XvBeast's picture
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A easy cutting strategy

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If you know what to eat then this should be easy ...
(On cycle)

~~ Food
protien = 2 x body wieght
Carbs = keep under 50 g , only eat carbs before the gym..No carbs unless its going to be burned . No carbs after the gym. Keep simple sugar intake low
Fat = high unsaturated fat intake

Breakfast should be the biggest meal of the day and meals should become smaller through out the day. The smallest meal should be at night.

~~ Drugs
1) clen : 2 weeks on .. 2 weeks off. Taper up , start at 20 mcg and don't go past 80.

2) T3: 21 days cycle . Taper up . Start from 25mcg and don't go past 75mcg... Taper down , there will be a fat rebound.

3) GHRP 2 or 6 ; take before meals . Inject 3-4 times a day @ 100 to 300 mcg .. Take on an empty stomach, wait 20min after injecting

4) Melotonan : good appetite suppressor . Inject ED @ .5mg

5) Prami: start @ .25 mg then taper up if u want to. Good appetite suppressor . And increases growth hormones.

6) you have to be on cycle , testosterone is needed or you ll flatten out

~~Cardio : at least 30 to 45 mins a day. Heart rate is irrelevant if your on cycle .

~~wieght training is not a choice . Wieght training atleast 5 -6 times a day .

~~No rest days .. Do light cardio for the day and don't wieght train if u want rest

~~one cheat meal a week , don't exceed 1000 cal

Doss's picture

5) Prami: start @ .25 mg then taper up if u want to. Good appetite suppressor . And increases growth hormones.

Have you tried 0.25 from the start? I started with half that and it gave me insomnia and a decent amount of lethargy.

XvBeast's picture

never had any problems with prami @ .25

Doss's picture

You started straight from the start with .25?

j223's picture

everyone responds differently. Some can start at 0.5mg and have no problems. But most people usually get sides starting at 0.25

Doss's picture

No carbs after the weights makes for a much harder recovery. I'd much rather see te carbs post workout than pre-.

See my posts about overtraining and force feeding to get an understanding of energy demands and metabolic pathways post workout.

Anonymous's picture

Have u seen XV lately???? I think he's on to something here bro

j223's picture

I agree, with no carbs after a workout, recovery is probably tougher.

But the point of this post is cutting and fatloss. I think we all know there is going to be some loss of muscle mass during a cut. It just happens. Hopefully the anabolics can help preserve. But for overall fatloss if you are burning all of your carbs during a workout then seems like there would be minimal fat gain if any at all.

levelup's picture

I would agree with that if you weren't tryin to she'd as fast as possible but since you are in this case I would disagree. because pre workout carbs allow you to keep your intensity up for maximum benefit while not havin any excess to store as fat. You would also benefit from the gh release pwo helping to burn fat and promote muscle recovery, carbs pwo would stop thatgh release. Carbs pwo would cause greater uptake of nutrients in the muscle cell via insulin response. would def be more anabolic but imo would cause excess glycogen stores which could the rate of fat loss. I've found that if I eat another protein meal after pwo shake with some nuts for mono fats I stay satisfied wo the carbs. Just my opinion based on basic knowledge, who knows it might just work with my metabolism

XvBeast's picture

hey bro, nuts have carbs

levelup's picture

True but I eat half an ounce of almonds which is like 3 carbs and fibrous. I guess I never really counted trace carbs like in veggies. Cottage cheese has a few carbs too but never brought me out of ketosis when I did the palumbo diet

Doss's picture

Nuts and veggies have fiberous carbs, yes. However, depending on the source, the majority of the carb content usually consists of starches. These starches are broken down in the small intestine into smaller sugar molecules that enter the bloodstream as glucose. Same as complex carbs. The rate of absorption a depends on the source, of course, as does the quantity.

levelup's picture

That's good to know...iv never counted them before but ill look out now

Doss's picture

I can see the reasoning behind your thought process. Thing about te post carbs and gh release is that it is only for a VERY short period.

If you follow my force feeding concept, you're using an insulin surge to drive the carbs to the muscles, not fat. This aides I'm replenishing depleted glycogen - and yes, levels will still be depleted even after pre workout carbs - and kick starting the muscle repair process. Until this occurs, this repair process cannot take place. That is a physiological fact, my man.

The trick is to get the carbs right and keep them controlled so that insulin isn't continuously released to inhibit natty gh activity. This insulin surge will clear the blood stream in approximately 20 minutes.

The stresses caused on the muscle tissues will raise cortisol levels. These modest elevations of cortisol will actually stimulate gh production. So, you're still good.

Post workout carbs immediately following the strength training, followed by 20-30 min of light cardio. 1-2 hours later, a meal consisting of zero carbs or less than 20g, since insulin is stimulated at a blood glucose level of approximately 80-100 cal worth.

It's all about insulin regulation bro. Control that insulin and you control/disallow the storage of nutrients as fat.

levelup's picture

Yea I think the gh release is about 30mins and if your are supplementing with it I guess it doesn't really matter. I always use pwo carbs on maintenance and bulk but tend to stay away from them while cutting tho I think your explanation makes sense. I got the idea from bb's drop insulin while cutting for a show. Like I said this may be just what works for me...I'm quite carb sensitive

waltr's picture

"~~wieght training is not a choice . Wieght training atleast 5 -6 times a day ."

i don't think i could manage that dude ;P

jk i know what you meant.

next time i'm trying to cut i'm gonna follow this advice word for word, your personal results speak volumes in my opinion

eatchicken's picture

could i carb cycle instead of just 50gms of carbs a day? i flatten way too much