Makwa's picture
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Here is my dilema. I went in to get my bloodwork done the day before I started my first cycle (10 wks into my first cycle now) and my T came back at 192ng/dl. Definitely on the low end. I figured I had low T since it seems that like the last few years I could care less about sex, tired, unmotivated - all the classical signs of low T. I'll be finishing my cycle in a couple of weeks and I'm thinking that it is futile to do the typical PCT since there is nothing to restore back to anyway (who wants to go back to feeling like shit all the time) and I'll probably lose everything I have gained this cycle then.

So far these seem to be my options:
1. Complete PCT protocol. Total T will be back to very low and then go see doc again and try to get TRT script.

  1. Start my own TRT. start out at 100mg/wk of test-c and adjust from there.

My preference right now is to go with option 2 for the following reasons. I don't want to have to suffer through a PCT that is really going to restore me back to nothing. I will most likely loose all the progress I have made this cycle. Docs around here are joke-don't seem to know their head from there ass most of the time (why the hell didn't the doc even say something about my low T level in the first place). Probably cheaper doing it UGL than getting my insurance involved.

Any other comments/suggestions/options greatly appreciated.

Lordajax's picture

Do TRT with a script, with pharma gear,and bloodwork. Put up with a little headache for being legit and peace of mind.

Makwa's picture

Thanks for all the suggestions. I think I am going to do my own TRT. It was about 7 months after my last PH cycle that I had my bloodwork done which showed the low T, so I don't think trying another agressive PCT would really bring things back up to the normal range.

klon's picture

If your baseline Total Test level is less than 550 ng/mL, then you need TRT. Levels less than that are associated with
1. Diabetes;
2. Heart Disease; and
3. Stroke.

My take is that it's better to be a bit high than less than 550...

finafan's picture

Always give PCT a shot. If there is a chance to to save your natural production do it.

OmNom's picture

If you go on TrT yourself traveling will be a bitch.. any time you take a plane you can try to mail the stuff to your hotel.. but if your go to a diff country this will be much harder to get away with.. you'll be dependent on this plus having kids might become an issue if you want that.. I would at least try a hard core PCT and if it fails go see the doc.. a trick others have used is to take hgh with their pct for a said amount of months and it helps bring up testosterone along with everything else.. If all else fails at least try the doctor and if the doctor is still being an asshole then trt on your own as a last resort imo