JJmarco's picture
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+ 2 What happened to the number 1 rated US source?


I'm running my first cycle and bought test-E from the #1 rated and Test-C from the #2 rated US domestic sources. The stuff I got from source 1 made me swell up like a balloon and I even got a low grade fever for a couple days (doesnt happen with the source 2). I wanted to contact them to see what kind of carrier oil they use because maybe I'm allergic to it and it would be nice to know, but I see their website doesnt exist anymore!? I'm a bit perplexed because I only bought from them because they were the #1 rated US source at the time as of last month. Does this happen a lot? Anyone know if them being shut down has anything to do with the (potentially) bad gear I got? Should I throw away the gear that makes me swell?
I'm a total noob here so sorry in advance.

gatorbits's picture

Why would you even THINK about injecting something that gave you “baseball size lumps/ swelling” that is NOT normal and the gear is most likely contaminated. THROW IT AWAY, 59 bucks vs hmmm possible infection leading to sepsis. THROW IT OUT! You should be using 22g 1.5 inch needles with proper aseptic techniques. Wash your hands, clean the surface you set the gear on, wipe site and top of vial with alcohol (let air dry) then use a new pin to draw, switch to a new pin to inject, throw away both pins. It’s not that expensive or time consuming. I do it once a week for TRT, never swells, never red, never pip even when I was “green”

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KMC's picture

Lets do 1 question at a time.

I see their website doesnt exist anymore!? I'm a bit perplexed because I only bought from them because they were the #1 rated US source at the time as of last month. Does this happen a lot?

It happens not a lot but often, you are not dealing with brick and mortar pharmacies. Reasons a source may disappear can be varied: the heat/PD/LE/Feds was getting to close and the operator decided to spend some time at the beach and let the smell of bacon and donuts dissipate. They may have gone from solid source to scam artist over night. They are in the midst of reinventing them selves with a new name and website.

Anyone know if them being shut down has anything to do with the (potentially) bad gear I got?

If a source is not longer listed here, we don't generally talk about them in the open forum, take it to their SI page if it still exists.

Should I throw away the gear that makes me swell?

That is your decision, what you put in your body is your choice, but there is a reason the source isn't here. long story short,.......your choice.

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Dropset45's picture

300mg of test can he painful, especially in the quad. I remember T400 back in the day would make you limp for 4 days. Try a 1.5" needle in the glute.

DeeMan's picture

Alot of folks in past have reported bad reaction to test e, swelling etc. I had that reaction. I heard there were bad raws at one point. I believe that.

DeeMan's picture

So you might want to edit at top cause this could be confusing to some. It's test e first source and C second source from what you're saying now. I don't think its a good idea to sub-q half a ml of that test 300. I've used that test e for a long time and it has bad pip. And yes a few times I did knot up. Was that test effective? Yes it was. It's better to dilute that test e because it's slightly overdosed over 300mg/ml. Newbies gotta remember the higher the concentration most likely the higher the pip. Testosterone injections were originally 100-200mg /ml.

DeeMan's picture

Yeah you seem to be new to all of this so you probably need do more research before you decide to cycle. Like Greg stated below you really don't want to do a cycle using sub q. That's just not normal and practical. That's more for trt. Also you don't want to sub-q any 300mg or higher testosterone, especially the one you're using now. Doing this will result in a lump etc so you gotta know what you're doing man. Too many variables going on. Did you sanitize injection site and top of vial with alcohol? If not an infection could occur. Also, high milligram test can cause test flu that results in fever. Like I said I used that test 300 and had pip but no swelling, no fever, so it's either a bad batch, you're not sanitizing properly or you just have a bad reaction to Enanthate ester. Alot of variables. Please be careful brother.

Greg's picture

bad pip = inflammation
Inflammation = "infection"
infection = fever

Sub Q will be painful and leave red welts if injecting amounts greater than 1/2 ml. Great for TRT dosing... not so much for running a cycle.

iFit's picture

It’s normal. They all start out with great plans and promises. Then 90% either send out crap gear or get too greedy by taking a thousand orders a week and crash and burn right after then honeymoon period. There are a few that are smart enough to focus on the long game. But don’t worry, they will pop up again under a new name and do it all over again and again and again. Can’t fix stupid.

DeeMan's picture

Lol true. Well said man

iFit's picture

Oh that rating system works. Many have tried to fool it. They may get away with it for a few days but they all get caught quickly.

Chi_chi's picture

I was wondering the same thing.
I actually enjoyed dealing with them, it was very simple and trustworthy.
The gear I got was good quality though never had an issue with it. I was running test E then switched to Sus 250 and I'm getting great gains.

Vmill4's picture

Is there a shade of color to it or clear? Also, try intra muscular injections if you haven't already and see if there's a change.

UncleYoked's picture

No, it just means a different carrier. Likely cottonseed vs mct. Could also be oxidation etc. No way to really tell without testing.