Valleyathl's picture
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Turinabol vs. Anavar


Which do yall prefer for athletic performance and strength(olympic lifting, baseball, mma, track/field, etc.) when stacked with the testosterone of your choice? Personal preferences and experiences please share

Bulkdaddy's picture

I hate anything that makes me bloat. I’d go with anavar

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gorillafit28's picture

When I was in track and field I always found winstrol was king! Never was a fan of anavar. But then again it’s dependent on the needs of the sport! Track and field are u tossing a shot put or running a mile! Very different positions in every sport

Ellingham's picture

I fight at an in MMA after transitioning from bodybuilding. I’d advice 50mg Tbol, higher and pumps can hinder movement when fighting

Anavar makes you look great but the shin pumps etc were more prominent for me at a similar dose to tbol which really slowed my movement down.

Ryan1007's picture

I think tool strikes a nice balance between dbol and var.

Hunter2400's picture

Tbol with NPP and test in the winter

Anavar with NPP and test in the summer

That's just my preference

ashop's picture

Depending on what your goals are really. ANAVAR is a mild oral that most, even women, tolerate very well. For myself I feel TURINABOL is very similar to DBOL just with much less water retention.

johnmarshall12's picture

Regardless of your confusing post Anavar is the drug of choice for almost all of what you mentioned. it's simply way better than Tbol!

MedDx's picture

Which do yall prefer for athletic performance and strength

What's your cycle history and knowledge of AAS?

Pelon's picture

Sent fr, can you PM me

stairmaster's picture

Instead of drol or dbol this both orals should be used at least 6 weeks to see their effects.

dextetherdog's picture

Both won’t give you much results, however if I had to choose, I would go for tbol.
Only time I would use anavar when I’m getting ready for a contest when I’m in single digit body fat, just to tighten up the physique, rest of the time it’s a waste in my opinion

Makwa's picture

Both good if you are female.'s picture

Tbol is good for: endurance and building muscle, Now mostly people give tbol shit as far as muscle building is concerned , It falls somewhere in between anadrol and anavar. Folks expect tbol to build muscle like anadrol and get pissed when it does not, tbol builds slowly, but it does build.

Anavar is good for hardening and moderate strength gains.

Tbol is a performance aas, strength though with tbol is meh not really.

PPGfreak's picture

Agree with everything you said. Tbol is not the best bulkier but it does add some clean size and strength.

I actually have a big group of friends that use it every summer. They are either current pro mountain bikers or former pro mountain bikers. Most of the guys are in their late 40s or early 50s now and every summer they up their TRT to maybe 300mg and add in Tbol.

Really gives them some good strength and speed mixture without any side effects. It’s a good choice for someone that wants to grow strength and size faster without looking like they use gear.

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