Gettingbig's picture
  • 193

+ 13 Im really imbarressed about this


I need some opinions on this. Im really imbarressed and it took alot for me to even post this picture because I just don't understand how it happened. I got blood work done and my estro wasn't even high so im not sure what happened but recently it looks more and more like im developing gyno. I at first thought it was because of my ruptured bicep that my left chest was just larger than my right but now im starting to think otherwise. I have checked for lumps or anything that feels different from the other side and I don't feel anything. As I understand it your estro has to be high to devolope gyno right? Im taking aromasin at 12.5 ed split. I did switch my decca to a different lab but I would believe that gyno would come from the test. Im nice and fat also so the picture looks really bad but im running a true dirty heavy bulk and will cut back down after cycle with an eca stack.
Could it just be a fat deposit in my chest or do you guys believe that its definitely gyno.
I've never had a gyno scare I've had high estro and took it back down but never looked like this.
Im ready to hear your opinions hit me with the truth please im already depressed about this so you won't hurt my feelings.
Also this is without any pumps it was first thing this morning.
Thanks for the advise and help fellas.

Ordered from: 
Theophany's picture

Check him out brother, he has a multitude of weight loss and intermittent fasting videos on YouTube!

Edit: here's one!

Gettingbig's picture

Appreciate the link thanks

Theophany's picture

Agreed brother, I've seen a few of his videos on you tube, I'm going to see if I can post a link for Gettingbig!

Gettingbig's picture

You know i appreciate that brother very much. Im definitely going to look into intermittent fasting im not familiar with it.
Im just starting to read about it now after pale said something about it. I really hope you're right and once I cut back down it will even out.
Im going to stay in touch I value your opinion alot.
Thanks brother

Theophany's picture

You're more than welcome brother! To reiterate, hit me up if ever you need anything!

Gettingbig's picture

I plan on it thanks brother your a really good guy I appreciate the help

helloBrooklyn's picture

It's probably gonna be a rough 4 or 5 months of miserable, low carb dieting, and plenty of cardio with the stomach still growling, but you got this. It'll be well worth it

Gettingbig's picture

Thanks brother what do you think you know your stuff does it look like gyno or you think im just a fat ass lol

helloBrooklyn's picture

I'm a young guy who's still just learning as I go, but I would say no on the gyno

Gettingbig's picture

Thanks brother i appreciate your opinion

Pale's picture

I would also suggest a supplement like Berberine. It will help. Also Green tea, and shit loads of fish oil. Like ten caps a day.

helloBrooklyn's picture

Is there such a thing as too much fish oil? I'm hesitant to up my dose past one 1.2 g cap

helloBrooklyn's picture

Probably. I read shit online that there's no need to go above that, but it's one of those things where I don't know if rules that apply to the average person apply to bodybuilders and strength athletes. Should I up it to like 6g or what?

Gettingbig's picture

Im about to order fish oil caps right now.
Im interested in the dosing if anyone has any more information that would be great

Pale's picture

1000mg per 20# of body weight

Gettingbig's picture

Perfect thanks

Gettingbig's picture

I actually do drink green tea I really enjoy it.
Fish oil im not using but im open to anything of course.
Berberine im going to Google right now im not familiar with it.

SenseiMiagi's picture

Dont be embarrassed. Pale is right, there really is no reason to cycle at your BF. I say this because I too have cycled in the 20+ BF range in the past. Its a waste of time unless you are a competitive powerlifter/Strongman and are focused on that goal. Gyno can be present without knowing at high BF, then when you cut down it shows.

Focus on food. I am having success with intermittent fasting along with keto diet personally. Feel great and am down to 230ish from 275ish. Many different ways to skin a cat, so research and experiment.

I also agree that if you are trt, drop down to trt dose and start burning fat. You will feel better long term guaranteed, and will have much better cycles in the future once you get there.

At our age, hormones play a BIG part in fat burning. More so than our earlier years. We must adjust a bit how we eat especially if we tend to hold extra weight. Cortisol, Insulin, GH, and others get out of whack sometines and need rebalancing.

Gettingbig's picture

Thanks brother im going to look into the intermittent fasting I have heard of it but don't know all about how I would go about it. Keto I have also never tried. Most of this weightcame on so quickly in the past 4-5wks now I've gained 20+lbs. I need to definitely check myself and diet.
Im going to get back to my fasted cardio session's in the morning.
I appreciate your help brother

denhigh's picture

I can't really tell by the picture but you just look really bloated and heavy. I don't want to sound disrespectful but you really need to drop your weight running a cycle heavy increases your chances of developing gyno. I don't believe from what I see that its gyno I wouldn't start blasting letro or anything. I would drop the cycle and pct out and get your weight down. I see you mentioned an eca stack whats your bp like right now with all that water and weight. Might not want to jump on ephedrine or clen until you get the water retention down.
Don't get depressed get angry and hit the treadmill and burn that fat down and cut up.

Gettingbig's picture

You don't sound disrespectful I want to hear it straight I appreciate it my bp is also normal was just at the doc last week.
I appreciate your help

Gettingbig's picture

I have always used aromasin it has always worked well for me I think that I might have my diet out of control or im holding alot of water and maybe need to up my dose. Im going to have to get bloods done again and see if something has changed drastically in the last couple of weeks. I have put on 20lbs since I switched decca thats alot for a couple of weeks.
Thanks I appreciate your help

Pale's picture

I don't want to sound callous with you bro but you are just carrying way too much BF. You will be prone to gyno at your %. But I will add if you had gyno starting or otherwise you would know it. It is painful and obvious. You will not want anything touching them if you have it. In the meantime I suggest dropping to a straight TRT dose of test and for you to dig deep, grow a set of balls and diet/cardio down to a reasonable BF%.

Gettingbig's picture

When I started I wasn't solid but was over 20lbs lighter than I am now. I will cut back on my cals and diet and bring my test down.
Do you reccomend when dropping test levels to completely drop the decca also right?
Yeah no pain no itch nothing like that
You don't sound callous I appreciate everything I hear.
Thank you

Pale's picture

Yes, Decca is only helping you retain water, making you look fatter. I am not the diet expert but someone like Makwa would be a good guy to talk to. You know what you have to do and it is going to be difficult. You could also utilize intermittent fasting.

Gettingbig's picture

I appreciate it brother im definitely always in contact with mak and medex.
Thanks brother