Monster33's picture
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Recomp cycle diet & training?


Planning a recomp cycle with low test/tren/clen for spring and have a few questions. Here are my planned diet, current stats and goals.

Age 34
Weight 208 lbs
BF 14%

Planned diet.
Pro. 344
Car. 278
Fat. 70
Cal. 2,539

200 lbs
6-8% BF

Question 1) weekly training plan is 3 on 1 off 2 on 1 off with 30 min fasted cardio. Would it be best to do the fasted cardio 6 days a week or only do it on my training days?

Question 2) should I drastically cut carbs on both off days or only 1?

Any answers/ opinions/ critiques are greatly appreciated. Thank you.

romchik88's picture

First and foremost you will not get down to 6-8% BF by losing 8lbs. Second, your macros are off. 3444+2784+70*9=3,118 cals. I would bump your fats 90-100 and lower your carbs to 100-120. Refeed carbs ones a week up to 400g. How long have you been "dieting" or in a caloric deficit?

Monster33's picture

I haven't started my cycle yet. I'm just tuning in my diet and new training regimen. With just this diet I'm at 205 and 10% bf. It's been 2 1/2 weeks. I think I overestimated my bf%. I have calipers now. I plan to lower carbs every or every other week until I reach my desired bf%. So, you think I should start with my carbs that low or gradually lower them? Also, on my two days off, should i cut carbs drastically on one and refeed on the other day? Or refeed on both? My goal is a body recomposition not a cut. So, I want to be at least 200lbs while under 8%bf.

Monster33's picture

Thank you sir, I am thinking of adding gw-501 to help with the endurance. I'd like to still list heavy and add some lean muscle so, I don't really want the joint problems caused by winny. As far as EQ I would like to add it however, I want to limit the drugs I take as this will only be my third cycle. I've read the debates as to if fasted cardio was even beneficial I just figure in the morning before I go to work will be the most convenient time for me to do it.

Monster33's picture


PPGfreak's picture


Monster33's picture

6'0 sorry forgot to add that

Monster33's picture

Also, plan on lowering carbs either weekly or biweekly