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+ 18 Clearing Your Receptors 101


Clearing Receptors 101

A lot has been said in regards to clearing the receptors and I thought now would be a good time to delve into this subject and simplify things.

Basically, one must view the receptor sites as parking spaces.

Envision a slew of parking spaces that are all empty. Now we are going to call these parking spaces your receptor sites and we shall call steroids the cars. Now I want you to imagine one of those old 1950's style drive up hamburger stands where the girls come up in roller skates and take your order. Typically one would order a burger, fries and a coke--ah the food of the gods--the waitress would take the order, go bring the information to the cook, who would in-turn make the food and the waitress would then bring the food to you and you would then begin eating which is the whole reason you came to the hamburger stand in the first place.

I think everyone can easily understand that. Which means everyone can easily understand all they need to know about the receptor sites because they do the exact same thing. We will keep with this hamburger stand model and explain what happens when you inject steroids

Remember how I said steroids were like the cars and the parking spaces were like the receptor sites? Well it is basically that simple. When you inject testosterone or any one of it's anabolic or androgenic derivatives, you are sending a whole slew of "cars" into your system. Now these "cars" are on a mission--just like you would be if you were hungry and heading to a hamburger stand. They have orders to place with the cells, but before they can place them they must first find a parking space.

Now let's say you have never used steroids before. If this were the case, it would be very much like a hamburger stand that was having a grand opening....lots and lots of empty parking spaces waiting for cars to fill them up and place their orders. The steroids (cars) enter the system and come to a brand new hamburger stand called your cells. Now these cells have never previously been open to the boat-load of anabolics that are now present in the system because they previously only dealt with what your body naturally produced. However, there are lots of extra parking spaces that can be utilized and so the steroids park themselves into these spaces.

Once they are parked a "waitress" called CYCLICl AMP literally crosses the cellular membrane which is totally impenetrably to anything else and takes the order from the steroid. The order is quite simple: Build More Muscle!!

The "waitress" then crosses back through the cellular membrane and brings the order to the "cook" called the Nucleus who begins to fill it by ordering its helpers called Ribosomes to produce muscle protein.. Now different steroids will have slightly different orders in that some may have a bigger order for the cook to fill--such as testosterone. The thing you have to realize is that a lot of times, after the order is placed, the steroid does not necessarily leave the parking space and make it available to other will often sit in the parking space even though it is no longer sending orders to the "waitress" to bring to the "cook", and this is where the problem of "DOWN-REGULATION" comes in. You see even if you send in more and more fresh new "cars" to occupy the receptor spaces, if they are already taken up by old "dead cars" you are shit out of luck.....

This is why you do not continually grow by injecting bigger and bigger doses of steroids. THERE ARE A LIMITED NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES. Now it would not be so bad if all the parking spaces were taken by "cars" that were sending orders to the cook, because that is when you grow. The problem is when there are "cars" that are no longer sending orders and on top of that have dead batteries which is preventing them from exiting the receptors parking space.

This is what the whole point of this article is....TOWING AWAY ALL THE DEAD "CARS" FROM THE RECEPTOR SITES PARKING SPACES AS TO FREE THEM UP FOR NEW, FRESH, HUNGRY "CARS" TO OCCUPY THEM...This will result in new muscle mass!

O.K. Trevor, I am with you so far, but what the f*** can I do about it?

The answer is ...PLENTY!

First and foremost, is to plan sensible courses. This is why I am an advocate of short courses designed in such a fashion as to have all drugs out of the system by the end of the cycle and then allow for a 3-4 week off time in which you are totally clean. If you stay on these monster 4-6 month courses, you just wind up screwing yourself and requiring that much longer of an off period. The longer you are on, the more the body recognizes that there is "too much" in the system and will begin to take counter measures. And the longer you are on, the more "dead cars" you will have sitting in the receptor parking spaces which means NO MORE GROWING!

Now with this in mind, how can we help get the cars out of there?

Well WE actually cannot, but the body can and will. Basically as time goes by, the body will free up the parking spaces just like a tow truck would remove a dead car from a parking space. However, you are at the mercy of time in this situation which is why it is important to utilize short courses that will cause less disturbance in the system, less "dead cars" in the receptor spaces and therefore less time needed for the body to remove them and free up the spaces.

That being said, it should be noted that even short course will pile up "dead cars" after a while and you should give yourself an extended clean out of 2 months at least once a year.

But Trevor, isn't there anything I can do to help speed the process?

Once again the answer is yes!

You can help speed the process up dramatically by increasing your metabolic rate...Speeding up the metabolic rate is akin to hiring extra tow trucks to clear out all those "dead cars" that are occupying the receptor sites!

Have you ever know a person who was much, much fatter than you and yet ate half as much?

These poor bastards think they were given the genetic shaft and try every diet fad imaginable only to stay fat. Their problem no longer lies in their eating habits--which is ironic--; it lies in their metabolism, which basically was shut down due to the excess eating and lack of exercise that got them fat in the first place. Once you understand this, you can easily control your weight for the rest of your life. But what the f*** does this have to due with steroid receptor sites?


The same thing I would prescribe someone whose metabolism has shut down due to obesity, is the same thing I would prescribe someone who's receptor sites are all clogged and is no longer making progress....INCREASE THE METABOLIC RATE!!

Below I will outline a few ways this can be achieved in the constraints of a 4 week Receptor Clearing Cycle follwing the completion of a Muscle Building Course using anabolics:

Diet: I suggest cutting back 300 calories below maintenance per day during a 4 week off time from your anabolic regime...I also suggest eating 6-8 small meals spread out from early morning to late at night. The higher the number of meals you eat, the more your body has to go to work and break down the food which causes the metabolic rate to increase.

Aerobics: Yet another tool in the battle to increase the metabolism, I would suggest low level aerobics 5 times per week 30 minutes per session.

Pharmacology: It is important that one does not have ANY anabolics that are active in the system during this time period.....make sure that you have had a good 4 weeks since your last shot of long acting compound before you embark on this 4 week receptor clearing cycle....otherwise you are wasting your fucking time! That being said, I would suggest the use of the following compounds to help accelerate the Receptor Clearing Process:

  1. D.N.P.-- Understand that this is a fucking vicious poison and a component in T.N.T., and I do not suggest it's use at all, but to be fair I must admit that NOTHING can raise the metabolic rate like D.N.P. can. Because this is well known, there are many people that will want to try it...This being the case, D.N.P. should only be used in the following manner during this course: 3 days on, 4 days off at a dose of 4mg per kilogram of bodyweight taken before bed----have plenty of towels around and a fan to keep you cool!

  2. Cytomel--T3 is another booster of metabolic rate which is why the fitness models live on this keeps you engines running high and burns the fat right off....In this case, we are more concerned with the fact that it increases the metabolic rate. Suggested use is 75mcg -100mcg 5 days on 2 days off for the 4 week course

  • If you do not wish to use D.N.P.---which I think is the smarter approach as it is very dangerous.

There you have it...a brief simple lesson on your receptors and how you might go about keeping them free and clear so you can continue to Grow, Grow, Grow and they begin to go to work.


Smith, T. (2010, February 04). Steroid Receptor Clearing. Retrieved January 17, 2012, from isteroids:

MegaT883's picture

I asked that this post be unstickied after kh1216 pointed out how dangerous and untrue this post is. I have to say I agree. It is dangerous and can kill. The premuse is not factual and is based on bro science. The fact of the matter is Pharmacological doses of testosterone upregulated androgen receptors which means it increases them. In the analogy of the parked cars you want the cars parked because that is how its message is delivered. SImple as that. DNP has been in the news lately. DNP has been credited as the cause of more than 60 deaths globally in a report by The Journal of Medical Toxicity. Most think it's harmless due to posts like this and that is why people have lost their lives. DNP has killed and is still killing not to mention the use of T3 at doses some hypothyroid patients would use can cause health problems. Safety first. Links to the facts

kh1216's picture

Awesome thanks for your help once again megaT! Makes me feel a lot better this post was really bothering me

vhman's picture

Nice work as always.

Pale's picture

After a careful review there are some problems with this post so I unstickied it. Maybe I can get one of the others to explain.

iamsuperrit's picture

You gave me a good picture.
Good post

papachango's picture

Question while on receptors sustenon or a test 400 is suppose to take up majority of your receptors me and my buddy's frequently argue over this threw out the years. With that said its seems that certain people are able to stack it and get massive gains awesome gains!! My question is does it occupy all receptors and stacking it would then be a waist of product!! Please answer this question so that the war between my buddy's and I can finally come to an end!!

norcuron's picture

Nope. Sry but nope. If the key is in the hole the message is being sent. Take the key out the message is not being sent. There are no dead cars in the parking lot. If the car is parked in the lot the message is being sent. If you tow the car away the message is not being sent.
show me a scholarly article that says different.

dannymalone's picture

I read this article a while back, and always believed it to be accurate. Today, I wanted to learn more about receptors and how to "clear" them. After a few hours of reading, I learned that this is bs, at least for the most part.

Androgen receptors up regulate. So you aren't going to run out of "parking spaces". The receptors do however, lose sensitivity. When you come off or cruise, they regain sensitivity. So, forget about taking something like dnp to clear your receptors.

The one objection that I would have to this, comes from my experience on methadone. 80mg of methadone is considered a blocking dose. Though the exact dosage varies from person to person. That means that you can no longer get high from heroin. You can still feel it, just not much. Despite the up regulation of the dopamine receptors, there seems to be a limit. If this holds true to AR, then it would seem that there is a limit on how effective the up regulation of the AR is after a certain point.

aidistributor's picture

Time off also lower myostatin levels (which inhibits muscle gain) fyi

pearce26's picture

Good read. 6 plus months on gear is why to much, time on = time off plus little extra. I don't usually go over a 10-12 weeks on. Find i recover alot better

Jersey1107's picture

I would NEVER touch DNP... Way too danerous

Nitti's picture

Has anyone actually tried this guys approach?

BRICKmason's picture

Thanks, great read! I learned something totaly new here which I will implement between cycles myself now!

highgear's picture

thanks for the info

highgear's picture

thanks for the info, good read

VladProdigy's picture

Thank you for a damn well written article with great basic info on the subject of cleansing receptors that ought to be "mandatory" knowledge for everybody.

pinthepainaway87's picture

A lot of guys do blast and cruise. Where they do a long cycle and then cruise at about 200mg test per week for 2 months and then start another cycle (blast). The idea is that cruising at this level of test is close to your natural level so the receptor sites will clear but your test will never drop so low that you lose muscle, like it would if you came off completely. What's your take on this strategy?

llrxxzhan's picture

The biggest key of all is massive amounts of food protein, good carbs, essential fats
7-8-9 solid meals a day,(3-4 shakes in addition to that) the more your trying to go the more you have to eat as you grow
In order to give the body vitamin A, what should bother every day to eat.

MedDx's picture

Good read....thx

armykid93's picture

This is really well explained. Thank you

Philgee's picture

whats going on guys! im new to this a few friends told me about this site/forum and said its great for advice and for soild info on products im from ny so I hope to meet good people and get soild info when I need!! im gonna post this in some other forums as well!'s picture

DNP is killer, mate.

Elvis's picture

Great read, dont think I'll be touching dnp though

sombomb's picture

"Suggested use is 75mcg -100mcg 5 days on 2 days off for the 4 week course". Wouldn't this be catabolic at such high doses? Excellent read btw.

TAZ's picture

Great info. Thanks for the detail. I am 47yr and have been on TRT running 200-220 MG of Test C per week for almost 3 years. My pre TRT Test level got down to 306. It is now 900-1200. I test my levels every 6 months. I am happy with my results but looking for a little more. I was considering Blasting 4 weeks with an additional anabolic 2-3 times a year. Maybe I should do the opposite and cutback. I am trying to learn more. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

MedDx's picture

Just read your post. Have u made any changes to your TRT dosages?

Green Ranger's picture

Good read thanks for sharing

dk1's picture

Good article,

sees t me much "anabolic knowledge" has been lost to the young jedi over the years.

One product that helps tremendously is "Methandriol Dipropionate"...... helps open up receptors and increase uptake immensely in my opinion. 1 to 3 ml a week works nicely

Low dose T3+ clen + and HGH help a great deal as well in my experience.

Also running Anastrozole will help, basic sense extrogen and testosterone compete for receptors, reduce estrogen and keep test elevated by daily shots so blood stream is steady and do the above and the gains will keep coming to a point

The biggest key of all is massive amounts of food protein, good carbs, essential fats
7-8-9 solid meals a day,(3-4 shakes in addition to that) the more your trying to go the more you have to eat as you grow

Big_Al's picture

This article is actually not true..

Myth: Steroids down-regulate your androgen receptors (this is why your first cycle is always your best).

Truth: The logic for this myth actually makes a lot of sense – receptor down-regulation is pretty obvious when you drink a cup of coffee every day for a month, then find you need to keep increasing the size to get the same “kick”. We see (and feel) this receptor downgrade with caffeine, clenbuterol, ephedrine and a ton of other stuff, so it’s logical to think that we’re seeing the same thing with steroids. Sadly, the science tells us otherwise. Steroids actually do the opposite – they up-regulate your androgen receptors. It’s wrong to think about androgen receptors as permanent receptacles for the androgen ligand (like your cap park spaces). In reality, your androgen receptors are constantly being turned over. When unattached to an androgen they have a half life of approximately three hours and are ultimately replaced with new ones. However, in the presence of an androgen (i.e. when they’re attached), they become more sensitive, their half life is doubled and the amount of new receptors being formed also increases substantially. It’s also important to remember that AR-mediated effects are not the whole story when it comes to anabolic steroid activity in the body. There are still a host of other effects that have little to nothing at all to do with AR, known as non-AR dependent effects, which include central nervous system stimulation and a host of other anabolic and potentially anabolic activities. But that still leaves us with the question of why our gains seem to slow down after a few cycles, and why we need to keep upping the dose. In truth, the answer probably has more to do with the body attempting to return to homeostasis through other mechanisms than it has with the androgen receptor per se. Still, if you’re worried about your androgen receptors you can take some L-Carnitine L-Tartrate, a nutritional supplement that has been shown to increase androgen receptors (it was included in Anavite, from Gaspari Nutrition, for this exact reason).

mujeriego's picture

Good post brother

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RobHollywood's picture

Good article. Thanks for the info.

RaW InStiNcTz's picture

Very good read, and dam those fitness models lol

Minus's picture

Very good info, I learned a lot. And luckily for me, I have a very fast metabolism. Clear out those dead cars bitches!

Gbody's picture

Who says you can't learn something new everyday very intresting read but here's a question what about men who are on trt cause they have low T does this mean after time there doses will have to cut or upped to make it effective or do they just go back into a crash of low T from it being pulged with as you put it dead cars just wondering

edu12's picture

This is bro science all the way... Can you actually cite some studies that shows that the metabolism "shut down"?(whatever that means...). Or that eating 6 times a day will increase your metabolic rate? And then of course, the androgen receptor saturation thing...

deve's picture

Article is based on speculations some of which (i.e receptor saturation) have been proven wrong by official studies.

TheCanuck's picture

Jason Blaha and many of his counterparts and colleagues tend to disagree. Saying that you don't have less receptor sites available but more as time goes on.

Now understand my point in posting is not to say you are 100% incorrect but more to encourage discussion which leads to something positive for all of us in this.
Further discussion.

jjs1379's picture

Do the receptors just become exhausted or does the testosterone lose effectiveness some how. I understand the concept and all im just curious as to how the "cars" become dead, and no longer useful?

TheCanuck's picture

So pros and the like who blast and cruise are somewhat at a disadvantage then??
Why would so many stay on full time all year round if it was not beneficial?
Are the losses that occur post cycle worth coming off or is the slower uptake of staying on more beneficial?

Also does cruising at a lower (lets say trt or hrt rate) help clear the receptors at all?

Brc0106's picture

thanks for posting this very helpful

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