Dream23's picture
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+ 1 bloating in second week of test e - adex already?


guys need an advice from older

I m in the begining of week 2 of my first cycle (test e 500 for 12weeks, hgh 4UI for antiaging purposes).

I started pinning test e last tuesday (300mg), then thursday(300mg) and sunday(300mg) .

I know i started probably bit harsh(to pin 3x week) -thought it will help raise my levels faster - the plan is to continue twice a week now on for 250.

However yesterday and today I become very bloated, face, hands, especially in the morning.

I know that test e usually kicks in during 3-4 week, I have adex on hand, but intended to use it from week 3 - 4.

Is it possible that my gear(UGL but should be top quality) kicked in sooner/was overdosed and I have already high e2 after those 3 shots?

I dont see much any other sides of high T, as it is my first cycle, yes the workouts are harder, muscles are pumped but it all might be because I m quite motivated.

Also there is possibility that bloating might be caused by hgh(experienced hgh bloating in the beggining but this feels different)

Is it wise to use adex now? I dont want to destroy my estro levels.

This morning on my way to work I got bloodwork done (only test + estradiol + lh), results will be in few hours. I will upload them here.

Bloodwork results uploaded in my cycle log http://www.eroids.com/cycle_logs/updates/week-2-bloodwork-have-to-start-...

Estradiol 3 times baseline values.

Will start ADEX, at 0.25 E3D.

MedDx's picture

X2...good question brother...

Dream23's picture

Diet spot on bro, no carbs after 2pm, lots of protein and water, sodium restricted, supplements fish oil, saw palmetto, vitamins...should be ok

Trapsquatch's picture

No carbs after 2? What are your goals because if it is building muscle you need carbs bro 4 real

Dream23's picture

I m quite sensitive to carbs bro, little too much and it goes to my waist and increases my BF. No carbs after 14 enables me to train hard, get good recovery and lean mass gains.

However as it is my first cycle, I still dont know how my body will react to this on cycle. Maybe I will need to adjust.

Goal of my cycle is to get lean mass and maintain relative low BF.

Dream23's picture

Bloodwork results uploaded in my cycle log http://www.eroids.com/cycle_logs/updates/week-2-bloodwork-have-to-start-...

Estradiol 3 times baseline values.

Will start ADEX, at 0.25 E3D.

MedDx's picture

Good dose for adex....are you sure you have test e and not another suspension of compounds and esters? You are only running one compound, right?

We are all different. It seems too early to see signs and symptoms aromatization for the enanthate ester. But, it could happen.

Pale's picture

Not really. There are many of us that start feeling the estro towards the end of the first week, I know I do. I am jealous of the fella's that don't need AI at all, lol

Dream23's picture

good to hear I m not the only one, thank you guys.
Yesterday I took 0.25mg of adex, and this morning almost no bloating, feeling great much much better than yesterday. Like it all balanced..
Had great workout in the morning, full of energy, destroyed my chest and biceps.

MedDx's picture

Thats why i said we are all different...the Adex dose will help him though....

shawn0712's picture

It's definitely unique to the individual. I used ai's early on because it's preached you have to. The roller coaster of crashing estro on a small dose, rebounding,struggling to find balance was honestly hell for me. It took a good bit of trial, error, and blood work to realize that I can have healthier sexual function, make better gains, and a more stable cycle letting it go. My estro levels can climb to around 60 and I feel great. I can totally crash them out and fuck myself up with a low dose ai. There are times I do need one, if I'm adding dbol or anything that aromatizes that much. Typically Proviron keeps me nice and balanced.
I do agree symptoms can take place early on. It's all very individualized. Science can be some tricky stuff.

Pale's picture

Definitely. I am trying some different looks for AI and seeing what works for me best. I have a bro that can run the exact same cycle with no AI and feel just fine. We are all different.

MedDx's picture

Have you ever tried masteron and proviron?

Pale's picture

Yes, I felt okay on it for awhile but after 6 weeks or so I ended up with my first minor lump under my nipple.

Dream23's picture

yup first cycle test e only(hopefuly legit), 0.25mg E3D it is, thanks bro

MedDx's picture

Get some follow up bloodwork beginning week 6. Keep the AI dose the same until then.