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Training after surgery


Curious if anybody else has returned back to training after major surgery and how they coped mentally and physically

2 years ago i was in a motorcycle accident and shattered my hip, compound fracture to the wrist and ankle, had plates and screws put in my wrist and ankle and later returned to have my ankle fully fused and as painful as it still is years later i decided to get my ass back into gear, its hard physically as gains are slow and legs are only bodyweight movements but also mentally as i left my gym 1 of the biggest and strongest only to return looking like a new years resolution.

anybody been in a similar situation or have any hints and tips

Savageheart's picture

It can be difficult to return to training after major surgery. One of the most important things is to listen to your body and take it slow. Start with gentle movements and exercises to help rebuild your strength. Focus on correct form for each exercise and be consistent in your workouts. Find a trainer or professional to help track your progress and provide motivation if needed

Savageheart's picture

I've came back from a broken neck, and recently an acl reconstruction. Best advice i can give is that you know your body better than anyone, including drs.
Ease into it and listen to what your body tells you, exactly as said above.

Rebelious's picture

Hey mate.

First of all, good on you for getting back in to it!

I'm sure you will recall that the first step is the hardest, and with time will come progress.

Ive got some screws and plates in me too, but have learnt to work around movements that hurt and work the muscles in other ways. It will be totally individual, based on the extent of your injuries. Off the toptof my head, calf movements for your fused ankle are probably out, but you might be able to train legs via machines, or maybe even raising your heels with some 1.25kg plates when squatting?

I have come to accept that some days i will abandon training all together after spending 30 mins trying to warm up, but my joints just feel beat up. I'm pretty fucking stubborn, and it makes me return with twice the motivation the next time around.

Good luck, I hope you find your passion for lifting again.