TheSnowMan2's picture
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Progesterone sides


So I am under the impression that if your estro is controlled you will not have problematic issues with progesterone sides, gyno!!! I'm running a new cycle of deca and am running aromasin with nolva( only because rolaxifene is harder to get domestic!) because I'm running anadrol 2 weeks on 1 off 2 weeks on... at start.. only have nolva for anadrol then will stop taking it.. being safe!!! deca dose is always low because I respond very very well to that compound.. should i be concerned and grab some cabergoline just in case? Figured this is the best place to ask!!! All feedback and personal exp. Will be greatly appreciated.. thanks!! ( I am gyno prone btw) not getting bloods until next week.. but just wanted feedback honestly!! I appreciate everyone that helps me and shares their knowledge!!

TheFlash85's picture

Tamoxifen occupies cell receptors so that estrogen cant attach therefore preventing stimulation of growth in breast tissue.
All cells communicate and signal whilst shuttling.
In the processes of shuttling around, we get cell hijacking, cell death, cell mis-communication, etc etc, when nolva is attached to receptors that causes glitching, these other cells shuttle around the area, cant attach then get confused, they start trying to send signals and communicate with other cells around and thats what causes pgr responses, its the same way " anadrol" causes gyno basically, these confused signals actually trigger activity and activate certain receptors that arent occupied by serm.
They just wanna do what they are meant for, get blocked then " get confused".
Can cause the lactation and shit like that.
The other reason is because when men take tamoxifen citrate in the first 7-10 days our systems recognise it as female hormones until it homeostates it.

TheSnowMan2's picture
Makwa's picture

Never run a 19nor without caber on hand. Prolactin can still creep with estro in range so you may still need it even with proper estro leves.. Estro gets out of whack and then progesterone sides are likely to follow so you for sure don't want that to happen.

TheSnowMan2's picture

I ordered p5p its supposedly just as good with low doses of deca... tren is a dif story

Makwa's picture

I really only trust caber.

Leprechaun's picture

Hi. Stop using nolva( tamox) with nandrolons and trenbolons, u r making just worst progesterone. Use toremifene , tamox is FCK joke with DECA or tren. If u r taking tamox be ready to wear a bra as well. For prolactine take caber 0.25 once a week or once in 10 days

TheSnowMan2's picture

I added 2 studies up top

TheSnowMan2's picture

I've done alot of research and theres mixed reviews and studies... google says it's a myth that nolvadex increases progesterone.. another study says it upregulated females only not in males... so idk I guess I'll get caber just in case and get bloods this week and well go from there

TheSnowMan2's picture

I appreciate the feed back.. will place an order just in case.. I was hearing about b6 and p5p(if I remember correctly)?? A B-vitamin that I heard also helps... idk maybe I'll grab a pack of caber just in case... only 2 weeks in so it hasnt peaked yet.. hard finding it domestically but I'll figure it out!!

GrowMore's picture

Worth mentioning P5P is less toxic and over all more superior than b6.

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TheSnowMan2's picture

Actually just ordered some

GrowMore's picture

I wasn’t a fan of running it in the place of caber. I put this thread up which is a good read, EC ran the experiment with me and pulled bloods which was interesting. I say experiment but it was open knowledge on lots of other forums, eroids was just late to the party.

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Saint gannett's picture

Every year, the info changes on this one, and it makes me dizzy to try and make a plan, but I do know that on 19-nors, 1/2 tab of Caber will clear up sides associated like itchy, white tipped nips. I may take it twice in one week, but over a 16-week cycle, I will only used 3-4 complete tabs of Caber. I read a lot saying to avoid Caber because of (dopamine?) affects, then I read about people who pop it just to keep boners.... it can be tedious. I so agree; however, never start a 19-nor without Caber on hand, but I don't use it prophylactically, just to relieve sides.

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