tonymontanaa's picture
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Vitamin Glossary



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illusionbeanie's picture

In the 1980s, I also took vitamin packs from Weider. Back in the days before Weider was busted for using cake mix in his protein powders, when bodybuilding was all the rage (true story dordle). However, for the past 35 years, I've taken a daily vitamin/mineral supplement.

JBsuperman's picture

This is great stuff. Everyone always overlooks vitamins because they aren't flashy. Yet they are critical for human health. Chances are, you can't get everything you need every day from your diet alone, so a supp definitely can help. I used to work in a retail, high-stress job, and I swore by a good B-Complex for stress control. I also remember taking the old Weider vitamin packs back in the 80s. You know, back when bodybuilding was Weider everything, and back before he got busted for using cake mix in his protein powders (true story). Regardless, I've taken a vitamin/mineral (don't forget minerals) every day for 35 years.

tonymontanaa's picture

you are totally right. vitamins are very important details. just a little anectod my friend always put her car on b12 at the mall :))