Trump4Prez's picture
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Severe Vitamin D deficiency


What's up all, I need a 6th surgery for a horrible accident where my arm basically exploded. I have a dead man bone in my arm which my body is rejecting. My doctor wants to take bone from my leg and put it in my arm but he can't do it till my vitamin D levels rise to at least 30 I'm currently at 7. I been thing 10000iu a day. Does anyone have any advice on how to raise my levels quickly. I doing 20 min of sun a day at the suns highest point.

Majestsick's picture

I too have very low vit d, I have tried the oral sprays, cream you put on your body and oil form / tablet form. One thing I know that's helping is Boron while taking vit d. Give that some reasearch.

Majestsick's picture

Also do not take that much, I did for a while and got real bad kidney pain.

Muffins's picture

Low estrogen can bring down your vitamin D levels. Go with the doctors advice. I'm tan as shit from the sun and I still need to supplement it. Good luck

My last level was 4 and I was told 3k ius three times a day.

Muffins's picture

Yea, it sucks. I sweat like a motherfucker from such low levels, or that's what the doctor tells me. I came in one day demanding Botox in my armpits to stop the sweating. Then we found out I was so low.

Again, best of luck bro.

Edit: Are you experiencing excessive sweating at all? Sorry to question on our thread but I haven't been able to ask anyone because I know no one with the issue. I have the internet but that's mostly pregnant and menopause related.

Gymjunkie01's picture

then I would wait and see what he advises you

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Gymjunkie01's picture

brother disregard any advice you get on this site, you have a really bad condition and your medical doctor is the only one that you should be taking medical advice from, I would follow his plan and if your unhappy you can always seek a second medical opinion. we are not qualified to advise you with this lord knows if somebody told you to take something and you had a interaction with another medication or it hindered your progress.. wish you the best of luck.

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