tellolade's picture
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Gallon of Whole milk a day


I read on a different forum somewhere I forgot already that some dude was drinking a gallon of whole milk a day and it was a good weight gainer. But doesnt that just fill you up so much that food is out of the question? I mean even on EQ can someone do a gallon of milk a day plus food meals?

rhino6218's picture

that would be super hard on your digestive tract id imagine. a couple glasses per day is about all i would do if i drank milk. i use fat free milk in my bedtime casein for an additional 1g of slow acting protein per oz of milk.

Naxos's picture

It's called GOMAD and it's pretty much a troll diet.

Yes it works. Yes you will put on 20-30 lbs. But most of that weight is going to be fat because you are eating at a calorie surplus wayyyy over maintenance.

You might end up with 5 lbs. of muscle, the rest is going to be fat.

Bodimore's picture

I gained thirty pounds in one month, give it a try.

wallabokkie's picture

Get rid of the milk and eat animal flesh every 2 hours. Nothing is better for putting on size than that. Stuff bulking and getting fat and then having to work hard to get rid of the blubber. Stay lean and eat a well balanced diet with greens, veg and animal flesh. Thats the way to go.

wallabokkie's picture

Mate didn't say that was just answering the question. I am sure that I didn't say anyone was fat. Its better to be lean to keep a better eye on your gains is about all I was getting at. Take out of it what you want or just leave it. It's up to you

wallabokkie's picture

i agree totaly with the tone thing mate. its not a problem. take it easy mate and keep lifting

Catalyst's picture

I couldn't gain weight no matter what I ate when I was 20, you'll fill out. Wait until your my age. you get the opposite problem mate!

Kazaa's picture

I used to drink 1-2 liter (sorry, i'm from DK.. metric system) of chocolate milk a day as a weightgainer in the old days. 35 g protein, 100 gram carbs, 1 gram of fat.. 600 kcals or something.. Best tasting weightgainer ever. That worked!

But now i'm sticking with just skimmed milk for the protein. I actually get at least 2 liters a day. Often more.

Kazaa's picture

Ok dang. That sure is a lot of milk you get down then lol. Twice as much as me.

Kazaa's picture

And it tastes a heck of a lot better than an expensive proteinshake

Catalyst's picture

skimmed milk only for me, drink about a litre per day which adds another 40g of protein (ish). Couldn't drink that much whole milk if you paid me.....

zabuza's picture

the insulin spikes from milk are detrimental but it is a poor man's weight-gainer i guess. I did that from 16-18 years old and my deadlift went from 200-500.

FinMan's picture

I am interested in what you said about the insulin spikes. In drinking possibly a half gallon a day. But I've wondered about the sugars on the label... In the form of lactose. What's the deal with it. Could you elaborate? I'm kinda a noob on that topic...

w1cked001's picture

regardless, worrying about insulin 'spikes' are generally irrelevant for mass gain/fat loss unless you're diabetic. first, de novo lipogenesis doesn't occur in humans other than extreme carb overfeedings, and also, fat oxidation/mobilization isn't dependent solely on insulin; HSL can be stimulated by fat, ASP is stimulated by fat only. Also, BCAAs 'spike' insulin quite significantly, yet I don't see anyone raving against those.

Deuce9's picture

Yo if you guys are lactose intolerant try to find raw milk. It contains enzymes that break down the lactose that pasteurized milk doesn't have. Pasteurization kills pretty much anything in the milk that's good for you. Raw milk Tastes ten time better too. Look it up.

Hardened-Johnson's picture

Iam a big fan of 1/2 to a gallon of whole milk a day. However, it all depends on your body type. If your an ectomorph, then have at it. If you're mesomorph, then maybe 2% is a good idea if you want extra calories. Now, a endomorph should probably stay away from alot of milk period, but if you drink it, then fat free is probably your best choice. How do you find out which body type you are? Think back when you where a kid, since you can't change your body type. Yes, you read that right, you can not change your body type. We might appear different than when we were kids, but that is only because of other factors, such as metabolism, activity level etc...If you need more info about body types look it up. Some people are a combination of more than one.

Byqu's picture

In my opinion it makes no sense, to drink so much milk daily. It has a lot of lactose.
Why do you want to do this? If you need an additional proteines, you can drink just an additional cup of milk with whey for example. Anyway it will be not good for your stomach and for your bf%.

Just read this article:

Make shure your toilette is empty Smile

xroids's picture

It depends on you bro.Eq will help for hunger so you can pack on the extra cals.Iv heard whole milk is next to breast milk.'s picture

if you love milk, just drink it. you can add some calories with it to your day plan but it will not save you. i drink a liter or more every day, 3,5% fat, but i do it just for "fun".
milk helps but not changes anything

Danounet's picture

I drink 1/2 a Gallon of milk a day and I'm not very big. It helps alot.

thundercats0's picture

I do the same. I only drink the 0%, though. Not trying to get the extra fat. The protein in a 1/2 gallon (64g) really helps me hit my macros.

thundercats0's picture

Lactose Intolerate?

Danounet's picture

Try putting some protein on it, or some fruits to make it a milk shake. Or come up with something =)

MAC's picture

Of course why not? If its spaced throughout the day this can easily be achieved bro