matteo_ilcattivo's picture
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HGH to get taller


I've been weight lifting for a little more than a year and have put on a good amount of mass to my frame, considering I was 110lbs when I started(obvi not all muscle). I'm about 5'7'' and I'm 18. I'm currently considering taking HGH to increase my height as well as increase my gains. If I were to take HGH it would mainly be to gain some height and once I gained my desired height, I would get off. I personally would like to be around 5'9'' do you think this is possible? Please give me your input!!!

warvet's picture

Ha, I think that you may be a little late to get taller.. perhaps a half an inch max. Also, you have to be very careful or you will shut down your endogenous production down. The fact is you are at the peak of your natural HGH production now, and unless you think your going to be a world famous athlete, the risks outweigh the benefits IMO. Good luck!

matteo_ilcattivo's picture

Idk I just hate being a manlet lol. But my growth plates are still open so that's why I'm considering HGH to become taller.

ruski's picture

bro i dont think its worth it. not at your height. if your growth plates are still open there is a possibility you can get taller. but theres also a possibility your forehead can get larger. or your chin can get longer. at 5' 7'' its not worth the risk.

matteo_ilcattivo's picture

Thanks for the input, I was also reading HGH is expensive as hell so I don't think I'm going to try HGH.

ruski's picture

its very expensive. im running low doses. and i have a good source its still costings me over 200 a month. recommended to run for 9 months. you do the math. and thats for my goals. you would need a significantly higher dose to do what you want. and its still not guaranteed.

ruski's picture

hgh can induce heightgrowth but only in puberty

ikemay's picture

Me tall, me bang head a lot,ya

gcgeargold's picture

ive been curious about this, im on a cycle now and going to try hgh for the first time as im coming off cycle, was wondering if i'd grow any taller going to be on 6-8 iu's a day, not sure how long for yet, im 6ft but wouldnt mind growing to 6'2 lol

scoobydoo's picture

I'm 5'7".One of the advantages I find is that I rarely bump my head into things.

poofinger's picture

your only 18 mate, growth plates arent closed on ya bones yet?
I think you keep developing till around 23-25? dont quote me.
But hgh to help induce growth in kids is a costly and timely procedure.
5"7 isnt short either!!

OmNom's picture

The only person i know who's done that was 5'2 and for a guy that's not fun.. 5'7 isn't short tho? And frankly if you decide to use it you may screw up your thyroid and have to stay on it the rest of your life.. Also it will do nothing for your height if the growth plates in your bones are shut...

Colossus_fit's picture

it's too early to start HGH,you must wait until you will be 25-30 years old

Colossus_fit's picture

in my opinion is too late bro..why do you want to grow? I am tall and I have always had difficulty in building a good body. sii felice cosi!

ruski's picture

word. everyone thinks its easy for big guys. dont know its twice as hard to build your arms and chest.

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