TheIcon's picture
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Melanotan 2


So any experience with Melanotan 2? Its hard getting dosing and frequency. Ive seen soen people talk about some doses that seem rather high to start. and others talking about minute doses (which I will prob start with)

Im not sure if it is a ED injection or a EOD injection or if it really matters much.

My plan was to do ED injections

Day 1-3... 50mcg
Day 4-6... 75 mcg
Day 7-9... 100mcg
Day 10-12... 125mcg
etc etc

Untl I reach about 200-250mcg or if I reach a desired look earlier then stay at that dose for maintenance.

Also read the boners and sex can really be good or bad if you don't want 24/7 wood.

triptychs's picture

Tried MT2 for this first time this blast starting Dec 1. 125mcg every day has me at a perfect tan, mid-winter and my mother in law said I look mixed race lol. That’s the signal for me to back off, but I love this compound. Will probably just go to once a week or something. Stuff CAN make you tan with very little actual sun. Also got boners randomly like I was in high school, was insane when out in public. Horniness def went up. Didn’t suppress appetite at that dose.

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smallsmoothballsack's picture

This stuff works well. I did 500mcg per day and it was too much. I turned legit black and got super lethargic and appetite was suppressed so much i could not eat.

Be careful with your dosing.

itsHughJanis's picture

Just out of curiosity, how long do the effects last for?

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smallsmoothballsack's picture

The tan lasted for a while but I went to Florida and got a lot of sun. Increased sex drive stopped right after stopping the drug.

The negative sides I got from overdosing went away after a day or 2 of dropping the dose.

itsHughJanis's picture

Interesting! Thanks for the info as always

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Slim0983's picture

What I found with using MT2 was there is no need to titrate up or do a laoding period, there's a million different recommendations for dosage on it but what worked for me and my wife was 250mcg M/W/F for 3 weeks and after that we had our desired look and dropped to 250mcg once a week and maintained. You can do it low and slow so you don't over tan or you can do a higher dose for a shorter period and drop to a maintenance dose. At 250mcg my wife had mild nausea for about an hour post injection and we both would get flushed for about an hour and skin would be warm to the touch. And for the 24/7 wood that was definitely the case for me.

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helix15's picture

agree, 250mcg M/W/F for 3 weeks works great , then 250/once week

TheIcon's picture

My main reason for low and slow like Im cooking Brisket is because Im a redhead with blue eyes. So I just want enough of a look that I don't look like mayo. Smile The creams get annoying applying all the time and getting it even. Thought I would give this peptide a try. I get a little color in the summer but would like a little more and prefer the freckles don't get darker and everything evens out a bit.

I might do EOD then and the boners I enjoy. Not sure about the wife because I constantly look at her like a piece of raw meat I want to devour all hours of the day. She says she doesn't mind. We shall see Smile

Blck_panda's picture

Lol wife and daughter are redheads and my boy is pale.. i know exactly what you mean.

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TheIcon's picture

My son is redhead like me. Im like sorry dude you are perfect except your skin. Thats my fault. My daughter and wife are alike. They walk outside for 15 min and look like a nice greek goddesses perfect even tan like then been sunbathing for a week. Redonk. Not fair! Smile

Blck_panda's picture

Lol yes... daughter is a redhead that tans since shes brown like me. The wife and son burn.
But I have heard good and bad from MT2, let me know how you like it.

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Pmob's picture

You may also feel a bit dizzy, sick, and your body might get warm…. Injections would be subq. As far as the mix it’s up to you. I used to make it somewhat strong however the side effects listed about you will get. I normally used to do between 2-3ius a day.

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