BCrabtree84's picture
  • 11

Trenbolone Ace


So I think I may be getting some sides from the Tren now. Insomnia is a side correct? I’m not really sure that’s what’s going on because most times I can sleep. Last couple nights tho if I don’t get in bed right when I feel the urge I end up seeing the early morning hours. Something else is I’ve been having these crazy dreams. I haven’t read anything about that being a side but has anyone else experienced that?

PGA's picture

Trenbolone stimulates the central nervous system. It can definitely mess with sleep and induce insomnia.

Achak's picture

Trenbolone is a harsh beast but the results are phenomenal. I've definitely experienced bouts of sleepless nights while on cycle.

trash300's picture

"Insomnia is a side correct?"

Thats the same like if u ask us, Ford Fiesta is a great car, correct?

Sir, Tren A has many side effects and if u think u've to use it start a low dosage, 50mg eod, my PERSONAL experience, Drosta decrease the sides a lot! I never ran Tren without Drosta, ratio 1:1.

Jackie Tony's picture

I wish you had done enough research to know these sides indeed occurs when on Tren. Tren no doubt disturbs the quality of sleep. Means it doesn't allow the brain to go on deep rest mode. This will make you to remember the dreams.

Jackie Tony's picture

Yes true. Indeed tren is not worth considering the side effects. It makes sense only when you have reached your max gains and have tried out allnother AAS

Jackie Tony's picture

Yea the more experienced people here would help you. But in my experience starting of with lowest possible tren dose is equally effective and mild on sides too

trash300's picture

It was a necessary compound for me but I hated it !