Dzeaz's picture
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Girlfriends breath and vag STANK (srs)


Needing some advice
Here's some backstory
Been with this girl a little over two months. I'm 24 she's 22. She has treated me better than anyone before her combined. Such as : washing my gym and work cloths and having them laid out in the order I put them on, she buys me protein randomly and knows the exact kind I want. Plays games like skyrim , cod with me. She cleans my house and comes up to my work to see me every night and is hott AF. Has a great body and is an all around keeper.

Serious though. I drop hints like damn it stinks in here after sex. She's like yeah It smells like sex and sweat and I'm like NOOO ITS SMELLS LIKE PUSSY. I tell her she has morning breath in the mornings jokingly. But it's hard to tell her that she has that shit all the time. It's so bad that we went to shower and I pretended to wash her to be sweet but I was really just trying to get that stank out. SHE DIDNT EVEN NOTICE. then we walk out the shower and Into the bedroom downstairs and the shit hits you like a brick. Her breath smells like morning breath 24/7 even though she brushes her teeth and her suga walls smell like a fish market most of the time. She's perfect other than that and I just have been looking past it. Trying to see if anyone else has had similar experiences and know a good way to handle this.

j223's picture

Lol if your girl's pussy stinks is the worst quality she has then you should be happy. Maybe her pH is off a change in diet might help

by the way your estrogen could be high, high estrogen improves your sense of smell.

Darktide's picture

Well said!!!

Genetix's picture

Stop crying over a little spilled tuna and get in there and eat that shit like a fucking BEAST...I love a sexy girl right after the gym...makes my hormones RAGE! As far as the breath she needs to go to the dentist and get her teeth cleaned and checked for cavities and gingivitis! If not tell her you think it's sext when she sucks on altoids before sex (Or all the time).

Dzeaz's picture

Lol spilled Tuna. I like that. Nah I'm all about that fresh bro. It's hard to concentrate sometimes it's so bad. Be right in the middle of smashing and you get that updraft and get knocked out

vhman's picture

Maybe you could say your into a new sex fetish: wearing gas masks.

ChemDawg's picture


In a promo × 2
Bigs251's picture

Get her some of that ph balancing vag wash. Could be a yeast infection? As far as the breath try giving her some listerine and if that don't work she's gotta go

catkinson's picture

I love me some stinky pussy, im just sayin...

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Engineereddisaster's picture

You know bro you might by some of that gold bond powder and cake her up before you swim the swamp. That should help with the Odor and It does kind of tingle on the weiner.

Gymjunkie01's picture

OMG ... lol ha ha ha ha

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woody51's picture

lol having ladywoody read this fcking hilarious lol!

Engineereddisaster's picture

This definitely needs a sticky.
Lol, this thread has changed my life and I have anonymously sent it to all of my hooker lady friends.

GRIMEY's picture

Finger blast her then fish hook her nostrils with said fingers, see if she likes her own brand.

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oldhead73's picture


vhman's picture

Snot just shot out my nose when I read that!!!!

Gymjunkie01's picture


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IrishMack's picture

The absolute best way to get rid of the odor? Find a new girlfriend. I wouldn't have lasted 3 days before I was straight up rude about it.

BizWorks's picture

Damn bro I feel for you, but this was a very entertaining story.
Maybe you should try those body mints. I've never tried them but some people I've spoken to swear by them. They say it takes away all body odors.

Muffins's picture

I bet her mouth is just wrecked with cavities.

Vag requires a doctor.

kagedwest's picture

Lmao! How easy does that smell wash off your hands? Almost impossible to get stinky pussy off ur hands lmao.

IrishMack's picture

They say if you have very bad odor problems its an indication of underlying disease. My nephew smells to the damn moon; but he has brain aneurisms and has other internal health problems that display themselves in his bad Body odor. Get her ass to a doctor. Sooner the better.


BLEACH!....... Wash that bitch in bleach.... make her gargle it then stand on her head and pour that shit up her snatch!... if that dont work sell her to the fkn arabs lmfao!.

Gymjunkie01's picture

LMFAO.... that's some funny shit right there I don't care who you are....

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Gymjunkie01's picture

I am not even going respond to this cause its obvious you don't have a sense of humor and I really don't wanna get pissed off today..

Owes a Review × 1

Hey bucky!

In context a joke is a joke is a joke!... you feel me?,,,,,,,,,,, this thread has fuck all to do with that article so lighten the fuck up or i will show you the fucking door right now!!

This is "off topic" section and we leave religeon and politics and all other fkn baggage thats weighs us down to come in here and chill!.

You wanna bring serious you bring it to a serious thread instead.

Engineereddisaster's picture

Ed starts a chant.....

Everyone knows Buck is the activist formerly known as Novice. Lol


Brother i am a blink away from 54 (uuurrgh) i have and still do see some shit so i do understand how you feel about certain things but i find if we do keep a level of humour it keeps us sane and stops the weight of the world from grinding us down further than we have to be.

Also i am irish so i cannot help myself from wanting to laugh about most things...... no apologies needed brother lets just brush the dust off and march onwards :::::)))))

Xrated's picture

That reminds me of how my room used to smell. When I was a young bachelor. A pay lake,from all the one night stands n such.
She stank...she gotta go bro...let alone go down on that....nasty !

vhman's picture

She needs to see a dentist for the mouth problem. Many bad breath issues are because of a bad tooth. It may not hurt her, but bad breath is one of the signs of an infected tooth/gums. For her lower mouth issues, she needs to see a gynecologist. It's usually a PH issue, which can be fixed.
Unless she's just an "unclean" person, these issues can be fixed. If not, this relationship will not last. Best of luck!

Makwa's picture

Make sure she has a proper diet and is getting enough carbs. If she is starving herself and not eating enough carbs, she could be in ketosis. One of the side effects of ketosis is bad breath. When my girlfriend is dieting sometimes she limits carbs and goes into ketosis and her breath stinks. Toothpaste, mouthwash, nothing fixes it until she eats more carbs. Then her breath is fine. Never noticed ketosis causing it to smell bad downstairs though.

eastcoastmuscle's picture

i feel for you bro.. i once tried telling my wife her shirt fit a little too tight.... and fuck i paid dearly for that one.. so cant imagine trying to broach a touchy subject like that...

JuniorHealy's picture

I think you have to do something soon before it gets to a point where you say something you regret. If you let this build up inside you. You might, during an argument or something, blow up and say this in a mean way. If you try to handle it now before you build resentment, you could avoid hurting her feelings. Before you get to the point that you're pissed about it, try and do some things that help the situation. Don't let it build up bro. Deal with it now. It ain't going away. If you love her, you can't leave her. So, save yourself some grief. Get creative. I wish you nothing but luck and positive things, sir. Your post made me laugh too. Thanks.

Darktide's picture

Well good for you being so blunt and open. My wife works in the medical field and said what often is the cause of a women's vaginal odor is her PH balance is off and it can stay that way if not treated. Also she said if she is allergic to your semen it can throw her PH off. She ought to go to the Dr and tell them about the odor and get tested and medication. Clearly if you post this here among these pirates to read and see it has reached a critical point lol. Good luck.

cmo25cent's picture

Tell her to wash her pussy. Or maybe you have such a big dick your giving her yeast infections lol no homo.

whitechocolate's picture

Breath? Get her to the dentist and her vag I would definitely check to see if she has some kinda bacteria problem down there or infection. . She may just need some antibiotics and everything could be fixed! Trust e on that I been in a similar situation with the odor below lol

Braxbrah's picture

God guys i'm reading this wanting to vomit at work. Christ that is utterly foul. A mouth is a hugely important part of a relationship, if it smells like moldy pig dump then who wants to lick a farm? Brutal.

WINNING's picture

The hottest girl in my life smelled that horrific, you can smell it through her jeans. I had to get really drunk, its was sickening!You need to invest in gas mask or something brah. (Haha). No but really have sex in the shower or watch her diet, girls that may have an imbalance or poor diet. Get her to a gyno and pull him to the side privately and let em know;) As far as the breath maybe she has a cavity or halitosis, yuck. There are more fish in the sea, that wont smell like fish. (Lol)Just get another girl,there is a reason why this hot girl was single before you got her. Let her go, on to the next one. ;)

Loc d's picture

Nose plug, dab of Vicks up each side of the nose, and ether would mask it for ya. LoL! But I fear from the description that the taste might be worse than the bite. Talk to her about it she is obviously in to you. Note: if my old lady did any of the stuff your does I know she would be cheating. Jk. Good luck!