PapaSwole's picture
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Bridging and it's Purpose!

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Taking a look into bridging or as we call it cruising there are methods to make it work well with only removing a little water and no mass! When we cruise esp. for a serious athlete or TRT guy you just go back to your basic level of 200mg or test E or C a week, a nice break or cruise to maintain and keep energy up and muscle tissue from going catabolic and eating away you have to remember a few things!

We as humans our bodies want to stay at it's homeostasis plain and simple you have to work to gain or lose no matter what! So when bridiging or in TRT, protein is key no matter what we have to remain anabolic esp. since we dont have that 1500mg of test a week and we are no longer super human and have returned to normal human status!!! So a rule of thumb is on when crusing or bridging double your weight in protein! For example 200lb male needs 400grams of protein daily!

Let's look at my protocol---

Test Ent 200mg a week 1cc on Wednesday
HCG 500iu a week 250iu on Monday 250iu on Friday
HGH at 5iu daily off weekends 2.5iu upon waking and 2.5iu around lunch or meal 3-4
Insulin with postworkout only
Anavar 80mg Daily split into a A.M. P.M. Dose 40mg

This i have found to be the perfect protocol fot keeping me at a perfect level to maintain and give my body a light break while detoxing my body! Also i up my shake post workout wise via carbs and isolate protein to recover as much as possible!

mjunkie's picture

But why use this when u could use that time to do your receptor cleaning trick?

PapaSwole's picture

You do them both brother I never come off I clean on low dosages and then blast super heavy this is for those that just like the old school method of just bridging then hitting a good blast

mjunkie's picture

Got it, so say i wanted to start contest prep right after this blast i'd be better off doing this one so i keep more gains..

PapaSwole's picture

Yes you would be better on a small bridge brother

strongman480's picture

how long do you cruise before going back on?

PapaSwole's picture

8-12 weeks depending on next show or prep start up!

Gorillafit's picture

But that's after a 40-44 week blast though, right? LOL ;-P

PapaSwole's picture

You are correct brother!!! Lmao

klaydo68's picture

Im very curious to kno if bridging is the same as cruising??

Gorillafit's picture

My understanding is, with Bridging you use different compounds to keep you anabolic but not to the degree to hinder recovery. Some use HGH to bridge, I've seen articles on low dose Anavar to Bridge......
If on TRT\HRT the cruise could sort of be associated to Bridging but different because of the natural test production differences.

PapaSwole's picture

Oh fit your correct I am going to go off body weight on bridging correctly and var is a good choice for bridging Smile

klaydo68's picture

Ok gotcha thanx bro Smile

killinit88's picture

Yep that is the basics of it, however...... I be waitin for the PAPA to get in here and really dig it down deep for us....

killinit88's picture

Excited about this one