bighulk3012's picture
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+ 3 Steroids can't do it all for you


So many newbs I see think that just because they are running gear they are going to be a pro bodybuilder. They are eating McDonald's everyday and taking mass gainers. I know this because this was once me, you eat whatever and take some gear you look great on cycle but when you come off about a month later it's all fat. Your diet is key, steroids are not a miracle to solve diet problems! Stop taking so much gear and get your diet in check, I just finished my show and dropped 42 lbs 8 weeks out. You wanna know what I was taking?? 750 mg of test a week, that's it! Your abs are made in the kitchen. I just don't want to see some people taking crazy amounts of stuff. I have seen people's cycle layouts with 800 mg of tren e a week 1200 mg of test and 1200 mg of eq with anavar or something. That is way too much. Wait until you are experienced before doing those types of cycles. You can seriously hurt yourself!

Irsalt54's picture

So very true, people want the results with out the work. They think that steroids can make any one into a legendary Athele or Bodybuilder. Yes they can help in making you become better but steroids alone are not going to make you the next Micheal Jordan or Aronld. You have to have hard work, dedication, focus and the right diet to get those results.

extremediezel's picture

I agree big, its annoying when people approach me always asking what i am taking,i instead of "what your diet like" and when i tell them my diet they always have excuses like " i dont like fish" or "i can't eat that much"... bros juice works amazing but diet is very very important. if you are willing to inject yourself every week, then you should be willing to say no to that slice of pizza. if you wanna look your best you can't cheat often ,you are only cheating yourself out of results.

crayon's picture

Started my first cycle today and because of this website its been beaten into my brain how important diet is to cycling so im 100% focused on eating clean and big. The people who your saying just havn't researched anything, about AAS or gym, they just want to get big without the hard work, and because of the media and other shit, AAS looks like the answer. They choose to learn the hard way.

4speed's picture

so true man, people believe roids are wonder and if you take them you will look like pro for rest of your life, seen so many fall after cycle and then they still didnt get it and just done next cycle with more.

good post +1