kcidnwoymtaenaci0y187's picture
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-1 Your Post GYNO Surgery Nipple Scarring


I’m in my 40s now. After a decade plus of AAS usage, I feel like my gyno is becoming more and more pronounced. Maybe it’s just gravity, but somedays it’s clearly the hormones. I’m well above 20% BMI most of the year.
Anyway I’ve been following some YouTube channels on the subject (in particular REDACTED & then random botched surgery stories).
I’ve seen enough to know that I DO have a problem here, but I’ve also seen enough to say OH F*** NO!!!! What’s tripping me up are the botched scars around the nipple(s).

Anyone willing to share their post gyno experiences? Was it worth it? If you could go back, would you still do the surgery?



Zee's picture

I finally had my surgery in December 22 with Dr CENSORED. Surgeon went around the areola area. Now 7 weeks later there is no scar at all on the areola itself, there is slight redness above and on the side of the areola. This is where the skin was reattached.

My gyno was quite severe, grade 4 which required skin removal and that will leave horizontal scars on your chest across both sides of the areolas where the excess skin is removed. I have been told it could take 6 to 12 months times for the scars to reduce to a very fine line across both areolas. I am applying silicone gel twice a day and it is healing nicely - no lifted scar just redness on the skin and no dark pigmentation. The first few weeks scarring looked really bad and whole areola had turned darkened. It took a few weeks for the scabs to fall off.

Search the surgeons on Instagram the guys that are confident at their job will post videos of the procedure and patient testimonials months after surgery. My surgeon livestreamed my operation. Also check out r/gynecomastia, where you can see people's results from different surgeons. Quite a few surgeons are active on there, including Dr Caridi. I have seen several botched jobs from Dr. Caridi on there at the same time he has loads of positive reviews. I have also seen a video of him say he did not remove skin as it leaves scarring, which is true but I also think excess skin will not always shrink naturally and may cause inversion due to lack of tightness. I think this comes down to personal choice.

The scaring will depend on your surgeon's technique: fine cut half way around the areola and stitching back up in a way it is barely visible. If you have merely puffy nipples and not severely enlarged glands, I don't think you should really get scarring unless you are also having skin removed.

Post care is really important as that will dictate the final result. Take time of the gym, apply silicone gel twice a day, prevent strain on your chest. After week 2 regular massage with a massage gun. Get a few lymphatic drainage massage sessions, you will see a massive reduction in swelling quickly. Week 3 start some light cardio to improve blood flow and skin health. I am using GH @3iu, TRT 80mg, GHK-CU 10mg and 20mg Anavar, aiming to maximise collagen production. Blood test every 4-6 weeks.

With or without scars I 100% do not regret the surgery. As long as you find a good surgeon and take good post care you will be really amazed with the result. Try to lose as much weight as you can before surgery, the higher the BF% the more difficult it is for the surgeon to to do a symmetrical job.

kcidnwoymtaenaci0y187's picture

These YT videos give me mixed feelings, you know? A lot to think about. Thank you @Zee

press1's picture

Brilliant mate, very helpful.

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Zee's picture

Anytime Press

kcidnwoymtaenaci0y187's picture

@Zee ‘s comment is so legit - I’m going to have to read & re-read it for a few weeks. Tons of important information, man

Zee's picture

Any questions drop me a DM.

press1's picture

My Friend @Zee has just had gyno surgery - he could probably help a little on the subject Smile

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simonmagus84's picture

I have really minimal scarring but I’m darker complexion so it’s easier to blend. It’s around a year now but I will say I don’t think he removed the whole gland because I’m on trt now and every once in a while feel nipple soreness. I’d even consider getting it again just to remove all the gland but not until I’m older. The most difficult part was not being able to workout for almost 3 months but I don’t have any regrets. Cost me 6 k

Zee's picture

Do you still have any scar tissue below the skin?

simonmagus84's picture

I haven’t been to a consultation but I assume so. I should head back in the spring to make sure everything’s all right.

Zee's picture

I can not remember the name of the type of scan. There is a scan you can do at my most surgeries to check for gland and scar tissues. It doesn't have to carried out your gynecomastia clinic.
I will try to find the name of the scan.

simonmagus84's picture

That would be great and I appreciate it.

kcidnwoymtaenaci0y187's picture

Respect! Thanks for that input. I, too, am darker in complexion so that helps. 6K is up there though!

simonmagus84's picture

I hear you but to not have to worry about it if you’re cycling long term is great. I really believe my surgeon left some gland in there but removed most of it, now I’ll probably have to to one more in 10+ years which I’m ok with. Check out lebowicz Gyno surgeon on you tube if you’re from the states, he knows exactly why is meat heads want that shit out. Also, vids are horrifying at first but addicting later. Look to get your bf down as much as possible. I can’t tell you how big my fucking glands were, I thought they were the size of golf balls but they were more like chicken cutlets which was gland and fat together from childhood obesity.

kcidnwoymtaenaci0y187's picture

Were you awake while he pulled those suckers out?

kcidnwoymtaenaci0y187's picture

@Living4ThePump, what’s great are the days when 1 nipple is puffy & 1 is normal :(

bundlz's picture

I did hear of a new technic where they drill a small hole next to the nipple and suck out the fat ... I personally need to take care of my right nipple

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kcidnwoymtaenaci0y187's picture

Nah… If you watch these gyno surgeries on YT, for “prohormone users” — they have to take out CHUNKS of internal body stuff… not cute, little bits of fat behind the nipples. They pull the chunks through the nipples, man. It’s gnarly!!