SHREDEDROL's picture
  • 9

begginer cycle and corona


so am in beginning of 5th week doing 500mg/w test e and gym closed down until further notice.
so right now i trying my best to workout at home using my body weight and other stuff.and am feeling good and i dont have any sides or e2 problems
so my question now is what to do with the cycle? should i go off and run pct? or should i should i just lower the dose until situation gets better?
as i mentioned am in week 5 and this supposed to be very close to peak test levels and i cannot take advantage of it so what should i do?

what do you guys think?


Dudeman24's picture

Keep lifting get some resistance bands do whatever you gotta do you’ll still see results

boldenone99's picture

at 27 would be smarter run bicycle or scooter.

Primo_Build's picture

I agree with everyone below. Keep it up man. Body weight exercises can be really great. My advice when doing them. Really focus on the “mind/muscle” connection. Mentally focus on the body part you’re working. And squeeze the shit out of your muscles at the top of each exercise. Best of luck bro.

Livelife76's picture

Gyms are closed here and I’m just starting cycle today.

I have cheap power rack at home n a bench along with bow flex adjustable dumbbells (52.5lbs each)

If you can swing it, order the bowflex dumbbells and a cheaper bench (400 bucks should do it) and continue on cycle bro week 5 is when it’s getting fun keep going!

As Tron said body weight workouts are great especially now

GrowMore's picture

I’m 5 weeks (off the top of my head) into a blast. I dropped the Tren and continued to run 500 test 600 EQ. Hoping to look like a beast at the end of this blast with all the circuits and bag work in planning on doing.

Owes a Review × 1
Livelife76's picture

Oh yeah I decided to stay off Tren this cycle lol Bag work and circuits you’ll definitely see results bro! Hopefully things get back to normal but til then I’m home lifting and doing vids with the wife (they actually whoop my ass) lol