sic26's picture
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Who has used two 19nors together with no problems

Roid Noid's picture

I started getting lower back pain about 5 days ago. Got worse and worse, noticed a little water retention, hit 1mg/d dex and nothing got better. Stopped injections for the last 2 days as I'm working and these pumps are horrible. Today just driving the car my lower back was killing me. Haven't had this for like 3 years and it was with d-bol. Fucking just standing is painful. Not to thrilled with this side. ....gonna hit some taurine today.

sic26's picture

How many many grams of taurine do u take

sic26's picture

Holy shot noid lol are you tapping my phones my back feels like I'm carrying a baby turtle shell or I just grew a donkey booty lol have taurine 1000mg do u get nausea when u take it I take it with food or when In a rush with juice I know supposed tobe a meal

Roid Noid's picture

I just pounded a small can of blue monster. Back pain is almost gone in 30 minutes.

sic26's picture

Okay well I just popped in capsule don't think mine will be that quick :(

Roid Noid's picture

I don't know, took about 40-45 minutes and I felt fine. Working right now with no problems. Fuck I needed that! That shit was getting

sic26's picture

Lol I bet this is my first time getting the those pumps guess its dose either way don't want a fat back ;)

Roid Noid's picture

interestingly enough, I drank that one monster and that back pain never came back, but im sure the ester was dropping rapidly at that point as i hadnt pinned in 2 days....Anyways after a couple days of some really deep sleep I went back on yesterday....By the way, ive never heard of someone getting a fat back from back pumps! but then again I havent heard anyone say they didnt either! LOL

sic26's picture

Lmao! I needed to hear a joke was still stuck in yesterday messed around let my family new place there in just popped over to say we gave to come together get closer all mean while meals food shakes n duffle up stairs its my fault bcuz I know when they come unannounced talking we are the world its going to get ugly we argued for three hrs then caught a nosebleeds should of told them my wife is sick I can't come downstairs damn sorry noid I know you are not Dr.Phil noid lol just had that bottled up lost two pounds again back to 198 :(

Rustyhooker's picture

I can gain and lose 2lbs a day with just water. Maybe your was combo fat burnt and lost water?

sic26's picture

It probably was rusty did catch holy hell ab cramp n mid talk was extra thirsty as well

Roid Noid's picture

ive dropped nine pounds of water in one day working in an attic, that was extreme 100* weather. but I do 5-6 pounds a day regularly on attic jobs. 2 pounds is nothing....I weighed in at 226 morning weight about 3 days ago, 235 this morning.

Pale's picture

I always go in and insulate the attics when we do them because I don't want to have to kill one of my guys for putting their foot through a ceiling. I try to avoid doing them jobs when it is hot out. That is hellish up there when it is hot.

ScorchedEarth's picture

I have used deca and tren e in the same cycle. I used the deca at a very low dose to help joints and tren at higher dose for the actual cycle. Didnt have an issue . Just make sure to have caber or prami

sic26's picture

Have prami and caber but are trt or do u pct and if so was it harder to bounce back

ScorchedEarth's picture

i currently pct and didnt have trouble coming back.

Pale's picture

How about running NPP first and then finish the cycle with tren ace? I am still considering my options for my next cycle in December, I was kind of thinking Sustanon/NPP with maybe an oral kicker but then finish Sustanon/ Tren ace as I transition to prop. This is far from advanced but I am leery to post it on the regular forums.

Roid Noid's picture

Post it here I'm interested to see your transitions.

Pale's picture

Okay, I will. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't too far out of whack with that idea. I had a great 9 week run with tren A doing 50mg ED, but running it for 12 may be pushing my luck. So I figured start with NPP. When I get a minute I will start a new post on it. I just thought of more questions..

Roid Noid's picture

I have. actually used 3 for short time.

If you not TRT dont consider it, shut down would be god awful.

sic26's picture

Thanks noid. no I'm not trt and not trying to be. lol so I will not be trying it just was curious thanks again

Roid Noid's picture

Ive got several bottles laying around and im already running tren-a

its been some time since I ran them together so what the heck. sounds like a great idea to me!

sic26's picture

That's okay I don't want to be shut down that hard even though I am running HCG in my cycle just wanted to see if low dose of Deca would help joints but if the risks out weigh the benefits thats alright. already on fish oil to help me with my joints

Roid Noid's picture

for you its not a good idea, for me its sounds great!

sic26's picture

Any more input to my question down below or is it still not a good idea hcg or not

OmNom's picture

Out of curiosity, how would a cycle look when you run them together? ratio wise I mean..
And was progestin sides a lot more pronounced or about the same? I don't plan on going near this anytime soon but I've always been very curious about this

Roid Noid's picture

I dont get any progestin sides.

So I was running
500mg/w test-c
100mg/d tren-a

and added the NPP a few days ago at 75mg/d

sic26's picture

And did that dose on npp help your joints

Roid Noid's picture

so far not much difference, takes about 2 weeks to kick for me.

Roid Noid's picture

a slight bit of deca dick started coming on last sat, its still working but im losing erection right before getting off. probably gonna bump my test-e another 250mg/w.

PIN_CUSHION's picture

Do you run caber or anything with your nors, or control it with your Test doses?

Roid Noid's picture

Control with test. only use adex once every so often. actually I still got a 30ml bottle from like 2 years ago, think it came from badger when he went out on his own. I dont touch nolva, clomid, prami, caber, letro, none of that stuff.

sic26's picture

Noid curious don't touch caber bcuz u said u dont sides right?

Roid Noid's picture

ive never needed to. only 19nor sides I get is deca dick but that can be adjusted with dose.

sic26's picture

Okay I got it

PIN_CUSHION's picture

I knew you were TRT so I figured nolva and clomid were not used. I'll have some caber on hand for my bulk, but I'm hoping that my ratios are good, and with Provi in the mix I won't need any. We shall see.

sic26's picture

Guess you are trt also

OmNom's picture

yup, but there are definitely guys who aren't on trt that do it.. I agree with noid though I wouldn't go near the stuff if I wasn't on trt.. tren puts enough guys on trt by itself lmao

sic26's picture

Question not using it but I drop tren week ago I guys said that they run certain ass couple weeks at a time so even if I dropped it and used npp still would shut down hard. even if I'm running hcg. Not running deca just inquiring lol

OmNom's picture

shut down has a lot to do with the dosage of the particular compound/compounds and how long you run it.. as long as you let the tren leave your system and you haven't been on too long it shouldn't be bad

sic26's picture

I been on tren 6weeks been off two weeks but I had npp I would use low dose instead of deca bcuz its s long ester

OmNom's picture

if it's a low dose of npp for your joints I don't see it being a problem with you off tren and especially with you on hcg.. how long is this cycle?

sic26's picture

I don't have npp on hand and running cyclr now for ebc 16weeks doing bulk cycle: I'm just checking I know its my decision but I'm not going act like I know I rather get advice from guys that cycles like this but if I did for next cycle how long would I run npp for joint benefits never used it b4

OmNom's picture

I've honestly never used it for joint support... only to bulk.. I'm sure there's someone in here with more experience specifically using it for joints.. I'd imagine with it being a lower dose than normal you'd get away with running it longer

Catalyst's picture

I'm not on TRT and I don't fancy trying to bounce back from it.

sic26's picture

Just a question on your views on it bcuz I have been reading about if it was short esters is okay to switch in and out compounds I might be explaining it wrong