Steeltoad777's picture
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Questions for my girlfriend. She doesn't have an acct.


My gf is 44, a bit overweight (I like her the way she is) but she wants to try some peds. I got her good quality anavar and hgh. Starting her at 5mg a day of var. I'll increase once I see she gets serious with her diet. It's only day 2 so she's sore and tired from the gh. She's running 1.5 iu am first thing, fasted cardio. Might bump it to 2iu. She's noted feeling lethargic. I know that's not uncommon while youre starting or increasing in dose.

My question is... if the lethargy doesn't go away... she'll take another hormone panel and see what's up. I've heard taking t4 or t3 can fix that.

I'll do my own research but I'm just curious what you ladies think. Thank you!

TrainElite's picture

Ya scrap the anavar. Save that for yourself. Pinning in the a.m...That's why she's tired. I pin all my hgh 1 shot right before bed. Just have her pin her shot right before bed. Also with hgh what you pin this week, you'll feel the sides and see the effects next week. Alot of women can't take anywhere near the higher GH doses men can. Alot of women get the carpotunnel sides much more serious than men do. I would back her dose to 1iu ed at bedtime. Give that a couple weeks and see how she feels. Then 2iu for a few weeks, see how that goes. I'm guessing anything more than 3iu and she won't be able to handle the carpotunnel sides if it's good hgh. This is pretty typical for women taking hgh. Also don't expect a whole lot of fat loss tbh from just hgh, in the long term it's great but when you're overweight it's not gonna give fast fat loss in case that's what you're thinking. You need to help her get into a proper calorie deficit and start tracking her macros/calories plain and simple. Get the cardio going and workouts. and if she wants fast fat loss then get her on a GLP-1(Sema, Tirz, Reta) and a fat burner like phentermine, clen, ECA stack even if budget is an issue. Calorie Deficit + Cardio + Retatrutide + Fat Burner(In that order) and now she is well on her way into transforming her body and will start seeing fatloss of 0.25-0.5lbs per day. I help girls in the gym all the time with this exact same thing. Pro Tip: Don't feed your girl steroids unless you want her to be pissed off at the world and end up divorced/broken up. That and when her voice gets deeper than yours...

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Izzy75's picture

After my wife gave birth there were like 30 pounds she couldn't get rid of even with Cardarine and other peds. She could diet down to bird like meals and the weight wouldn't go away. After doing lots of research we tried Semaglutide and it did the job effortlessly, she's back to her pre baby weight of 107 pounds. Some sides, nothing horrible.

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Tizmode44's picture

Way better off using a glp-1 like tirz or reta. Or atleast just stick to the gh. Using var will come with way more sides, especially if the goal is just to drop some body fat.

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anvil's picture

Anavar doesn't really do anything for the higher BF people, I am not judging if she is good at this weight then no reason to change. I tell the same thing to guys. GH is definitely serve her better at night and you don't need to go higher for her. It most likely will not go away. Fasted cardio, simple diet change will get her where she needs to be, don't give her thyroid hormones without get her blood work done first. I would go with no peds, SLU PP 332 , methylene blue, maybe some injectable L carnitine, and some helios. Because even at 5mg var that can mess her cycle up and lead to problems.

Bill1976's picture

Take it at night.

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FartDracula's picture

If she's overweight get her some ozempic or something and get her in the habit of dieting and exercising. I see no reason on the planet to leap over that straight to Anavar and GH.

Steeltoad777's picture

Shes not trying to win any shows. J
She'll be happy for some temporary improvements mainly just for the summer. Hopefully keep the momentum going. If she went to an HRT clinic and paid cash... they wouldn't give her hgh?

I was gonna have her run the gh for 3 months before starting the var. And I was gonna have her use the smallest effective dose possible. 2.5 mg I feel better recommending. 6 weeks at 2.5mg unless she gets unwanted sides.

Idk i just don't like the way ppl look that ive seen on Olympic. It's like they loose muscle mass also and look... it looks unattractive to me. I did hgh for 3 months and it really helps with fat loss for me. She's not super over weight. Maybe 17% body fat.

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TrainElite's picture

Bro, a tiny skinny ass girl is 17% body fat. Women have a much higher bf% than men do. If she's overweight she's more likely twice that, if not more. Call around some local supplement stores, somebody near you has a free/cheap bodyfat analysis. When a guy thinks a woman is "overweight" they're usually at minimum 35-40% bf, not 17%. Here's a chart so you can see what I'm talking about

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FartDracula's picture

You're right but this chart is bullshit. 25% girl is CLEARLY larger than 30% girl. Is that extra 5% all stored in her titties?...aight I gotta go jerk off

smurfdude1234567's picture

Lol right? Charts like this peeve me. They doing dexa scans on these random stock photos? Whoever makes these must have watched a couple Coach Greg videos and think they have the same magical “Natty or Not” and perfect Bf% reading capable eyeballs… I doubt it haha!

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Dixon_Credible's picture

I think, fact check me on this, 5mg is too much var for women. They sell 2.5 mg pills specifically for women. You don't want to risk virilization.
Take the Gh before bed to avoid the lethargy.
Get more bloodwork. I wouldn't start supplementing t3, t4, dhea or pregnenolone until getting some baseline bloods to compare.

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Steeltoad777's picture

My gf years ago was on 15mg for 4 weeks. She had clitoral enlargement that went away, and got some pretty bad acne. I'm not recommending any women go that high, I think it's too risky.

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Blck_panda's picture

5mg is not too much.
I would have skipped the var and even possibly the GH.
If overweight, cardio and paptides would be a better option.
Sema,tirz,reta, ETC....

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Steeltoad777's picture

Shes between 15-20%. I think if she got down to 12-15%lbm she'd be really happy.

I'm just thinking long term, an iu or 1.5 a day long term just seems healthier to me. I honestly don't know much about those peptides. I just figure since there alot of research with hgh, and keeping it low, at her age... I don't see the downside with regular lab work.

Thanks for the fast response.

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TrainElite's picture

For men, we hit up the TRT/HRT clinics. For women they hit up the local weightloss clinics. The Dr. pulls their labs, gets them started on a fat burner like phentermine, sets them on a calorie deficit and suggests a GLP-1 for appetite suppression and fat loss. Your trying to go about this like she's a dude, but she's a chick and it's a different process. That's all

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