whiteNcrispy's picture
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Test E/Prop Kick start - How do I know Test E is kicked in?


Hi y'all,

250 lb
15% bf

1-12 500mg/wk Test E
1-4 100mg EOD Test P
12-14 100mg EOD Test P

1-14 12.5mg Aromasin EOD

Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

This is my second cycle and just entering 5th week. First cycle was pretty much the same, except no prop and kick started with dbol.

I just have a simple question for clarification. I've read that prop kick start should only be 3-4 weeks, but I'm wondering how one would be able to tell exactly that the Test E has kicked in while the Test P is working, so as to know that it's time to drop the Prop? During my first cycle, I dropped Dbol after the 4th week and crashed hard. I don't think my Test E kicked in for another three to four weeks. I'm mildly concerned about a similar crash.

whiteNcrispy's picture

I'm a week off the prop, and miss it so...

cry_havoc's picture

The prop should not run longer then four to five intervals of Enthenate shots. That means if you are doing 500 a week of Enthenate then by day 28-35 you should be approaching peak and Enth should be kicking. By continuing prop beyond that and then stopping you will very quickly decrease concentration levels causing the "crash" and then you will plateau sooner then expected requiring you to end your cycle before maximum gains can be achieved. Research AUC (area under the curve) in Pharmacology for visual aids and descriptions of what I am talking about. You can also mathematically model your cycle on Enth or any drug if you know how to chart the half life of the compound you are using. This is based on several assumptions; they are the half life is correct and your gear is legit. Also You should have had blood work done before you started your cycle and again mid cycle and one more before PCT so you can establish a baseline for future cycle. This will tell you whats really going on with your body and given the information from the labs you can actually back out of the equations you used to build your model and reverse engineer your cycle for accuracy or adjustments. Research Pharmacokinetics to understand what I am talking about. It's simple math but more than the basic half life concept most people chart their cycle by. It's not the simple half the time is half the active concentration by dividing it by half and half over and over. However at the dosages you are talking about you should be fine.

whiteNcrispy's picture

Now that's interesting. I'll definitely look into this. As I told Irish below, getting blood work in my state and town isn't as easy as walking into a lab off the street. I've gotten my blood work before and after last cycle, but my after was well after PCT to make sure my levels were back to normal. Thanks for the good lead on info!

Roid Noid's picture

as to your second question, you will get the same crash that you experienced before if you run the prop to long, IE more then 4 weeks. if your running prop and e together and then drop the prop your gonna crash down to e levels. the idea is to not overlap.

whiteNcrispy's picture

That makes a lot more sense. Thanks!

Roid Noid's picture

If all your running is test then you wont notice the test-e kick, all that is gonna happen is you wont loose the feeling and weight gain that you have started getting from the prop. basically nothing should change.

fast48's picture

Dbol does that hard crash and makes the test not noticable by "feeling" because you crashes on the dbol. Boners in morning, oilly skin, should see weight/body changes slowly progressing.

whiteNcrispy's picture

And that's not just the prop? That's where I'm a little confused. Shouldn't the sides from prop be the same?

fast48's picture

And those morning woods and oilly skin should continue yes. Along with steady gains in strength.

power_house's picture

you should see more size, or fat loss, with strength gains and more energy.. i ran mine for 4 wks, along with test e... off the test prop, lost a little water weight but everything still going great.. feeling wonderful in the gym.. so if your test hasnt kicked in by week 4 you might need to check your dealer.. i think youll be fine tho

whiteNcrispy's picture

I'm running a different lab this time from a non-UGL. I'm pretty sure this stuff is as legit as it comes, and both my prop and E are from the same pharm. The prop kicked my weight up about seven pounds in the first two weeks, and I've been holding pretty steady. Strength is going up steadily and definitely looking good. I'm not really trying to gain size this cycle, just strength, but definitely filling out all the same. My blood pressure this cycle has been way more controlled also IMO. At noon I was only 146/68 and HR 80. The Dbol last cycle had me up around 155/80 with HR near 90 most days, in the first four weeks; definitely liking oil only cycle.

Thanks for the feedback! I'll let the prop slip as planned and trust in my test e.