+ 26 Anabolic/Androgenic
Anadrol 50:
Androgenic: Anabolic Ratio: 45:320
Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio (Range): 322-630:24
Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio (Range): 100:100
Andropen 275:
Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio (Range):100:100
Anabolic/Androgenic ratio: 125:37
Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio (Range): 90-210:40-60
Anabolic/ Androgenic ratio: 100:50
Anabolic/Androgenic ratio:1,900/850
Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio:62:25
Androgenic/Anabolic ratio: 37:125
Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio: 100:100
Oral Turnibol:
Anabolic/ Androgenic ratio: >100:>0
Parabolan (Tren):
Anabolic/Androgenic ratio: 500/500
Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio (Range): 88:44-57
Androgenic: Anabolic Ratio:30-40/100-150
Sustanon 250:
Anabolic/Androgenic ratio:100/100
Testosterone Cyp, Enanthate, Prop, Suspension
Anabolic/Androgenic ratio:100/100
Androgenic/Anabolic Ratio:30:320
Androgenic/Anabolic Ratio: 100/200
MENT(Methylnortestosterone Acetate)
Androgenic/Anabolic Ratio: 650/2300
Androgenic/Anabolic Ratio: 100-220/910-1,600
Cheque Drops(Mibolerone)
Androgenic/Anabolic Ratio: 1,800/4,100
I had a question earlier about ratio's, haven't seen this chart posted anywhere - so I figured i'd throw it up here so people can reference it when planning their cycles
Interested how many people take these into account when planning their cycles, let the discussions begin!!
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Wow, talk about an old list. I remember taking Andropen 275 back in 2000 and 2001. I remember when it came out it was all the rage bc it was 25mg "better" than Sustanon 250. Ha.
Update this list with other steroids!
Really great info i am going to bookmark this page!
NovemberNice post.
Will use some info from here.
SlamhamsI put up a newer one.
.It very outdated piece of shit list.
Copy and paste
Good info to recap on...
oh my god, I feel it is crazy, I just use a little.
Does anyone know if there are better up to date ratios amd or ar reception affinity based on humon cloned cells? I have searched and keep drawing blanks. That would be really handy amd could explain some anomalies from user experiance vs these stats. I mean why would oral turainobol cause problems for women it the AR affinity was zero?
tbol is less androgenic than var??
These tests were done on rats so its not 100% accurate in humans.
Johnny the BullMuta its andriol I believe not andoil. Nice info bud ty.
how can MENT be so high? But of no/little use? I think I read that on steroid.com
scuncknutsMent is fuckin bad ass period
It's done on rats so first of all it isn't completely applicable for humans. Still if you're not sure ask, post a question, ..
u got halo being 19 x anabolic then test , yet u wont add as much muscle w/ halo as with test.. there is more then these numbers
aynazppr75A ratio of 0 doesn't mean a aas is totally safe, Tbol as all aas lower natural test.
Nice info for decided one of steroid cycle.
Awesome! This may help you decide weather proviron should be used in your next cycle
Buildbigger86Muta's is fireeeee!!!
Trenbolone will always be number #1.
Anavar is so anabolic? Wow
One of the most surprising compounds on the list for me is Tbol, with an androgenic rating of 0 and an anabolic rating of 100+ = less/zero sides, more gains!
Terephthalic Pt...If it had a androgenic rating of 0 it wouldn't matter the anabolic rating. the slope would be undefined. These are ratios and the numbers aren't in like terms.
I'm going to work on putting these things in real mathematical ratio terms so they're comparable.
i got a ton of tbol from prochem:D maybe will do an kicker of Tbol instead of Dbol what do you think about.. 60 mg a day for about 6-7 weeks because it take some time to kick in
Why would a oral take 6-7 weeks to kick in? Tbol has a 16hr HL which basically just means you only need to take it 1x a day.
Tbol is one of the few anabolic/androgenic steroids that was created purely for athletic performance, not muscle wasting or androgen deficiency like others. Tbol is really best taken alone, it can be ran solo without killing sex drive. Kick starting is so counter intuitive, just creates quick down regulation of receptors before the longer, stronger and less toxic injectables are able to kick in.
Everyone elses Cycles:
Week 1-16 600mg Deca AW
Week 1-4 40mg Tbol ED
What it should be:
Week 1-16 600mg Deca AW
Week 5-9 40mg Tbol ED
This way you are using the fast acting hormone to "peak" when your longer esters hit. More effective, more gains
Anyone know how they come up with these numbers?
Hirshberg developed the "anabolic/androgenic ratio," in the hope that it would be useful to help increase the knowledge of the effects different compounds have on the human body.
These ratios are indicators of success in separating the therapeutic effect from the side effects, but as it happened, no matter what they did (with regards to conducting tests using these compounds), the result was always much "better" than testosterone.
What actually happened was that most compounds do not metabolize through 5-AR to a more potent substance. So it was not really that side effects in general were being minimized by the increase in anabolic/androgenic ratio; but rather that in almost all cases such metabolism was abolished. It wasn't ratios involved so much as it was an either/or matter with regard to metabolism.
Thank you P! Good info as usual.
A couple more for you muta...
Cheque Drops(Mibolerone)-------------------------1,800------4,100
MENT(Methylnortestosterone Acetate)--------------650------2,300
Methyldienolone-------------------------------200-300------1,000 Methylhydroxynandrolone(MHN)---------------------281------1304
Methyltestosterone-----------------------------94-130------115-150 Metribolone(Methyltrienolone)---------------6,000-7,000------12,000-30,000
That number on the cheque drops is deceiving.
Lol. That's pretty cool. Just to clarify. I wasn't doubting it. I'm saying these numbers are deceptive. Anabolic rating of halo is way higher than I would think. Halo won't put a lb on you. There are many other factors to considering compounds than just these numbers
No worries brother - yep, these tests are dated and they lack a 'complete' view of the compound while also being relatively primative, but i use these figures as a benchmark for analysis
By the way Wtf is metribolone? 30,000+? Holy shit tards bat man!
I've run it before. It was extremely powerful and the power gains from it were unparalleled. It took its toll on my body though. My eyes were starting to yellow from it.
How long did you run it for? Dosage? And what type of liver support? That's nuts. Yellow eyes I would be shitting my pants.
I appreciate that you experienced guys sacrificed your livers n such so that dumbasses like I (who would have, at one point, found a way to shoot double-ought buckshot into my glutes if you told me it would make me bigger) dont have to learn the hard way...
Fuck me brother, i didn't know what it was, so i ran a quick check on the compound...
- Derivative of Tren
- Potent
- non-aromatisable androgen
- High hepatotoxity
Effective dose: 5-15 mg / day
Average Street-price: Only available for research purposes.
Available Doses: None
Brands & Products: Originally produced by Negma, but never approved for production.
Methyltrienolone is structurally similar to trenbolone (Parabolan/Finaplix), a well-liked and powerful androgen that does not aromatize to estrogen. The difference is the attachment of a 17-alpha-methyl group for oral activity. So one could refer to methyltrienolone as oral trenbolone. It was first explored quite some time ago by Negma in France, the same company that marketed Parabolan (trenbolone). But the drug was never approved by the French government and was hence never produced. The reason was extreme hepatoxicity. Bill Roberts, the biochemist, once commented that taking methyltrienolone made taking insane doses of anadrol and Halotestin together look mild on the liver. While I was unable to find anything in the literature that describes the extent of the liver toxicity, it's a generally accepted fact. That's also why, to the dissapointment of many, you will never find a commercially marketed methyltrienolone product. Its only sold in bulk to labs and universities for research studies involving androgens.
Mainly because (and those who wish it was available will wish so even more now) its such a potent androgen. There is some conflicting information in that regard however. Organic chemist Patrick Arnold, head of LPJ research, once stated that methyltrienolone was the most powerful steroid ever, and that statement has been blown out of proportion and taken on a life of its own. While androgenically a very potent steroid, methyltrienolone is still basically trenbolone with a 17-alpha-methyl group. A group that has the tendency to actually reduce the androgenic potency. So it may actually be somewhat milder than trenbolone, on the contrary to what many pseudo steroid guru's are now claiming after reading Pat Arnold's statement. I can't find any other documented effects of the 17-alpha-alkylation influencing androgen binding in a positive way. It's a potent androgen, with more binding than even DHT2, but the study that claims that is mild at the very best about quantifications, whereas people have used the term 1000 times more powerful than testosterone, which is surely exaggerated.
What is interesting is that it seems to show nearly no binding for sex-hormone binding proteins, which makes it a por choice in androgen receptor studies3, since it will demonstrate equal binding in all tissues regardless of the presence and amount of these proteins. No doubt this plays a role in its supposed binding capacity. In this instance the 17-alpha-alkylation may have pla a key role, since it has been demonstrated a multitude of times that 17-alpha-methyl groups decrease the binding for sex-hormone binding proteins as well as most other structures, and due to its triple double bond, trenbolone really didn't bind well to these to begin with.
One of the findings made in clinical tests with methyltrienolone was the discovery of high amounts of the dihydrotestosterone-deactivating enzyme 3alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in muscle tissue4. Once again proof that God meant to keep us humans weak. Hurray for science. Follow-up studies then went on to show that dihydrotestosterone nonetheless showed similar binding in the prostate, and showing little or no presence of the deactivating enzyme. So God would rather have us all die of prostate cancer than gain a few ounces of muscle. It's a comforting thought, no?
What methyltrienolone, despite its amazing capacity, still doesn't overcome are the basic problems with any 19Nor compound. First of all its effects on Libido. Methyltrienolone still seems to affect our sex drive in such a potent manner that the dreaded Deca-Durabolin - nandrolone decanoate - (temporary impotence) is a very real threat5. Another is that it still binds almost equipotently to the progesterone receptor3. The latter would be of little concern as long as no circulating estrogen is present since methyltrienolone does not aromatize, but could cause problems such as aggravating water retention and gynecomastia (growth of breast tissue in men) if combined with an aromatizing androgen or an estrogen.
While many may wish that an incredibly strong androgenic, non-aromatizing compound as this was available for daily use, its not. And if the indications are true, its probably best. I've warned many people for the toxicity of fluoxymesterone, and everything points to it that methyltrienolone makes fluoxymesterone look like Tums tablets in terms of liver toxicity.
Stacking and Use:
Obviously this section is mostly useless, as any who would use, let alone stack methyltrienolone for any decent period of time, wouldn't really be around long enough to tell us how well it worked. Ideally one would use it alone, while dieting or for the purpose of gaining lean mass. The androgenic potency is slightly higher than that of trenbolone, so the risk for aggravated hair loss, acne, prostate hypertrophy and deepening of voice is not only realistic, but almost likely. If one were to use it, you would probably have to use every trick in the book to protect your liver and stay alive: Alpha Lipoic Acid, Milk thistle, dessicated liver and Vitamin B6. The blood pressure raise would not be mild either. So something to lower blood pressure is advised as well.
Of course the best advice is to refrain from using such a compound, although for 99% of the potion that is not a problem, and I would assume that the 1% that does have access would know better.
2 Bonne C, Raynaud JP. Methyltrienolone, a specific ligand for cellular androgen receptors. Steroids 1975 Aug;26(2):227-32
3 Dube JY, Tremblay RR, Chapdelaine P. Binding of methyltrienolone to various androgen-dependent and androgen-responsive tissues in four animal species. Horm Res 1976;7(6):333-40
4 Tremblay RR, Dube JY, Ho-Kim MA, Lesage R. Determination of rat muscles androgen-receptor complexes with methyltrienolone. Steroids 1977 Feb;29(2):185-95
5 Baum MJ, Kingsbury PA, Erskine MS. Failure of the synthetic androgen 17 beta-hydroxy-17 alpha-methyl-estra-4,9,11-triene-3-one (methyltrienolone, R1881) to duplicate the activational effect of testosterone on mating in castrated male rats. J Endocrinol 1987 Apr;113(1):15-20
Thank you. I need this! Who will brew it? Lol, joke
Geneza does!
Androgenic 6,000-7,000
Anabolic 12,000-30,000
Standard Methyltestosterone (oral)
Chemical Names 17alpha-methyl-17betahydroxyestra-4,9,11-triene-3-one 17alpha-methyl-trenbolone
Estrogenic Activity none
Progestational Activity no data available
Methyltrienolone is one of the strongest oral anabolic steroids ever produced. This agent is a derivative of trenbolone (trienolone), which has been c-17 alpha alkylated to allow for oral administration.This modification has created a steroid that is significantly stronger than its non-methylated cousin. Its potency has been measured to be anywhere from 120-300 times greater than that of methyltestosterone, with greater dissociation between anabolic and androgenic effects.625 626 Milligram for milligram methyltrienolone is a more active steroid than any agent sold on the commercial market, requiring doses as little as .5-1 milligram per day to notice a strong anabolic effect. Its potency is only matched by its relative toxicity, however, which has limited its modern use to that of laboratory research only.
Methyltrienolone was first described in 1965.627 It was immediately identified as an extremely potent anabolic agent, far more potent than the commercially available agents of the time. In spite of its high relative activity, however, methyltrienolone has seen very limited use in humans. It was used clinically during the late 1960's and early '70's, most notably in the treatment of advanced breast cancer. Here, its exceedingly strong anabolic/androgenic action helps the drug counter the local effects of endogenous estrogens, lending it some efficacy for slowing or even regressing tumor growth. Such application was not long lived, however, as more realistic evaluations of the drug's toxicity soon led to its abandonment in human medicine.
By the mid-1970's, methyltrienolone was becoming an accepted standard in non-human research studies, particularly those pertaining to the study of the androgen receptor activity. For this purpose the agent is very well suited. Its sheer potency and resistance to serum-binding proteins makes it an excellent in-vitro receptor-binding standard to compare other agents to. Being so resistant to metabolism, active methyltrienolone metabolites are also not going to greatly interfere with the results of most experiments. Body tissues can metabolize most steroids fairly easily, which means that even incubation studies can be complicated with the question of what is causing a particular effect, the steroid or one of its unidentified metabolites. This is much less of an issue with methyltrienolone. Today, methyltrienolone remains an agent of research use only.
How Supplied:
Methyltrienolone is not available as a commercial agent.
Structural Characteristics:
Methyltrienolone is a modified form of nandrolone. It differs by: 1) the addition of a methyl group at carbon 17alpha to protect the hormone during oral administration and 2) the introduction of double bonds at carbons 9 and 11, which increases its binding affinity and slows its metabolism. The resulting steroid is significantly more potent than its nandrolone base, and displays a much longer half-life and lower affinity for serum-binding proteins in comparison. Methyltrienolone chemically differs from trenbolone only by the addition of a methyl group at c-17. This alteration changes the activity of methyltrienolone considerably, however, such that this agent should not simply be considered an oral form of trenbolone.
Administration (General):
Studies have shown that taking an oral anabolic steroid with food may decrease its bioavailability.630 This is caused by the fat-soluble nature of steroid hormones, which can allow some of the drug to dissolve with undigested dietary fat, reducing its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. For maximum utilization, methyltrienolone should be taken on an empty stomach.
Administration (Men):
Methyltrienolone is no longer used in clinical medicine due to an unacceptable level of hepatotoxicity.This agent is generally not recommended for physique-or performance-enhancing purposes for the same reason. Those absolutely insisting on its use need to take its level of liver toxicity very seriously. At the very least, routine blood tests should be conducted to ensure the agent is not imparting damage. Drug duration should also be very limited, preferably to 4 weeks of use or less. The relative potency of methyltrienolone is extremely high, requiring doses as little as .5 milligram per day. Its effective and tolerable range is usually considered to be .5 to 2mg per day. Dianabol-type doses of 20-30 mg daily are completely unthinkable, and should never be attempted. Again, this is an extremely toxic steroid, and all good advice would say to avoid it. Anyone of the many commercially available steroids would be much safer choices.
Administration (Women):
Methyltrienolone is no longer used in clinical medicine due to an unacceptable level of hepatotoxicity.This agent is not recommended for women for physique-or performance-enhancing purposes due to its extremely strong toxicity and tendency to produce virilizing side effects.
Llewellyn’s W. (2009). Anabolics (9th ed), Metribolone methyltrienolone(pp. 305-307): Jupiter, FL: Molecular Nutrition
That's just a nice name for my piss. Come get some!
I THINK 1AD was good shit..really I liked it..seem to make you beast mode day one...idk maybe becuase that was way back when at 15-16..when noone said this is steriods kid...so maybe thats why it seems so strong...then again I really like methasterone (commonly known as superdrol...harsh but major strength and gains on real sdrol...I had march blue hearts that and prop where my first two cycles...at 21 and 1st..dbol/prop......2nd prop/sdrol....on third now just Test E..and prop ed ...i like the fast hitting short esters..next a gang of prop esters..like mast..test..and tren..thats a good cycle if handled right!
AnonPost it bruh bruh. lol
Thx...gonna bookmark this.
Anonupdated compounds!
post up some compounds guys and I will add it to the list above![Smile](https://www.eroids.com/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/smile.gif)