Newguy81's picture
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I need help, please!


I'm 41. I started doing 200mg trt through a guy at my gym, about 6 months ago. The same guy got me on LGD 40 33 5mg a day, a little over a month th ago. I originally got on to help with depression after stopping drugs and alcohol.. I didn't realize this would suppresses my natural test levels. I would like to go off trt and LGD so I can get my natural test back, but I have no clue what to do. My doctor won't refer me to an endocrinologist. Please help!

Pxpxp's picture

Buddy, please do your research next time. And find a new friend.

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papa.smurf0311's picture

HCG and Nolvadex would probably be your best bet. but even after that, it may take some time for your natural levels to bounce back to normal.

MurderHornet2020's picture

When I was 25 I did a terrible cycle that I did not research and just pulled the trigger on. I had no PCT either. I went to a general doctor and got a referral to an endo and they recommended TRT. Crazy. I did not take the docs advice because I knew my natural levels would come back and trt is just a low dose steroid cycle that would have kept me in the same boat. Moral of the story many doctors have zero clue when it goes to PEDs. You’ll have to PCT like Makwa said if you don’t want to get a real script for TRT.

Newguy81's picture

Thanks a lot man

YouputyourDecainmyTest's picture

Omfg. Trt from a guy at the gym.

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Rottenlobbie's picture

All the info is on here it's called a pct

Makwa's picture

Stop pinning the test and taking the LGD. Then for 10 days blast HCG 1500iu eod
Wait for 6 days after your last HCG shot (HCG will be out of system by then) and then start a course of clomid and nolva

Newguy81's picture

Thank you. I ordered Kisspeptin and Arimidex, but haven't used either. Would either help?

Makwa's picture

Not real familiar with Kisspeptin. You won't need the arimidex. Were you taking any AI while on cycle or experiencing any high estro symptoms?

Newguy81's picture

Sorry for the late reply, I thought I was checking every hour or so for replies, but I obviously wasn't checking correctly... what does Al stand for? I don't believe I was experiencing any high estrogen symptoms. I haven't taken a shot of test in 2 or 3 weeks, but my last shot of LGD was yesterday. From what I've read the LGD suppresses natural T, so I'm guessing it's a T elevator, although I have typed into Google 600 different ways to try to find out if LGD boosts test and I just can't find an answer. If it doesn't I would think my natural levels would be starting to come back around in a few weeks, but if it does, today is day 1 of no artificial test, right? Thanks a lot for taking the time to help

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