Andrzej44's picture
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+ 1 Your opinions about Trestolone (Ment)


What are your experiences with Trestolone - acetate and enanthate?
What were your results and benefits? Is it worth trying?

AlexDavis43's picture

I tried it not too long ago. Kinda hits like nandrolone or trenbolone (gainz-wise). If you want to try it, cool. Not really something to write home about imo.

I didn't get deca dick or trensomnia with ment so maybe worth reconsidering.

Steeltoad777's picture

My opinion is I wanna try it.

Bill1976's picture

Just did three weeks of it. At 75mgs it makes you hungry af. It’s worth it. No side effects at all. Gains were a little wet but not as bad as dbol. It made me gain so fast I stopped at week three because I only wanted to be at 200 pounds. I weighed 177 when o started but a lot of it was muscle memory too. You can kill it at the gym and you will recover in one day

Mac12769's picture

Crazy hunger and strength boost for me.

Bill1976's picture

I didn’t get the strength from it.

Lil-Beirut's picture

It put fat on me

AK80's picture

I think the negatives outweigh the positives: I've always been happy with just Test/Tren/Anadrol/Anavar/HGH/Primo/HCG whenever they are needed. Try it out though and let us know?

Wonderboypower1's picture

I felt so much worse on tren. Both physically and mentally.

Wonderboypower1's picture

I put ment in my cycle at 25mg ED and I can say it's by far the best compound I've ever ran. Always had a pump. Felt full and confidence was super high. Blood pressure was slightly elevated but man I felt massive constantly. Muscles were solid as a rock. I wish more domestic sources carried it.

23Sparta's picture

Vigorous Steve just dropped an excellent deep dive on Trestolone a few days ago on YouTube. It’s a must watch if you are interested in the compound.

I’ve ran it at dosages from 5-25mg per day and I’ve only used the acetate version. I’ve also used it solely for HRT for a period of time. I know dudes run it much higher, I can’t tell you anything about that.

My take away is the same as Steve’s. Less is more with that compound 50-75mg per week in addition to your stack it plenty. This is only if your experience level warrants it.

Theres a lot of anecdotal evidence that Ment can be dangerous when it comes to causing high BP. There is some clinical, human, data on that as well. I experienced this myself.

It does have some other interesting and unique properties. That is why to this day the Ment in my sash is calling my name.

anvil's picture

Watched early in the week, he even convinced himself to take it. I took 25mg per day also but after watching his vid I may try it again at a very low dose.

23Sparta's picture

Lmao, I know right? He wasn’t much of a fan before. I kinda half ass watched, I’ll watch it again, but what I did hear sparked my interest back for sure.

anvil's picture

Right, not at all. I watch everything he puts out. Kurt Heavens is good too.

23Sparta's picture

I’ll check him out

Banjokid2020's picture

Kurt's a pretty solid listen. Puts out alot of good content on YouTube

Rosschestzip's picture

Do you know how it is on the liver? And does effect appetite, or energy level?

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23Sparta's picture

Watch the video steve dropped on ment a few days ago. I was busy so I couldn’t pay attention. I have to watch it again.

I don’t believe there is any evidence, clinical or anecdotal, showing any hepatotoxicity. I also didn’t see any in my bloodwork.

Some say it increased appetite. I’m always hungry so hard to tell for me.

When I ran it for HRT it was a reasonable substitute for testosterone. Ment gave me a sense of wellbeing and maintained my libido. It doesn’t convert into DHT, so there is some concern there about not having DHT in your system. Although, for some people that may be desirable, not having DHT related side effects.

I just think that testosterone is superior being a Bio identical hormone. Ment HRT was just a little off, strange, I believe aromatizes into Methylestradiol, and I’m not too sure how good that is. You’re basically solely running on man made foreign hormones at that point.

As far as blasting with it, either you love it or you hate it I guess. Just like DHB. I’ve seen dudes claim great results. When I ran it no magic happened at the 25mg per day dose. Nothing I couldn’t have achieved with testosterone alone. I always have great workouts, great pumps and grow on cycle.

Rosschestzip's picture

Ya I’ll have to check it out. I haven’t watched him a whole but his stuff is great. And without DHT it’s probably great for dudes worried about hair loss.

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23Sparta's picture

Yeah, exactly that and I believe that also makes it easier on the prostate as well. I just believe that going without DHT for too long has negative effects. I think one is loss of bone density. Some dudes run it HRT with like 50mg of test per week to still have DHT in their system

DeeMan's picture

I have to agree with you that Ment as far as being an HRT substitute was definitely a bit off. I've said this before, when Ment was sold on the " grey market" many years ago I had access to both acetate and oral forms. Both were lab tested and both were dirt cheap, now the raw powder per kilo is probably the most expensive steroid around. At the time 20mL vial was 50 bucks which I've mentioned on here before. I just think it's a bit overrated especially referring to it's anabolic- androgenic score. Yes Sparta it converts to a form of estrogen called 7- methyl estradiol which binds to e2 receptor way more efficiently than typical e2 but it's eliminated faster. As far as toxicity, I've heard mixed things. Also this hormone will shut biological test production down faster than most steroids would. Overall it's just a bit overrated in my book.

anvil's picture

The estro conversion combined with the test will give you double Ds quick. Needed the AI stat on that.

Drexyl's picture

Or add some masteron, doesn’t take much and some of us respond pretty well to it.

anvil's picture

Hair falls out as I load the syringe

Drexyl's picture

lol damn…

23Sparta's picture

You can look at my face and tell when I’m on masteron

DeeMan's picture

How can you tell? Dries face up a bit?

23Sparta's picture

Awww man…. look like an old, worn out, dirty tennis shoe

DeeMan's picture

Wow. Not good

Drexyl's picture

Ping pong ball cheekbones?

23Sparta's picture

Yes! That too!

Rosschestzip's picture

Masteron is great for my estrogen. I always say I won’t run a cycle without it, but I’m planning my next cycle and I already have test plus two compounds so idk if I wanna add mast on top or drop something and add mast. Idk if I really wanna run three plus test, you know?

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Drexyl's picture

Don’t go crazy with it, even 100-200mg a week of long ester is enough to help with estro sides, personally I’d keep it in the rotation.

DeeMan's picture

I may look into this. If all my hair falls out I know exactly who to come to eroids and talk to lol.

O damn yall we are straight hijacking this thread

DeeMan's picture

I've never tried. I'm thinking because I'm trying to keep my rug on top of my head. Some are more susceptible to hair loss

anvil's picture


Drexyl's picture

My hair ran away faster than me from a prostitution bust at a massage parlor, it was when I was going through my divorce. Hair one day, gone the next. Never had the best hairline but it was thick. As far as Masteron, yeah man it’ll make ya shed if you’re predisposed to that. But, it was the first time in my life ever I had really decent abs. Short ester, 300mg a week was enough to see some results. Unless you’re getting ready for a show, there’s absolutely no reason to run 600mg+ a week. Goes back to the reasonable dosage conversations.

DeeMan's picture

See even you said that 300mg was good enough. I just still can't understand the typical if you don't run a compound at this amount then it's useless argument. Too many folks have said different and I know better from personal experience. Just depends on the person I reckon.

wanted's picture

400 or more.

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Drexyl's picture

To get the most out of it, get real hard, granite, yes. But for some estrogen control much less is needed and is still useful. Being realistic, 300-400mg was the weekly dosage to treat cancer. We’re not treating cancer, just hoping for the gainz lol

wanted's picture

Hoping and wishing for gains at 300. Go to 400 - 800 and see what happens
Wish in one hand shit in the other whats it gona be
Why not get the most out of mast for ai and granite look. Just what deeman needs icing on the cake.

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Drexyl's picture

I’m thinking more about its effects on cholesterol levels, kidney function, and other concerns I will gladly list. Is someone is not making a living from their physique, there’s absolutely no reason to run high dosages.

wanted's picture

Please list your concerns !!!! And for each concern if everyone CAN SPEAK UP on who runs masteron E at 400mg or MORE please speak up and be honest.

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DeeMan's picture

Ok we believe you. Look if I were a bodybuilder that competed yea mast at doses you refer to would definitely be the rage for dryness but that wouldn't be why or how I'd use it now. If I used I want a bit of an ai effect from it only and of course a little dryness but not too much dryness. See wanted with a lower dose those things are possible...I would think. But maybe I'm wrong.

wanted's picture

Are they possible. How do we know. You done it , does drex have a pic running 300 mg or less of mast. Lets see!!!! instead of quoting from a book

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DeeMan's picture

So in otherwords you're saying 300mg does absolutely nothing? That's your position sir?...300mg does NOTHING? Nothing?
And no I've never saw a pic of @Drexyl on masteron. So I have no idea how he'd look on it at 300mg or 800mg

wanted's picture

Absolutely nothing not my words BUTT 300 add 100 more is game changer. My words

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DeeMan's picture

Ok I see

Drexyl's picture

I’m going to do this, no shit. Pics around late July. I’m excited to be honest. I did put in for time off next week fellas, Drex needs a break. Daughter and wife will be off as well for different circumstances, but I’m looking forward to rest with my family.