Cr7soccer's picture
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How long the Steroid is still effective after expiration date in unopened Vial


Morning all ;
I hope all my bros and sisters are in good health.

I was wondering for how GEAR will be effective in vial after the expiration if you haven’t opened the vial at all .. Does it lose its potency after expiration date?.. Please advice as I always hear different opinion .


Achak's picture

It'll last years if properly stored. The degradation of the active ingredient will be minimal. Test Cyp and Test E have a 5 year shelf life. Sust and Test prop is 3 years. This is guidelines from legitimate pharmaceutical companies. Once a vial has been opened the guidelines state the contents should be used within 28 days. Again will it hurt you if it is expired? No it will most likely not.

Cr7soccer's picture

Thank you all for great info and feedback . Almost a year pass the exp date but I haven’t opened the vial yet .

Do you guys think is dangerous to use or the gear might be lost only its potency and would be not effective ?

Many thanks in advance

Tradesman34's picture

Hey bro I have wondered this and actually found out. One order I made actually came with vials that were a year past date. I used them and honestly it was some of the best prop I ever used. They were the one mil vials. So I would say if they wernt screwed with then there should be no problems. Peace

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VirgileW's picture

Used expired gears before, no issues.

press1's picture

Its the same as any pharma grade medication - it will still work past expiry but over the years will become less and less effective. I read a study recently where they measured the effectiveness of Beta Blockers that were 10 years past EXP and they had only lost 10% potency. Personally I think it comes down to peace of mind and whether you are happy pinning gear that is a few years old that isn't 100% bang on reliable. I would go up to a year past but wouldn't fancy any further than that.

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Greg's picture

It will be effective until it's not. I have vintage vials dating back to 2015.

Cr7soccer's picture

A year old my good bro

Serrajitsu0876's picture

Oils I wouldn’t use. Tablets I would. There’s been studies that show medicine is still good even after 15 years. I myself have purchased 4 year old Azolol from a source that I’m going to send out for testing just for the hell of it. Last year the FDA announced its extending the expiration date on Tamiflu due to the stockpile they have.

blackjack115's picture

Steroids will lose potency past expiration. But I think the oil can go bad as well and that would be a bigger concern.

Cr7soccer's picture

That was my concern my good bro , is it dangerous to use or is only wouldn’t be effective !,,,

Cr7soccer's picture

A year old but Haven’t opened the vials ..