DPW's picture
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Help! Cycle coming may not be real?


Hello. I amm 44 180lbs been running TRT for about a year and was going to add some var with my cycle(just 20 mg a day) for 7-8 weeks then just test for 4-5 then repeat etc. So with the hope and guidence (from here and other sources) I found somewhere and purchased.
I have been hearing and reading (several youtube videos and sites as well) that most every source for VAR is now potentially going to quit selling or getting REAl hard to get? Also that if it is real pharmaceutical that it would be very very expensive so chances are if not purchaed through DR it will be fake....So my question if I paid well over $100 for one cycle does that sound "to cheap" or fake?

laxman3221's picture

If you look for sales at places you can get good deals. Paid $75 for 100 50mg tabs not too long ago when they were running 60% off and free shipping..

wanted's picture

So you paid 140.00 for a pack of magic beans

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DeeMan's picture

Leave him alone Paw Paw

wanted's picture

I see how this is gona play out. Instead of researching first of a good source for hard to get anavar buys first then researches..
Whats gonna happen! He is gona go through this cycle believing in his mind its fake and will effect training & diet & results
I can Bet There have been a time we all have gotten bunk shit and no mattter what trained are asses off believeing it was real and mind of matter kicked in Nd we was like dabm this is great
Its all in our mind

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DPW's picture

Actually about 26 sources before and picked one of highest rated on here.

JakeKO's picture

Ok, well, if that’s the case, why on earth would you be worried about it?

DeeMan's picture

Yeah placebo effect they call it. I understand.

wanted's picture

Exactly ! Thats the word i was trying to think of.
But the over thinking mind is hard to over come and ruins some cycles

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DeeMan's picture

Yea that's why I prefer simplicity. Heck I always kept it simple. It worked

DeeMan's picture

The real question should be if you paid under $100 for a complete anavar cycle would that sound too cheap...yes it would. Anavar is one of the more expensive raws unfortunately

JakeKO's picture

Sounds like he only purchased one bag of 10mg, and overpaid a little

DeeMan's picture

They need to lower the damn price per kilo.

Rosschestzip's picture

The amount and milligram can vary greatly, which changes price. You can get real Anavar for as little as 40$ but it’ll probably only be maybe 20 x10mg pills or some places sell 100 packs of 50 mg pills for 250$ so it’s impossible to tell off price alone. Never mind the fact that you could pay 1000$ and still get fake shit. Really your only option is looking up that specific manufacturer or source and seeing reviews or sending it out for lab testing. Don’t waste your money on a home test kit and don’t get advice on drugs from YouTube.

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DPW's picture

I got the 10 mg was gonna do 2 times a day. Paid 140 plus counting shipping

Thanks for reply

JakeKO's picture

How about posting the link you read about it being fake???

isebas76's picture

Fuck around and find out mate, it’s very hard to tell without testing it first

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Rosschestzip's picture

Yes the good ole fuck around and find out method lmao

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JakeKO's picture

Over $100 is typical for a Var cycle.

DPW's picture

Thats what I paid... 140 plus after shipping. I just did 10 mg pack

JakeKO's picture

If you want to run a good cycle, you going to need at least three of those bags. This is definitely not a one pill per day steroid at 10mg.

NWApatches's picture

Could be real though, right?

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robb's picture

Why not look at other sources and compare prices with what you bought.

DPW's picture

I dont have it yet. I will

ExtraGramSam's picture

Hard to guess var is expensive no one will be able to know if you got fake or real or something else buy a test kit at least you will know what's in it with that it won't tell you how many mg are in it but might save you time in not eating sugar pills

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