RawGonza22's picture
  • 172

+ 6 Cut short


Before and after pics, Pics on couch sometime in October. Ran 7 weeks Susta Tren 350 3x weekly but cut short due to flu. Have some issues with insulin resistance. so Pics angled a bit. Lol. Happy with 8 lean Lbs positive results. Cruising a bit on .5 ml Test and .5 ml Deca every 14 days. Will have results on lipid panel today and if all is well will put together a quick 10 week blast

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Sam I Am's picture

I’m a little late but+2 on an amazing recovery...

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cougars509's picture

So I’m just gonna start asking people, this isn’t Instagram or Facebook...so why not post full shots shirts off and show try progress...are you in this for just critiques on your arms or in this for full body and health? People can give honest feedback like this

RawGonza22's picture

Ive edited this a few times and just dont know how to respond to this but you are absolutely entitled and you are very correct.
This has nothing to do with Arms, ive never posted a pic here and did not plan on taking tjese pics. But thanks anyhow
id show my face because that is my best asset.
Im extremely disproportioned. Never lifted heavy. Boxed through my teens and twenties and always stayed lean fought at 147, 154. and stopped in 2002 just to help kids up til paraslysis from. Im 42. Im relatively new to bodybuilding. Maybe ask why I posted this instead of speculating on what makes semse to you bud.
I broke my back, upper thoracic, and disc 2 collapsed, shrinking me 2 cm, and I then had surgery feb 26, 2016. If you had seen me a year ago, youd see why I posted this pick.im not after a critique, not everyone is, but I feel like I can be part of this social network, and Im very proud of these pics considering. Ok bro.
Maybe you can help me, ill respect and listen; but then you might be struggling with a few insecurities as many of us do, and Im very open about mine.

cougars509's picture

Man I was just being a hardass because a lot of people post pictures for what? Reassurance or karma and they are usually of them in a full t shirt and covered? Can’t show gains or give feedback or see progress. We all have insecurities, I have many. Your arms are awesome and accomplishments with what you dealt with is very impressive! You’re 42, killing it and trying to continue working on yourself after all that and all the years of training already, don’t stop brother you’re killing it. I’m not trying to knock you, show off what you’ve worked for brotha and let’s all see the continued transformation!

Don’t stop man, and FYI my best (only) asset is my face as well haha

IrishWOLFhound's picture

Nice work +1

RawGonza22's picture

Hard work considering littke progress. Thank you for your optimism.

RangerVet's picture

Big and muscular. Nothing wrong with that

RawGonza22's picture

Thank you. I dont care about symmetry or competition, i just came off a serious back injury and feel great about some progress, a little outside help with some good test helped alot. So thank you for your optimism, im disproportioned and am not at all satisfied but this coment really makes me feel good

cougars509's picture

And FYI I’m more disproportionate I bet you, im all legs since I’m so tall and can’t gain in my legs, only upper body haha

Calrizzian's picture

Arms are looking solid my man!

IMO, I’d focus on delts/shoulders and traps and bring those up.

You said you have an insulin resistance problem- what leads you to believe that? Diagnosed Diabetes?

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RawGonza22's picture

Im speculating. They did find some sugar in my Urine just a while back and my father has insuline resistance issues, and Im not ver aggressive as i should be in that area. But Im not certain of insuline issues. I just ran a blood panel and am working on a proper diagnosis. No kidding on the delts and traps, claves, quads. I used to wear an xlarge headgear during sparring and amateur boxing days, thin wrists and ankles; I strongly agree with you on your feedback. Im actually out the door for leg day. Thank you. I need to hear it

RawGonza22's picture

I have somewhat of abdominal improvement sir, but I get bloated at least once a day after even a small lets say, plate of chx, rice, Grn beens. Im working hard on it but thanks you for the reply. I need the feedback good and bad, and bad is even better in the short term