Gettingbig's picture
  • 193

+ 11 Cutting back after a heavy bulk


I wanted to show my progress cutting back down after a heavy bulk i was wearing a heavy bloat coat in the last picture.
This picture 211
Last picture 223
2wks time past

I don't have my last pic it was erased but its still in my profile. You can see a difference but I need to make more gains I wanted to have abs showing so that's what im working towards. Still a ways to go but definitely progress from the last picture.
I dropped my decca but its still running through me i can still feel it but the bloat from it has come way down. Still running 250mgs a wk test e. I will continue that for a few more weeks then im going to be at a cross roads. I need to decide on a cruise or pct. I will attempt a pct but if blood work doesn't show recovery im going to cruise at 125mgs a wk see how I feel and work on getting in for trt.
My last pct was rough but I was able to come back this time im not sure but I will find out.
I do have all pharma grade pct products so it will be a strong attempt at recovering my natural test levels.

Not looking for karma more for advice about a cruise or just pct.

Thanks brothers

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Swole's picture

Nice brother, keep crushing it+

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 1
Gettingbig's picture

Thanks brother im going to keep cutting and working on tightening everything up.

guitarplayer1's picture

Arms look stout. Where you at diet and cardio wise? +2

Owes a Review × 1
Gettingbig's picture

2wks ago I was eating everything my macro that I was shooting for were
Protein 300+
Carbs 100+
Fats 80+
I was eating like an animal though and during the 14wks I was running i actually didn't do any cardio I really wanted to just dirty bulk and get as big as I could but after 14wks it had gotten a little out of control I had posted a pic where I was so bloated and fat. So last 2wks I started doing my morning fasted cardio i just hit the bike for 30 min before I get ready for work. I also cut my diet way back basically eggs for breakfast and some form of carbs then lunch is just fruit dinner is heavy protien and veggies.
Im thinking about running my whole workout in the am now. I feel good again now that im doing my morning cardio i think adding some lifting would really wake me up and get me going.
I plan to keep cutting and keep tightening everything up.
I appreciate the complement anything coming from you really means a lot to me.
Congrats on your pro tag brother

guitarplayer1's picture

Thanks bro. Don't know what your currently dieting on but this may look good for you.

275 pr
150 carbs
70 fats

No cardio till this plateaus. Let the diet do the work first and then we have cardio to fall back on. You want full intensity for weights not the hampster wheel for now. Cut the fruit too. Smile PM me if you wanna go into details.

Owes a Review × 1
Gettingbig's picture

Fr sent

stairmaster's picture

definitely massive mate +

Gettingbig's picture

I really appreciate that brother definitely still some cutting im hoping to sit around 205 with nice mass im almost there. If I could get abs that would definitely be a plus also

DeadlyCrooc's picture


Gettingbig's picture

I appreciate that brother

shiva4's picture

Noticible improvements, brother, nice progress. The advice I can give in regards to trt is; avoid it if at all possible. It's only a decision for you to make and it's a big one. Trying to decide soon after a deca cycle probably isn't the best time. I urge you to take 5 or 6 months off minimum and see what you can get your natural levels back up to.

Trt isn't all it's cracked up to be. There are frequent shifts and swings in mood and mentality. You're relying on drugs and proper doses to keep you "balanced" and you can never really a consistent balance in the way your body's natural production can. It's also a huge inconvenience. I don't mind the injection part more of the problems with always ensuring you have your meds, traveling, especially internationally, and it hard to find a legit Dr that knows what they are doing and have up to date methods.

BigWA67's picture

Excellent advice Shiva is givin ya gettinbig the only reason I ever started trt was because my natural levels were all the way down to 130 and I always thought trt would be awesome boy was I wrong talk about a rollercoaster ride as far as mood swings and fighting depression blah

helloBrooklyn's picture

I guess we all respond differently because for me the PCTs were the rollercoaster rides.

Bearded_muscle's picture

Gotta agree, trt for me has my mood more stable than I can ever remember it being. My natural test maxed out at 300 in my late teens and never came that high again so trt was a godsend. Went from consuming 300-900 mgs of caffeine a day just to get through down to not needing it at all.

Gettingbig's picture

Is your trt test and adex as your ai?
It seems like when I talk to guys this combination works better than aromasin

Bearded_muscle's picture

My prescribed trt is test and adex, I switched to aromasin myself because I was having a really hard time dialing in my arimidex dose. I would get achy joints even as low as .25 mg every 3 days and since I switched to aromasin I haven't had the joint pain I experienced with arimidex. I use 12 mg twice a week for aromasin. Also my doc has me on 200 mg test. It's higher than some other docs prescribe.

helloBrooklyn's picture

If that little amount of adex is crashing your E2, isn't that maybe a sign that you don't need an AI at all on such a small amount of test?

Bearded_muscle's picture

I thought so, but then when I was on 500 mgs of test my estrogen came back around 110. I need more labs to know for sure, I'm running bloods this coming week on the para pharma sust at a trt dose and I'll adjust accordingly. I haven't been too worried about it since I'm not showing low e2 symptoms right now.

Gettingbig's picture

My last pct was tough I hope that this one isn't like the last I was really on the ride last time.
Brooklyn you're on trt or cruise?

BigWA67's picture

yeah your totally right brooklyn we all do respond different everybody's chemical makeup is so different what works for the goose doesn't always work for the gander!! when i was still doing pct it was nothing like i get now ill go two three months on trt just fine then all the sudden im all over the map depressed and my wife is asking me if im going thru menopause :/

Gettingbig's picture

Bigwa is your dose and ai stable and you still have swinging hormones. I guess I always thought once you get your dose right then it was smooth sailing.

BigWA67's picture

yeah im thinking i might need to get a second opinion as far as the doc goes cause like i was telling brooklyn above i can go two three months sometimes longer stable then all the sudden im all over the place i think my doc is missing something but i dont have a clue it gets almost frustrating cause ill be feeling like ahh finally stability then i start getting all moody and depressed and any motivation goes right down the toilet another thing and i dont know if this has w anything to do with it all but my vision gets funky to hard to focus and i get these wobblys i call them where it seems like my eyes twitch real fast for a split second im on 200mg a week of test cyp and 12.5 mg e3d of aromisin

Gettingbig's picture

I agree with you 100% I don't want trt it would be the last resort option after a hcg then clomiphene Nolvadex and aromasin pct. After that if results aren't what im looking for i will run again more hcg and then another clomiphene run. If that still leaves me low and I mean low not 300 I mean less than 200 then I will consider and speak with my doctor about options that he might be able to provide. My doctor is actually really into the whole hrt option so I have a doctor already that I can speak with.
I hope that it doesn't come to that though hopefully im just worried and first run i will come back and be able to move forward until the end of the year then im going to start a low dose test primo cycle maybe sprinkle some 1testcyp but im still debating that.
I really appreciate your feedback brother

shiva4's picture

Any time. What was your natural.production before you started this last run?

Gettingbig's picture

Paperwork is in my folder at the docs office but it was between 300 and 350.
So I still had good numbers that was at the end of my last cycle it wasn't a precycle test.
That was around 2 months after pct was finished

I almost want to say it was 400-450 but that doesn't sound right
I have good numbers but to get those numbers last pct took what I would call an extremely hard time it was the hardest pct I've ever gone through. I thought for sure my results were going to be horrible. I felt horrible I did lose some gains i had made to it being such a hard recovery. Eating was hard and had a bit of depression then finnally started to get better.

What numbers did you have when you decided it was time to get on trt?

shiva4's picture

I was bouncing between 225 and 300. I had levels at 340 when I was 26 or 27. I didn't make the choice based on my test level. My estrogen was even low. I was unable to function properly in life and it was so bad it was literally interfering with accomplishing certain things that was going to impact the rest of my life. I tried everything to reboot my system but nothing improved the over all issues. In fact, it seems to just result in further imbalances and improper hormone ratios.

My girlfriend has an extensive knowledge basis on endocrinology and western medicine. She had been urging me for 2 years to get on trt. Eventually I just had to accept the fact that her advice was accurate.

TrenAllDay's picture

Shit when I was put on trt, had multiple tests done, my test levels were between 37-50...girl basically, that was a miserable time.

BigWA67's picture

Holy cow I thought I was low at 130 that must have been miserable asf bro

TrenAllDay's picture

Yea man it was horrible. I would get 8 hours of sleep, wake up, get my son to school, come home and sleep another 2 hours. Would doze off while driving. Was still hitting the gym but 0 results were coming from it, felt like a huge gaping pussy.

BigWA67's picture

i know that feeling all to well how the heck did you natty test get so low

BigWA67's picture


Gettingbig's picture

Did you crush your natural test running gear or were those just your numbers?

I believe that I have crushed my natural test levels will find out next blood work

TrenAllDay's picture

2-3 times when I was supposed to pct, I wasn't able to. After that tried getting my natural test back for almost a year and couldn't break 100

Gettingbig's picture

Yeah this is my exact worry I've been running gear for almost 15 yrs some damage im sure has been done

Gettingbig's picture

I can only imagine going through that it would be like coming off a cycle for life. That would be really rough i hope that I don't have that happen. I appreciate your help with this decision just hearing the few things we talked about make me realize that I shouldn't have to get on trt I should be able to recover if it goes really bad then yes I will do trt but im going to do everything I can to avoid it.
Thanks brother

XmadXscientist's picture

And keep making progress because you've done some work the last couple weeks!

XmadXscientist's picture

Try getting an hmg that has lh and fsh in it, don't know if can mention a brand here but if you need one I got you. It's far superior to hcg and I expect to become a staple in trt protocols in the future. Rusty posted an abstract of a study awhile back about hcg causing lh receptor desensitization, it's only temporary but it can be up to two weeks slowing recovery. I use hmg now instead of hcg and yeah it's more expensive if you can pick a bunch up on a solid sale but it's worth it in my opinion. You get the added benefit of fsh which helps insure future fertility if that's something your thinking about down the road.

Here's an article I was using to fabricate a write up on it

Gettingbig's picture

I appreciate the advice I have looked at hmg in the past but its cost seems over the top but I might be completely wrong. I have read the articles but the compounds we use don't always work as they should.
When you used hmg what was your dosing protocol and how long did you run?
Im curious to hear more about your experience.

XmadXscientist's picture

I have 1500iu on its way and I plan to run 10iu every night. That's a six month supply and it was 200$. I've run 3iu everyday before and that work but not quite enough, my bloods showed .2 fsh when it was zero before. I'm going to check my bloods after a couple weeks to see how close to normal I can get to my normal levels. If you wanted to incorporate it into pct I would do maybe 25iu eod? I think the fertility places do it eod but they use more which idk if it's necessary for us since we have functioning endocrine systems we purposely turn off.

Gettingbig's picture

I appreciate the feedback i probably will reach out to you in some time to talk more about this.
Thanks brother

shiva4's picture

Glad to help. Feel free to message me anytime.

Gettingbig's picture

I appreciate that and will take you up on that im sure

shiva4's picture
