Christophany's picture
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Working Out While Sick Rant


For the past 4 days I have had a case of the flu. Initially it started off with a mild fever, cough and body aches. Earlier this morning, I decided I had enough rest and went to the gym to workout back and chest. As soon as I started hitting the incline press, I knew something was wrong. I felt weak even though I was hitting my usual warm-up weight. I decided then I was going to do a light workout. About half way through, I began to start coughing violently to the point I threw up. Like a fucking idiot, I knocked out 12 remaining sets for back after relieving myself. Now that I am home, the cough is back with a vengeance, I am running a mild fever again, and I am experiencing some of the worst body aches of my life.

My advice, don't be a fucking moron like me! You know your body better than anyone else. When you feel like you are not up to a workout, don't force it to the point of making yourself worse off. It is counterproductive.

I think I am going to rest up for a few more days and see how I improve. It sucks not going to the gym for so long. That's life!

Update: I have soaked in the sound advice and will not be going to the gym when sick. Thanks goes out to all of you, even to those who had to put up with my corny jokes. This asshole has learned his lesson. Lol!

ashop's picture

When your that sick, REST is your best friend. If you do anything just try to at least keep your diet in order,,missing a few workouts during a period like this will benefit you more than hurt you.

Lambz2's picture

i had the same thing mate. i kept working out until i finally went to the doctor after a month of awful workouts and flu like symptoms, with a weird pain in my side during workouts and was told i had mono. lol still grateful my spleen didnt burst

DragonDog's picture

Is that your face in your avatar? If so, you may want to change it.

Christophany's picture

My avatar is a picture of Julian Sands from the 1991 movie Warlock.

helloBrooklyn's picture

Sadly, I recognized it immediately. I had it on tape when I was a kid and kept watching it over and over. The part where the psychic chick turns into Zameal always scared me back then. That movie also taught me that you can't punt on first down. No one does that. Not even Tampa Bay.

DragonDog's picture

Great movie. Funny I didn't recognize it.

Christophany's picture

I wouldn't expect most would, considering its age (actually released in 1989) and obscurity. But it is a great movie!

bamboo2112's picture

I have a friend on the waiting list for a new heart because he would not stop working out when he had the flu. Stay home, the gym is for the healthy

Christophany's picture

I am sorry to hear about your friend. I am taking your advice and will no longer workout when I am sick.

giants59's picture

Yeah man flu symptoms are usually highly contagious. My friend got me sick like 2 weeks ago... I was out of the gym for about a week and felt like complete shit.

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Christophany's picture

I've learned my lesson. I am staying out of the gym when sick from now on.

Pale's picture

Yeah, you are a fucking asshole. Lucky I can't neg you on this post I would. You just exposed a whole bunch of people out of pure selfishness... Dick move

Greg's picture

I'm taking it, that this, is a rant on the rant...

Christophany's picture

There's an underlying reason for his rant, IMO. It's not jut because I exposed people to the flu. I have a feeling it's also because I rooted for Frodo Baggins during the Lord of The Rings trilogy. That's right, I said it!

Christophany's picture

It's cool if you neg me, I would deserve it. Sauron sees all. LMFAO!

XmadXscientist's picture

How about not spreading the flu? You ever been at the gym and watch someone wipe snot all over their hand then go use the bench/machine you were about to hop on next?

Christophany's picture

I can't say I have personally seen the snot thing. That's fucking gross, dude. Were they grown men or teenagers? But I totally get where you are coming from. I will not be going to the gym again when I am sick. In fact, I think that's where I caught the flu in the first place.

XmadXscientist's picture

Sadly it was a grown ass man. I stood next to him commenting loudly to my buddy how excited I was to hop on the snot covered bench, then everyone started judging him and dipped out.

Christophany's picture

That's fucked up. I at least cough into my shirt and carry around a travel size bottle of hand sanitizer. I also didn't have the drips but would have gone and used the bathroom if I did.

twistedsister's picture

If your sick stay at home and heal up its also a respect thing.
Get well you will bounce back quick it's good to take some time off anyways.

Christophany's picture

Totally! I should not have gone to the gym sick. It's bad for me and other patrons. Live and learn.

twistedsister's picture

Haha shit happens some asshole brought bedbugs to my gyms locker room .. so I can deal with a cold (although I don't recommend it out of respect) but them bed bugs fuck that.

XmadXscientist's picture

Oh fuck that i had some invade an apartment I was living in literally the last month I was there. I luckily don't have much objects worth owning there so I burned everything the minute I figured it out.

Christophany's picture

That's a messed up story. I think I still will not use the gym again when I am sick, all the same.

JUICEBOX0331's picture

Sorry about your flu, but what gym do you go to so I dont go there? Ive been sick twice this year and I guarentee its from someone that was sick that went to the gym and spread it.

Christophany's picture

I think I caught it from my gym myself, actually. I do cough into my shirt and carry around a travel size bottle of hand sanitizer.