fmassive's picture
  • 5

-2 3rd cycle


would like some opinions on this cycle .

i'm 44 , 220lbs ,6'3" ,bf is approx 14 , 15 . been lifting most of my life ,started around 13,raced dirt bikes for ten years , was introduced to gear then ,to help with injuries . my diet is very clean , and around 4000 cals . 300 + in proteins .1st cycle was tren and test prop 9 weeks 200mg and 400mg wk , followed by clomid pct. 18 mths ago. 2nd was same but added eq @ 600mg wk . all went well with great gains . i was 203lbs 18 mths ago . SO , i have been reading this site for awhile and thought i would ask for some advise , i was very impressed with the info iv'e read, so i asked , and you all replied to me as if i was some fuckin dumb ass , i haven't started yet because i wanted your advise , not your fuckin disrespect . fuck you karma points , i just want some good, straight forward advise or suggestions . so any advise for this cycle would be awesome ,bad , or good ,i want to make sure i don't fuck up !

plan to run 16 weeks.
test cyp 800mg weeks 1-12
eq 800mg weeks 1-12
tren 200mg eod weeks1-1-11
deca 600 mg weeks 1-10
test prop 200mg weeks 8-12
aeromasin 25mg ed weeks 1-16 also 3weeks pct
hcg 500iu weeks 1-16 also 2weeks pct

fast48's picture


fast48's picture

Definitly not but its everyones job to get stats and info. Dand 18yo get the above cycle offline guru. Lol!

fast48's picture

Either way....can't blindly post any possible cycle. Its not very responsible.

sc2216's picture

You seriously are gonna fuck yourself up for good if you run that brother. Assuming this is not a joke, people shouldnt down vote you for asking though.

sc2216's picture

WOW what a waste of money, gear, time and health !

JuiceforBreakfast's picture

This cycle is fucked up like a football bar. Here's a good 3rd cycle IMO.
1-13 test e 500
1-12 deca 400
1-13 Aromisin .5 eod
14-15 hcg 500 rd
16-20 Clomid, 100, 100, 50 50
16-20 nolvadex 20,20,20,20

Simple and effective. Eat big train hard and you will grow sir.

fast48's picture

Deca too high! Aromasin 12.5 Run test longer or DECADICK

ruski's picture

you mean adex .5 eod? but you actually mean .25 eod. or .5 e3d. aro would be 12.5 eod. ed if gyno prone.

JuiceforBreakfast's picture

yeah my bad spell checker got me. That should say arimidex.

JuiceforBreakfast's picture

yeah my bad spell checker got me. That should say arimidex.

ruski's picture

up the tren to 2,000mg week. deca to 1,2000. substitute test cyp for USP Labs test boosters.

fast48's picture

No no no! Open forum and some goof will do it.

fast48's picture

Wish i was on computer. One of the first cycle logs this 19yo was doing tren etc. posted link to another site that str8 TOLD folks for first cycle tren/drol is a great one.

ruski's picture

up the tren to 2,000mg week. deca to 1,2000. substitute test cyp for USP Labs test boosters.

adeptus77's picture

What are your stats? How many cycles have you run? Any AAS experience?