smurfdude1234567's picture
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+ 5 Fellow firearm junkies… What’s your latest pick up?


I know plenty of other guys here love firearms as much as me, and I’m sure we’d all enjoy some gun porn haha!

Let’s see what everyone has picked up recently!

If you haven’t gotten anything recently- feel free to post your favorite gun and/or your collection!

Mine is a pawn shop find- Standard HPX 1911. American made milled quality parts, 4.5lb trigger, match grade stainless barrel, and came with 3 mags in original box with un-activated warranty. Guy didn’t shoot it too much at all cleaned and internals are good as new- sadly it does have some minor scratches but that’s just character… besides these started retail for $1,200-$1,400 and was $900 at the pawn shop. After bargaining I walked out with everything shown for $595 cash- gotta love Texas!

Ranger3252's picture

I could go on about my collection! Just got an Sig P320, seven (7) 21+1 extended mags. Blew, 100 rounds in under 3 minutes. Wish I could post the video lol.

Jockstrap's picture

Violence is horrible. Dildoe fighting is gods way.

Sithx66's picture

Imagine getting taken down by that 12g shotty!

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smurfdude1234567's picture

@Drexyl @Pumped_ @scoobydoo @Bill1976 @DeeMan @Triggerman83 @Spool

Traded for this baby today. Had to go shoot it and I love it so far. Sig P226 in .40 S&W/.357 Sig. Probably top 3 pistol I own performance wise now.

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Spool's picture

The Sigs are so crisp and tight. They’re fast and clean. .40 in a 228 platform is powerful. That’s going to be a handful.

Drexyl's picture

If you ever get a chance to shoot one of these, don’t. You’ll want to buy it. I typically carry a USP because of the extra two rounds, but this and my P30 are two of the most comfortable pistols I’ve ever shot.

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Spool's picture

I’ve actually shot one of these before but I think it was a P40 maybe. HK makes a great firearm. I remember it being really solid and firm feeling. If I'm not mistaken, the triggers are super light with very little take-up and they don’t take much pull. Maybe alittle too sensitive for my liking but still a beauty.

DeeMan's picture

Nice. If I'm not mistaken .40 cal was standard weapon of LE at one point in time. I probably need to look into something like this.

Regardless how big or strong you are those hot bullets will make ya move around a bit!

Pumped_'s picture

Nice burner!

Drexyl's picture

I don’t own any Sigs, I may have to add one to the family.

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scoobydoo's picture

Do you have a .357 sig barrel for it too?

smurfdude1234567's picture

Yes sir that’s the best part! Mags are compatible with both and shoots great standard mags hold 10 .40 or 12 .357 Sig. Love the versatility. Can buy a 9mm conversion too if desired.

Elite model so slightly upgraded internals(trigger pull lighter), sights, grips, blacked full steel finish, and a slightly longer barrel.

Hammer and de-cocker are cool perks too.

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Triggerman83's picture

Thats a nice piece there !

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TheFlash85's picture

crazy fukn americans and your crazy fukn guns!!! they took our joobs!! lol

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smurfdude1234567's picture

Heard those Sandman’s are build like tanks! I’m sure you don’t even need earpro with sub ammo.

We’d all love to see the build!

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Wonderboypower1's picture

I just picked up a Mossberg 590 Shockwave Nightstick 12 gauge. It's a damn good looking little shotgun.

smurfdude1234567's picture

The shop I went to was trying to get rid of a 590M shockwave grip with a 10rd mag and 20rd mag for $300 flat haha. I was tempted but I just don’t really have a use. Not a bad deal though.

High brass in those suckers will have you work out the next day lol!

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scoobydoo's picture

I have an RIA VR82 semi automatic 20 gauge shotgun and I have a 20 round mag for it.

Wonderboypower1's picture

That's actually not a bad deal at all. I just don't get the purpose of a shockwave with a mag. It kind of defeats the purpose of it being a compact package.

smurfdude1234567's picture

Right. I think it’d be a fun shits and giggles weapon to bring out to the farm though. Challenge the old timers to run through a full 20 mag without stopping hahahaha.

I was looking online they also make a drum that fits it lol

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Drexyl's picture

Better hold on tight! Lol

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Wonderboypower1's picture

No kidding. The wood bird head grip is slippery as hell. I'm running mini shells through it with the opsol mini adapter.

smurfdude1234567's picture

@Drexyl @Pumped_ @Triggerman83 @Bill1976 @scoobydoo

I really gotta stop going to the shops on my days off… picked up both of these oldies for $250 cash. I would’ve paid that for the S&W alone haha! Both in functioning shape going to take down and clean later today.

Jenning J-22 22LR with old Bucheimer case


S&W M&P 1905 serial starts with 26xxxx catalog states that 240000-700000 were 1915-1942. Guesstimated to be before 1920 and it is a factory Blued edition.

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Drexyl's picture

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little jealous. Are you going to shoot the revolver or clean and have as a showoff piece? By the way you stole them at that price, good job! lol

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smurfdude1234567's picture

Revolver was at $225, and the Jennings was at $100. I was honestly shocked they said yes to $250, but cash is king!

Oh I just cleaned it and timing seems right, there is rifling, etc. I’m going to shoot it 100% atleast once. Both of these will probably end up being looked at more than shot though. I love the history of firearms almost as much as I like shooting them and working on them!

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Drexyl's picture

I actually just put a rubber grip on my S&W, went to the range this weekend and shot some pretty spicy .357 and it beat the shit out of my hand, maybe I’m getting old lol

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smurfdude1234567's picture

I actually like the rubber on newer six shooters. I got a Hogue rubber cushioned extended grip for my LCR and it just adds about a finger width so I can actually fit my pinky on it- essentially giving up a little concealment for a much better shooting experience though.

Nah man .357 will leave ya sore… my uncle has a .500 mag and my ego makes me shoot it every time lol. The next day I always feel like I have severe arthritis throughout my whole hand and wrist.

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Triggerman83's picture

That is an awesome grab! Those are prices from the 90’s! When I was 21years old the first “legal” purchase was a Jennings 9mm, nickle & black $99. Barrel had the nickle coating chipped off by the weekend lol. Was awesome little pistol at that time, I remember how slick and slim it looked compared to everything else THEN.

I’d bet that old s&w has been on a department or 10! Looks very clean! I have a few old revolvers. One I thought was very cool, learned about the “timing” of revolvers. The oldie I have is out of time & unsafe to shoot, but still a cool collector.

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scoobydoo's picture

Is the revolver single action?

smurfdude1234567's picture

Either or. DA still surprising smooth too! Interally super nice. Just cleaned and it has a surprising amount of rifling left!

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Drexyl's picture

That S&W has the potential to last practically forever…

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smurfdude1234567's picture

Oh yeah. I bet by the time I have grandkids it’ll shoot the same as it does today. They were used by so many for a reason!

Under the barrel it has a “B” before the serial number and I just guessed that meant blued. Found out via S&W subreddit “historians” that it is indeed a factory blued edition. Pretty neat and they say if it functions I probably have a $300-$400 gun.

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Drexyl's picture


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smurfdude1234567's picture

Damn! Either way I’m keeping it haha. I don’t see any reason it won’t sling lead down range, but I’ll have to test it to find out.

Man it’s just almost therapeutic to clean guns. I love getting new ones and learning the in’s and out’s while disassembling and putting back together. Having something barely function then going to smooth as butter just with a little CLP & TLC is beyond satisfying.

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Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y.'s picture

That's how i know your a good ole boy from TX. Ur ready to have a stand off with that six shooter. Lol

smurfdude1234567's picture

One of the most massively produced guns of the previous century! Many military and police carried these and put their lives in its hands for decades. Only reason I got such a deal is the amount there is left. Some are functional and decent, but the majority have been through hell!

One thing I love about a good six-shooter… it may have a few less shots, but it will ALWAYS go bang when I pull that trigger.

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Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y.'s picture

Yeah they're durable and that bitch ain't jamming. Also people used to say they don't dump empty's.
I stil remember when cops had those guns. Allot of older cops had them into the 2000s. They just didn't wanna switch to an auto. But i get it cuz in the heat of the moment it won't jam and just pull the trigger and it shoots no cocking.
But still Texas made those guns infamous.

Pumped_'s picture

Going out n@*#a
Big guns and sharp knifes
Revolvers cause automatics jam at the wrong time............
Like I ain't got nothing to live
Like as if u had guns to my kids fuck it - MOBB DEEP

Pumped_'s picture

Hell yeah! Im in taxachusetts so no good shows or auctions or shops like that. Id be stocking up just because i can and probably never use them. Just stock up like the BOGO deal lol. The m&p's are .38s right?

smurfdude1234567's picture

Yessir it shoots .38 spcl. Apparently it’ll fit an old case called .38 S&W aswell. Had never heard of it. Reddit historians have been schooling me. Cool to find a fun this old fully functioning with all original furniture and matching barrel/butt/cylinder serial #’s.

Haha I’ve been doing that essentially. Lots of good private sellers and even pawn shop deals out here. Monthly gun show I always go to in Dallas. Texas has a generally lower cost of living, and firearms are FINALLY starting to drop after the whole “COVID” fiasco.

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Bill1976's picture

I had a Jennings once. 9mm. Pawned it when I was short on rent back in 2001

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scoobydoo's picture

Dude, I still have my Jennings 9. Lol. I don't like it because the fucking thing always bit my thumb no matter how I tried to hold it.

smurfdude1234567's picture

Right… when I hold this my fingers are longer than the barrel! I could legitimately shoot off the tip of my middle finger if I wasn’t paying attention LOL!

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scoobydoo's picture

Check out this video of what would happen if you put your finger near the cylinder gap of a revolver. The guy uses a hotdog. Lol.

smurfdude1234567's picture

Ohhhh I’m more than familiar and witnessed a dumbass do it at the range once. That video visualizes it pretty well! Dude was tea cupping it with a thumb forward grip and it was his first time with a revolver. It wasn’t nearly as drastic and he definitely got to kept his digit, but the pad of his thumb was split in half and leaking blood profusely. Didn’t look fun…

I was talking about the Jennings, I can legitimately cover the exit with my middle finger while pulling the trigger if I so desired, LOL!

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scoobydoo's picture

I knew you were talking about the Jennings. It just reminded me of a friend telling me about someone they knew putting their finger near the cylinder of a revolver. Lol

Did you ever see the video of that safety instructor? His students semi auto didn't fire. The instructor was pointing the barrel into his own hand, pulling the trigger. It went off. Lol

smurfdude1234567's picture

No but I’d love a link! Growing up shooting a .22 since like 5-6 years old is astonishing how many people never learned gun safety.

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scoobydoo's picture
smurfdude1234567's picture

These little .22’s have a real bad wrap, but back in the day .22, .25, and .32 was a popular back up! I’ll probably shoot it once to ensure it works, clean it, and then keep it as a collection piece more than anything.

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