XvBeast's picture
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Current cycle or drugs

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hello all, this is my current drugs

2 g of test
eq 800mg
npp 800mg
8iu gh (generic)
igf-1 &ghrp

manbearpig's picture

Get it get it broseph!

Anonymous's picture

im adding CJC (no dac) and GHRP to my daily regime..

XvBeast's picture

it does help but its not that great..

Roid Noid's picture

that is probably a fun cycle, I know i could put on some good size from that and is close to what I was thinking about going into after this run.

XvBeast's picture

what r u thinking of running? Im trying something new, trying to recomposition around 250lbs and hit 6-8% bf

Roid Noid's picture

my next cycle will be a bulk

probably something like
d-bol or drol 50mg/d
test-c 1500-2000mg/w
NPP 700mg/w
Ment 500-700mg/w

HGH 3-5iu/d

maybe just continue my current cycle EQ dose right into this cycle as well. 900mg/w

XvBeast's picture

nvr tried the MENT, but drol is the stuff for bulking if it wasnt so liver toxic. ur right very similar

mujeriego's picture

So you're going to run the EQ right up until this bulk cycle?
Interesting cause I'm thinking of doing something similar, I'm running EQ at the moment at 1 gram (trt test). But undecided if I should run it right up to my bulker (test e, tren e, npp, superdrol, hgh, slin) or go for a little cruise (4 weeks) on test and swap the EQ for primo.

Roid Noid's picture

no im saying im running a 20week cycle right now that has EQ in it, when i get to week 20 I dont drop the EQ just continue running it for another 12weeks on the new cycle.

Doss's picture

You big mother fucker you