RawGonza22's picture
  • 172

-6 DBol

Ordered from: 
Becausesquat's picture

You silly sausage

Goose24's picture

See below Pale. I gave you solid advice.

RawGonza22's picture

Shows an example of closed minds, i dont even habe a facebook avcount. Why would i.share any personal info on the net. I cant beleibe your.closed minds man. The pics are connection. I am 6 hours from that address thougj. I will admit. And the name is from is deceased friend of mine. Just shows how closeminded.and blind. Uneducated.really

Sam I Am's picture

Theres no closed minds. You posted that info. You commented on all of those promos. All you had to do was say I'm going to quit gaming the site. Then you go off with this crazy shit over 4 karma points. I've lost 200 in one whack. Goose has lost more than most of us will ever have. Grow the fuck up. -2 . If you apologize to Goose I'll give them back. You posted that shit not him...

Owes a Review × 1
RawGonza22's picture

Look man. I've been on here for nearly 4 years (rgonza22 was my original profile. I could no longer log in) does not matter. You are doing your job. I apologize for insulting you instead of admitting my wrongs. I take it all back. I'm done with AAS. I'm trying to just live my pathetic life staying sober. Heroin has destroyed my attitude and my health. I want off this site. I apologize, sincerely to everybody. I've been on here for a long time and have only listened and learned a lot. Many good people on here and helpful people. Again SamI Iam.
I'm hoping my Heroin and methadone problem may shed some light on the next man.

RawGonza22's picture

I know your smarter than that. If i.had muktioke prifiles like many id be gaming this site. Ive lost most my shit. Common man. Though the pics are real. I look like shit but im working on me not the source. You.cant name what ive lost or.what ive.gotten. nothing is.for free. Oain in the.fucjin ass

Sam I Am's picture

Ok smart guy who has the multiple sites ? I hear this all the time. Who is it ? How does that make you being a promo whore ok ? It doesn't. You've commented on every free promo page for along time. You not anybody else. You must owe a dozen fuckin reviews...-2 for telling me to take it in the ass.

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ECinfidel's picture

-2 for telling me to take it in the ass.
W/out the courtesy of a "no homo" no less. -1

Goose24's picture

I think it's probably best to just stop talking. Seriously

RawGonza22's picture

Just showing how closed minded you are.

Goose24's picture

Closed minded to what cupcake? Sharing seizure letters with names and mailing addresses on them posted on a website the Feds constantly monitor? CONSTANTLY! Grow the fuck up.

You are a fucking joke and have to be one of the stupidest twinks I've ever seen on this forum. And I've been here pretty much since day uno.

RawGonza22's picture

Lol. Cut.and.pasted. im fake like everybody else. I live outside of the US. Who is this guy. Who knows bit worked.

Sam I Am's picture

I've seen your picture. Nobody would fake that.

Owes a Review × 1
Goose24's picture
RawGonza22's picture

So your positive i am who i.say i.am. i never met you

Sam I Am's picture

Smh I told the guy to delete this. All he is worried about is his 4 karma points. I dont think Raul understands English or hes crazy af...

Owes a Review × 1
RawGonza22's picture

YYou.started this.shit. Ya, i am cracrazy as fuck. I actually live 60 North in Alb. Actually, nice green. That.aint the.home though. The address i.used is run down badly with junk. And I dont give a fuck. Wasnt worth the few items I recieved, i lost 3.addresses trusting a few promosI dont hide or lie with multiple people with 2 or more files. All my free stuff was robbed. Ive been on here for nearly 4 yrs. Recentky received a few items from a few sources. Needed a relabke source with good gear but you

Sam I Am's picture

You've been on here 4 years,,? Your join date is last year. Your the dumbass with multiple acts.

Owes a Review × 1
Goose24's picture

You sound like a child bro

You think you're so smart.. well when the hammer gets dropped on your ass maybe then you'll smarten the hell up.

RawGonza22's picture

How many prifiles you got. At momas house. Delete me. I dont care. Stupid

Plumberscrack13's picture

I don't think that's the right now trailer it says Zillow dosent have any pics of that exact address that's a trailer for sale in same hood ..just went to Google st view and went down s main and if I'm not mistaken it's the 7th one on the left ..this guy is screwed man

RawGonza22's picture

You have a.facebook.account, rubbing in your 12 promo order.after pale.tells you you were removed to.early from the list.

Plumberscrack13's picture

Also why the fuck haven't u deleated this yet are u waiting to make sure that LE sees it or what ..this fucking blows my mind .yeah your a douchebag for being a promowhore but damn I dont like to see anyone go down like this .. DELETE THE FUCKING PIC DUDE !!

RawGonza22's picture

Who.says this is even a legit letter. Maybe bs like everybobs else. None of you have.ever done research in college. Pure speculation on everything. I may be using a fake name. Man. Unreal. Some.stupid people. Move outta moms house

Plumberscrack13's picture

OMG is this real. Seriously the promo whoring should be the least of your concerns right now ..they have your name and address and proof that that shit is yous sitting in there holding facility.. damn bro I'd lawyer up and get rid of everything u have gear wise ..bro this isn't a game your looking at some serious trouble here. Good luck to u

Pale's picture

You are fucking stupid

RawGonza22's picture

Please delete this profike I use. You cant be.dumber than me. There is no fuckin way. Common pale. Delete this.shit. i got.what i needed. Just needed a.few reliable international.sources. i am hobest. Never worked anybody over. Took advantage.cause i.did have shit.seized over and.over. the whole point of this. Believe.what you want. Delete this man. To many angry people

Goose24's picture

That's not how it works cupcake. How would the integrity of the site work if the mods took everything down people requested. You changed your pic so at least you did what you could on your end. I hope this is a lesson on what not to do here on this site.

There's a reason I purposely didn't pick your exact address... just chalk this up to a learning experience and move along. I suggest you start helping around the site rather then always taking from it. My .02

RawGonza22's picture

Coukd be.fake like everyone else to prove my point. Who.says i live in the US amd that is.evem my name. Common Pale. Full time work is healthier.

RawGonza22's picture

Lol. Absolutely speculation. Im out big time. Absolutely mouth. I aint stuping.

Sam I Am's picture

That's it I'm not commenting on any of this shit anymore. I've never seen guys go to pieces over shit like lately.

Owes a Review × 1
RawGonza22's picture

Right. Your right, obvioys youngsters just jump in and run the mouth. Im honestIm done with Promos. Ive Ruined several addresses. Never knew about promos 6 months ago. I spent $400 bucks, just easy to throw away, there is a pic with 3 bottles. Although varifyed through lab tests and bloodwork, who the Fuck knows anymore. Im not commenting. I thought that I was trying to get a good international source, and ive found 2. Ill never do another promo. Just has been a waste. Got 1.5 good cycles and expired a few addresses.

And I lost 4 karma. I give up man. When disrespect and insults. I was pissed off earlier. Not at you Sam. Fuck those promos. I got angry man. Your doing your job. Ur cool man

heavymetalmonsterD's picture

I gotta say this is by far one of the dumbest pictures I've seen posted on here.. and the comments???wtf.... lol congrats on breaking a grand karma bro... awesome

Owes a Review × 1
RawGonza22's picture

Lol. Right.

pickle's picture

i cant even understand what he's trying to say in most of his comments

RawGonza22's picture

Dumber than me. Impossible. You invited yourslef with actually no.facts just kissing ass. Go home to mom dude. Make sure they delete this profile. To alow you to butt in?? With a mouth to back up nothing

RawGonza22's picture

Ive got 5 more letters within the last few. Ill post one everyday for next week. You just joined our show bro. Lol unreal

Sam I Am's picture

Fuck his names right on the document. I just wanted to point out he was promo whoreing. Hopefully he doesn't get himself in trouble. That wasnt my intent at all. I hope he just deletes the whole thing..

Owes a Review × 1
Sam I Am's picture

What does a seizure letter have to do with you hitting all the freebie promos ? Fyi the only people in power are the mods and ofcourse our wives...

Owes a Review × 1
Makwa's picture

Brilliant. You do know there is a reference number on there so now customs and DEA know who you are on eroids.

RawGonza22's picture

Oh man. Im anfuck up. Ok. Mke you feel btter. I dont get.free gear. Most has beej seized. Thats what tyeee letters have to.do. wow. I fuckin looked up to you man. I dont wnt yo be a.promo hoe. Ive paud for whats on ky pics but a mix. I.was offered to run a sexual line. I refused it

Sam I Am's picture

Damn bro you've been killing these promos. You must have one hell of a stash. How will you ever review all of these ?

Owes a Review × 1
RawGonza22's picture

Again. All of what? They.all been seized stupid

RawGonza22's picture

Im honest and respectul. I respect ful sam. I paid for those Eurochem. Padbfor.most.Buypeps. no free....raw power

RawGonza22's picture

I have a few pills and some.SERMS and anfew opened vials. I never said this was a promo item and you know I cant defend myslef. Yes Promo whoring if I received anything But have lots of seizure letters. wont argue because I cant argue without you dogging me but I.can back much of my whoring. 9 promo attempts I believe. 5 seizure letters in all, 3 from 3 top source. Ya I have a stash. Expensive. All domestic orders but I have received Promo orders from 4 successful. I can send you 1 letters right now. 3 letters back to back from 1 UK Lab in top 5. They just ignore me. I can send you 1 letter now. Im honest. Id be.out $1000 if I jumped the gun. I asked for.advice, not.for you to Mock and to insult me. Ive tried but have failed. Day 1, I requested 3 promos, some with your credentials.was aoready on it like a struggling 12 year old insultung and disrespecting. Kinda shocking really. This a grown man insulting and insulting. Please dont just speculate from seeing just my Handle
OF COF BREAK IT DOWN BUT ITS.GONNA JUST PISS YOU OFF. I dont need to run blood work....I.can just feel it...I.can feel 1367 ng/Dl. Lol. Thats what your.arguing. very simular analogy

pickle's picture

Are you drunk?

Goose24's picture

Only a matter of time before you get a knock on the door or phone call.. guaranteed. They're not dicking around anymore.

Promo whore

RawGonza22's picture

Already have bud. But to bad that aint my name and im 600 miles away. Open your mind dude