Cmndr. Shepard's picture
Cmndr. Shepard
  • 43



What is the best pre-workout supplement that you use or would recommend to others. If you don't use pre-workout what do prefer to use.

I want to know if the are some of you create your own concoction pre work out supp. If so, what compounds do you put together. And where do you buy your compounds from?

BeastMoDe33's picture

Jack3d blue raspberry flavored

cmo25cent's picture

Have you tried redline? If not you should. Follow the instructions and be safe. Redline is possibly the strongest energy drink ever...

kagedwest's picture

The majority here obviously doesn't hit the gym at 5am lol. Jack 3d craze white flood. 2 scoops or I don't make it out the front door!

ashop's picture

I like a STRONG 16oz cup of coffee on my way in to the gym.
It gives me the boost I need without being over stimulated.

Deadlifter85's picture

Purus labs Condense. Add 5g creatine monohydrate, 4g citrulline malate, 5g bcaa, 500mg l-carnitine, 5g glutamine.

DGK's picture

1 scp of PES Enhanced mixed with 1 scp of I-Force Hemavol and 20mg of LGI N-Pept (N-phenylacetyl-L-prolyglycine ethyl ester). My" mind to muscle" \ pump cocktail.

Genetix's picture

PROSUPPS puts out a pre-work out powder "MR HYDE" that is POWERFULL! The Punch flavor is good and I will tell you this if you do not have an insane workout on this stuff. Then your doing something wrong... I have tried almost all of the prework out powders but this stuff is INSANE! The ingredients are new school and the product is well dosed. Mix with water and go nuts. I would maybe try a little first to make sure it is not to strong for you at first....

Zeller's picture

Just Arginine and Taurine. Used to use Labradas SuperCharge, but they changed the formula and it didn’t work as effectively anymore. 5-7 g of BCAAs prior to training as well helps immensenly.

Vesslebound's picture

I have to agree with Zeller here. I am a big fan of BCAA before training. Also just a good solid meal with protein and some Carbs. Something easily digestible would be ideal. Example: scrambled egg whites and oatmeal. As long as your body has the fuel (carbs and protein) and you get 8 hours of sleep you will be fine. I really see the benefits of BCAA's when I do faster cardio in the morning. Really helps me maintain muscle mass while burning fat. 10g BCAA's and maybe a little caffeine if I'm tired. Also Caffeines thermogenic properties don't hurt to help in far loss.

dfwtp's picture

have found I get a better workout if the meal before just has fat. previous 2 have carbs, then of course postworkout, but the meal right before, minimal carbs. different strokes right?

dfwtp's picture

making your own is the best way. find the ingredient you want and manipulate them to be the exact quanitites. proprietary blends allow you no control over what you are getting, but when you add 10 grams of creatine, 10 grams of bcaa, 5 grams of leucine, 5 grams glutamine, 10 mg yohimbine get the idea.
you will know exactly what you are getting. you can also manipulate it, where you take away something and add something else. example being niacin and beta alanine work a hell of alot better with out the amino's so by removing those and adding in the vasodialators on an empty stomach, you get a different punch that day. Oh.... and you also save money in the long run by not paying for R& D and fancy shiny lables,

Deadlifter85's picture

Agreed, I hadn't heard about beta alanine working better without aminos tho? Do you know why that is, or do you have a link explaining? I like useing a preworkout whey shake about 40 mins before training and usually just throw in my extras - creatine, glutamine, carnitine, citruline, arginine, beta alanine. But obviously there are aminos in the whey, do you think that is compromising the effects of the pre workout overall?

Cmndr. Shepard's picture

Copy that

Blazen52's picture

I've ran through a bunch of pre-workout sups and ended up with a heavy tolerance halfway through the jug. Best one for me personally was Fast Fuel, never had a tolerance for some reason but it's expensive for a pre but managed to get 2 jugs of it at GNC on clearance (only reason GNC is useful imo!).

When I do my endurance training, I usually have a pre sweet potato, but that's mostly out of habit/ritual.f

And on an empty stomach in the morning? I dunno. It might be harsh but most pre-workouts need to be taken a good time away from your last meal anyway.

portuguesepride's picture

No caffeine or other uppers for pre workout at the moment. I eat an apple and a homemade protein bar about 30 min before. Then on the way to the gym I drink BCAAs and drink them throughout my workout. Remember if you consistently use caffeine products as your preworkout and not cycle them properly it loses its effectiveness!

Cmndr. Shepard's picture

I tried the whole eat 30 mins prior thing and it made me feel bloated and I would fell like throwing up. Even if I drank just a protein shake.

HydeMind's picture

Yes, apples are the shit! I also take a pre workout but two apples b4 always gives me a great boost.

Cmndr. Shepard's picture

Thanks for the info. What about morning cardio? Is it good to supplement coffee on an empty stomach?

WanHungLo's picture

5 to 10g of beta-alanine mixed in water

and if you're feeling frisky a 3 to 6g hit of albuterol

BEAN1's picture

C4 by cellucor

Brockynz's picture

I'v been trying to find a decent pre workout that doesnt give me that crash afterwards, or felling of no energy a few hrs later, i found it yesterday,

i took a sample of USP labs Test & Jack3d micro, my god what a combo! focus was unreal, pump insane, smashed my PB at deadys yesterday, anyone looking at trying something out try these 2 products together!!

usersn001's picture


Hurstoill's picture

Aside from healthy foods, I have been into HGH supplements to maintain shape and good health. They are natural and safe, and I have found no problems in using them. I have also found some great info from this article

Ram1500BigHorn's picture

VPX Friction

A50's picture

I like some coffee on my way to train. Im a simple man.

onlybuster's picture

I would agree with boots2asses12, cellucore c4 is the best I have tried in the last few years.

boots2asses12's picture

mind over matter really, i got on a pre workout kick for a while and wanted to get off , it was easy after the first few workouts.. just strap on some good tunes and bang it out. last thing i used was cellucore C4, best stuff i tried since jac3ed.