Brozowski265's picture
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+ 8 Today not tomorrow

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Hope all you bros, hanging in there and staying strong.
Yesterday's history and tomorrow's a mystery,
Worry about today. My friends, tomorrow is just another chance to make life better than today

Crispbread's picture

Today is a very difficult day for me. I tried to get out of bed with the feeling that tomorrow would be even harder than today. But I caught on the thought that you need to create your mood and your life today. Every journey starts with the first step. Thanks for guiding us.

press1's picture

I'm not saying I was a fan or anything, but its a shame what's happened to Aaron Carter isn't it. I guess he couldn't escape the addiction in the end ..... RIP

PropheticWookie's picture

yes, it's very sad

AlwaysGottaStiffy's picture

You forgot the best line. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery...but today. Today is a gift. That's why they call it the present.

PropheticWookie's picture

Great words, I just wrote it down for myself. Thanks

PropheticWookie's picture

How right you are, I’m holding on, I have to live today and every day is a chance to change my life for the better, I try to concentrate on good moments, and not how hard it is for me.

Donvitos08's picture

How come when I replied to the this thread it took two Karama points . So I deleted my comment and it still didn't give me karma back?

PropheticWookie's picture

I think it was some kind of system error.

Brozowski265's picture

If um not mistaken if you thumb your own comment it will take away karma. Thinking your trying to give yourself karma. Not saying that's what happened.
Your in the right place tho brother. Karma will come just be apart of the family and help others. Respect

Donvitos08's picture

Yes sir will do. Thank you for allowing me to be apart of this group

press1's picture

Yep if you go back 2.5 days in the heartbeat he's been thumbing up his comments. Not sure if that was in here or not though, come on buddy - honesty and being humble is a big part of this group Smile Fresh start Good

Donvitos08's picture

I'm sorry thumbing up is just a habit from Facebook I didn't know that it affected karma here . I thought that was only from reviews but I Will be sure not to do it sorry about that

PropheticWookie's picture

Come on, it's okay, you'll get used to it. Once again, welcome to visit us.

Brozowski265's picture

Exactly gotta keep it real.
Humility my bros.

Brozowski265's picture

It's always worse for someone else. We have clean water. Food. Sleep indoors. It could be lot worse.

PropheticWookie's picture

True, there are always people who have much deeper problems, as you rightly said, they have nothing to eat and no roof over their heads.

Brozowski265's picture

Yes sir yall have good day

PropheticWookie's picture

Have a great day, you!

Brozowski265's picture

Yes sirrrrr