MightyMatt812's picture
  • 186

+ 2 What’s your thoughts


I know this debate has been going on for couple years now but what’s everyone’s thoughts on the Covid vaccine. I am skeptical of it and think it’s bullshit. The problem I have is now I have to get the vaccine or else I get fired from my job that I had for 15yrs. I believe this is complete horse shit . I understand all the problems this flu is causing and a lot of people died but I am being forced to receive vaccine.

Jamesmk04's picture

Are there any Whole Foods that someone on test should shy away because they convert to estrogen in the body?

Jamesmk04's picture

Is that information on this site

Jamesmk04's picture

How long does it take to feel a difference from test cypionate after first injection?

Greg's picture

about 2 weeks

Jamesmk04's picture

Okay thanks, one more question is 12 weeks to long for a cycle that peaks at 350 mg? At it’s test only.

Greg's picture


T1984's picture

I left my job as a mental health worker because of the mandatory vaccine to work in the care sector. It pushed me into creating my own business.

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Jamesmk04's picture

The Government has been lying to us all, the mainstream media only defends there lies and hypocrisy. If you want real unbiased facts based news check out the epoch times!

press1's picture

Looks like you are right and I was wrong pal, not sure why I bothered getting the vaccine now. Probably won't get the booster when its a waste of time.

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Greg's picture

No need to carry on the us v them narrative, why are you feeling attacked? You made good choices for yourself, there's no right or wrong here. No reason for the snark.

That said, I enjoy the epoch times but one can hardly say it is a centralist newspaper. It's as conservative as anything I've read since the Moonies (Unification Church cult) started "The Washington Times" back in the early 80's

press1's picture

Why am I feeling attacked? Because I was discussing it with the guy above - But then as usual multiple people jump in against me. I can never have a debate with one person, the same 3 on 1 situation begins. Rusty as always jumps in, then you do which I am surprised at given you were pro-vaccine at the beginning of all this.

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Greg's picture

I'm still pro vaccine, as I've stated, I got my shots this April. May of 2020, I had coved. I'm 62 years old. Makes sense for me, I will not fault or presume that a 20-year-old has the same risk or needs nor a young woman fearful for her reproductive years (founded or not). Mandates do not work, they are unlawful, and are divisive, as we can see in this very discussion.

My comment to you on immunity was factual, based on things I've learned well before covid. I agreed, your info was correct, but only as far as the media wanted to report it. It was partly correct, not the full picture. If I'm incorrectly stating something as true that is not, I hope you'll do me the courtesy to point that out.

I also agree with you that we are not trying hard enough to get the rest of the world vaxed. My language to you was soft it was not abrasive or accusatory. if you felt attacked that's just you being defensive rather than collaborative.

It's not 2020 anymore. We have herd immunity, vaccines, and therapeutics.

T1984's picture

I've never seen such censorship as we do now. You just know there's alot of money being made in big pharma from this.

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Jamesmk04's picture

It is conservative, But it’s fact based real journalism. I kind of see this site because of the way it’s moderated as a truth seeking site and we’re all on the same team. So if I was at all divisive I apologize. Does anyone know about magic spoon cereal?

Jamesmk04's picture

It’s something to do with the real sickness being remembered in your tcells. I have heard from many people that the vaccine makes them sick for a few days. So if you can avoid that that’s awesome.

Jamesmk04's picture

I think that it should be someone’s personal choice to get the vaccine. If you have already had the virus your natural immunity is more than the vaccine will give you and it lasts longer than the vaccine which studies in Israel have shown. It’s all political game to try and fundamentally change the world, Europe is first the US isn’t far behind. Why do you think everyone says build back better it’s a plan all around the world look up who all uses that term.

press1's picture

Natural Immunity lasts 5 to 8 months if you have caught the virus against the Delta variant - Its greater if you have caught the virus and then have had the vaccine jabs. How about just getting the vaccine then all the poor people who are currently waiting for cancer treatment don't die in the meantime because all the Hospital beds & staff aren't being taken up by the people who are being admitted for Covid 19 and are taking up the beds and staff because they refused to get the vaccine jab.

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Greg's picture

Natural Immunity lasts 5 to 8 months if you have caught the virus against the Delta variant -

That's not entirely true. Natural imunity teaches the body to produce antibodies when threatened by a virus. Those antibodies wane in time. When reintroduced to the virus, your immune system, having learned from the previous exposure, quickly produces more antibodies to defend against the virus.

We are being fed incorrect metrics, herd immunity at the start was 60% - 70% total population (vaxed and natural) Fauci has upped that to 80% and higher and dropped the natural immunity out of the equation as being, "too difficult to factor in".

We should not be spoon-fed cases; we should be looking at hospitalizations (which is only up about 30%)
We met our goal of herd immunity and flattening the curve. It's time to take back our lives, drop the mandates, act responsibly, Get vaccinated if you're at risk, take responsability for yourself if you decide not to get vaxed.

I've been vaxed this year and was sick last year. I am not getting the booster, I agree, we need to start focusing on giving third world countries vaccines before we worry about giving booster shots to minimal risk people and forcing those who've been sick and have natural immunity, or don't want a vaccine to get one at the threat of losing their job.

Halsey's picture

Greg, knows what he is talking about. This is the information that ive researched and believe. Natural immunity is the gold standard by far. Spike proteins(vaccines & boosters) that are not cleared from the body, will cause damage after a certain length of time.

Jamesmk04's picture

I can tell this guy doesn’t watch cnn or msnbc!

Greg's picture

No, you're right, I'm not the one who is watching.

Jamesmk04's picture

I’ve had covid twice and got through it perfectly fine without any daddy government help. I have a better chance of having a side effect from the vaccine than going to the hospital for covid. It’s the same way with many Americans. But if you’re old or have underlying health conditions than yes you should get the vaccine.

press1's picture

I got Covid after having the first jab but only for 3 to 4 days as I was more protected and was nowhere near as ill as others who haven't had it. I still got the second jab and will be getting the booster also. Why are you so bothered about a side effect from a vaccine when no doubt your are jabbing steroids made by a man you have never met? Simple knowledge and Intelligence states that its better to be much more protected by a vaccine that you are getting for free anyway.

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Greg's picture

Why should you care what he decides for himself? You're vaxed, he's no threat. He's naturally immune. He's not telling you not to get the vaccine.

BigLuke's picture

What a highly charged topic. I glanced at the comments and saw one about topics like this shouldn't be on here. I agree. This could easily turn into a very explosive conversation.

Jamesmk04's picture

What does it mean when someone has there name crossed out. Where they fired?

Halsey's picture


Jamesmk04's picture

They died?

Halsey's picture

They got banned for some reason or not.

11chuck88's picture

I'm in or was in the same boat as you. I had to get it or I would essentially be fired from my place of work. I resisted as long as I could, but in the end, being able to provide and take care of my family won out over my pride and beliefs.

Owes a Review × 2
winmag4582001's picture

Do you have a skill that’s easily transferable and in demand?

I’m an instrumentations and control’s electrician. I’m fortunate to be in extremely high demand right now. The company I work for forced all the carpet walkers to get vaxed and has left all the tradesmen alone. Even the worst electrician could quit this morning and be pissing in a cup for another company by 10am. People with a bachelors or masters are a dime a dozen here in Colorado.
It’s up to you.

iFit's picture

Although I do wish these topics would get removed from Eroids I believe to each their own. On the list of shit I’ve injected, eaten, drank and snorted in my life this doesn’t even make my Top 10.

Makwa's picture

Yep Lol

iFit's picture

Oh I almost forgot… and smoked. There’s no database on side effects from illegal drugs. You take something illegal, you die or get sick, no one knows. You take an aspirin the same day you eat 5 burritos from Taco Bell , get diarrhea, it gets logged in a data base as a potential side. Hahaha

iFit's picture

My younger days when I thought 40yo was old, 50 was elderly and 60 was ancient. Now if I go to a party I need to make sure my schedule for next 2 days is clear.

GrowMore's picture

A man of culture I see

Owes a Review × 1
Makwa's picture

You don't have to worry about AAS interacting with the vaccine if that is the issue.

press1's picture

Lmao Exactly bud - people will happily inject 20ml of unknown oil over 2 months made by one man and his magnetic swirl pot in his kitchen.

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press1's picture

What Job sector do you work in mate as over here that rule is mainly for people in healthcare and Hospitals which I can completely understand?

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