P's picture
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+ 1 Sustanon Cycle (Dbol kicker, Winny Taper)



Age - 26
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185 lbs
BF: ~10%


Gain mostly lean quality muscle, between 10-20lbs. Increase libido and obtain a general feeling of well-being. Winstrol is used at the end to harden up.


Dbol bloat
Water retention
Losing all gains post PCT
Acting like a bitch on PCT

Cycle Ingredients:

Generic Dianabol
Generic Winstrol
Med-Tech Sustanon
Hyperpeptides Nolvadex and Clomid, and Dianabol and Winstrol.

WeekDianabolSustanon 250WinstrolNolvadexClomid
Theresultsarein's picture

I'm a Sust freak. Best thing to do is Sust 250 3 times a week eod. Like ill do it Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays every week.

P's picture

I love sus too. What have you noticed from pinning E3D to EOD?
Also, have you tried test e and how do you think it compares to sus?

subs33's picture

I love sust aswell. pinnining EOD will give you more stable test levels. This will help with bloat. Test e is twice a week will result stable test levels..I have been cruising with test e and switched labs and also went on vacation for ten days so I couldnt take my test..So I pinned a higher dose right before I left.

From my experiance I see that unstable test levels results in bloat. Sust has seveveral esters so depending on how fast your body metabolizes is how you determine dosage frequency. I feel sust should be dosed EOD. I used to think once a week was fine, but through experiance I found dosing EOD yeilds stable test levels wich will result better gains

Colossus_fit's picture

I think he wants to do EOD to exploit the test propionate action contained in it.I personally did it twice a week bro..

P's picture

Yeah, my experiences with sus so far have twice a week, so i'm curious about the results from pinning EOD. I understand that it contains prop, but why not take test e and pin twice a week and get stable blood levels?

Colossus_fit's picture

test propionate does effect more quickly (Active 2-3days), so you do EOD to keep it stable ... for this reason is also used as kickstart. Test en instead has the longest life (10-14 days),you shoot it twice a week BUT the action will be very slow. You will see the first results after 4 weeks

Colossus_fit's picture

if i were you I would raise the dosage of sust to 600/week .500mg will do little for you

Colossus_fit's picture

You need aromasin or arimidex and HCG

P's picture

An AI Was on hand.
I'm planning on using hCG on my next cycle, but I'm not sure about dosages.

My idea is to do hCG (@250iu E3D) i've heard people use it EOD and sometimes ED, but im not convinced as to which one is best.
Also, throughout PCT, would it be best to stick to the same dosages?

Colossus_fit's picture

bro, you ll used Winstrol at the end to harden up....if you don't use a ai,you ll be full of water retention from sust and dbol!!!personal opinion bro

Colossus_fit's picture

I usually use HCG twice a week ... usually the best way is 250ius every 3-4 days, during all cycle. Then I stop hcg 10 days before starting PCT. Your pct is good bro =)

j0n's picture

haha acting like a bitch on pct. i hear that!

fast48's picture

How many cycles run? Ai?

P's picture

AI was on hand - my bodyfat is ~10% and experienced no sides during cycle apart from slight bloat from dbol.

This is my 5th cycle plan.
4th cycle was sus with winny at the end.
3rd cycle was sus with dbol kicker
and the other cycles were test only.

fast48's picture

Sounds cool then!