7gothic's picture
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I just scraped off two more age spots off of my triceps after removing two from my left hand last week, and I am in total shock. These are the original pin-wheel Kigs (before they went rogue), and these age spots have been on my arm/hand for YEARS. I simply am in total amazement. After the first two, I thought I was imagining things, but tonight left no doubt about the anti-aging power of HGH.....WHAT THE FUCK????
Am I off base here??? Can age-spots and skin in general be rejuvenated by HGH?
Or did I simply remove dried, crusty paint from the house project 3 summers ago?

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

hahah great reacd. and funny as fuck. I would love anti aging lol

swolltroll's picture

LML @ crusty paint

Genetix's picture

Good Old Lead Base Paint....Keep scraping. Haa just fucking with ya. Damn 6IU huh? I was hitting 2.5IU then bumped to 4.5IU somatropin and could not handle the sides. Damn fingers and hands falling asleep every night on top of 1st set pumps were no joke!

poofinger's picture

Thats crazy?? Atleast you know ya hgh is real haha..

OmNom's picture

Aging is the decline of HGH which leads to the decline in other hormones.. So it makes sense.. Been trying to get my mother on it but I worry about it's effects on blowing up tumors if you get one.

eatbig's picture

Just curious but what dose are you running them at Goth?

7gothic's picture

I shoot 6 I.U. right after my 11:00 P.M. training session, and another 4 around mid-day, although sometimes I skip the afternoon dose.

eatbig's picture

Im 3 weeks in on gg's rips and the only side effect im seeing so far is im like a fuckin zombi all day. Started out small and worked up to 4iu and took it back down to 2 1/2 first thing in the morning.

Undertaker's picture

While I have no personal experience I have watched my father take hgh for the last 2 years and the difference has been incredible. skin elasticity improved greatly, tendon, ligament and joints improved for him, hair turned from grey back to natural color. Some pretty impressive stuff. Hes 63 years old and thinks hes a kid again.

7gothic's picture

If he's losing grey hair, I'm doubling my dose...lol

Undertaker's picture

He only does 2.5 iu a day somatropin

BigJ-roll's picture

Shit I hope your right Bro!! Getting ready to start!! doing blood work tue! Next week then starting!! I've heard nothing but good things I read a 32 page double blind study!! Not one out of I believe it was 300 150 got Hgh and 150 got placebo the people that recive Hgh everything they gained they kept and didn't train or even eat properly the main thig was % of body fat loss huge in the Hgh people and all around feeling good joints Etc!!! And also not one of them sparked any kind of cancer it was 6 mo long!!

7gothic's picture

The first thing I notice when I start HGH is immediate weight gain, some water retention, but most of it seems to be "deep" water retention...i.e. the muscles are much fuller and pumped all the time....no smooth bloated puffiness.

BigJ-roll's picture

My plan is to run 2iu's a day for three months then to 4iu's a day for three months then a month off ! Then start at 4 iu's for 3months and see if I can handle sides!? The month off cruise on test or PCT???? I thought might as well cruise then hit hard again when I start the HGH thanks !!

BigJ-roll's picture

Yeah it's the first time I'm already on 700 mg testE and 300 deca a week!! Adding Hgh!!! Once I start I will probably never stop!!! Ha ha ha ha!! Just thought maybe run three and one off then three Perses told me to go six straight months then take a month off!! Thanks for the help Bro!!