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Advice needed HGH Sides


Hey guys just looking for some advice.
I've been using HGH for about 3 months now, currently using **** HGH at 3 IU per day.

I've been experiencing joint pain in the morning, slight swelling of fingers (had to remove wedding ring) and a constant discomfort in the joints of my fingers. I also started stacking the HGh with Anavar after the second month. Starting at 10ml per day and now increased to 20ml.
Any advice on wether these sides are expected or I should stop the cycle all together?

HeyYoeIte's picture

You have been using for about 3 months. If you are just getting the sides all of a sudden and in the beginning you were ok then i do not think it is the GH. The sides sound like GH but it makes more sense if you have been getting these sides on and off since taking GH then lower your dosage. Even though you hear many people taking very high amounts of GH, 3 IU's per day can be on the high side. I thought anavar only came in oral doses but you are starting at 10ML or 20ML or Milligrams? The test only cycle sounds like more sense with 1 iu per day starting and monitor side effects have an AI on hand. When i took a little to many IU's of GH in the morning i would feel like i was slow and acted like a little kid that made little sense. Very strange. Hope it works out.. Anavr and GH are heavily faked also so be aware of those 2 and that they are what they say they are.

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Makwa's picture

lower the dose until sides subside. Then gradually increase dose over several weeks until you get to where you want to be.

Oral only cycle?

Need to delete brand names.'s picture

Thanks mate, deleted names. Yah HGH and Anamar tabs.

Makwa's picture

Oral only cycle is a no go. Just going to set yourself back.'s picture

What stack would you recommend to compliment the growth hormone.

Makwa's picture

HGH is its own beast. You don't need a stack to compliment it. It can be run fine off or on cycle. Running a stack with it isn't going to improve its effects. It can enhance your cycle though, most notably through enhanced fat loss or minimizing fat gain during a bulk. As far as recommending a cycle, you need to research testosterone only first cycle since it sounds like you haven't ran a cycle before.

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