get those kits at $500 the cheapest. Should of jumped on it when I had the chance. This Guy can get them for $600 that's a pretty good deal if you ask me. And I'm bumping an old thread lmao I am stupid actually right now. I'm new to the board so all the forum topics are new to me I apologize for not realizing

The Driver's picture

1) He's banned!

2) He got banned for trying to back door scam people with his great deal, so he couldn't get them at this price.

3) Your new to this board and you already have -8 karma, surely this is telling you something? Maybe it's telling you that you need to stay in the shadows and read and think before you post.

AJ1923's picture

600 a kit for zero??!? 126iu??? holy shit thats good price man not being ripped at all..

Optimus Prime's picture

I was paying 500 a kit from a street source, I didn't know how good I had it!!! That's a good price!!

tyrantlabs's picture

My friend pays $495 through the pharmacy since he has a script. It is a very fair price for the black market. I have seen people pay over a grand for it. You are not being ripped off.

phoenix26's picture

I've seen it for 900 an people were paying

blackops79's picture

Good deal but it really is crazy expensive stuff. Wont higher doses of ug hgh get bloods to the same level? Id like to try and see the difference hehe

TrenAllDay's picture

Sero is $600 all day here in la, saw sero online for 1200 ish and thought that was insane

stlunatic44's picture

Screaming deal!!

flyingv's picture

600 for sero (if it's legit) is a killer deal

FR for PM sent lol

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